
Developing Language Skills

Better Essays



Names and surnames: Brandt, Lorena G./ De La Serna, Dolores

Group: 26

Date: September 30th


Introduction………………………………………………………….………………….. page 3
Productive skills: Speaking and Writing……………………….…………………….. page 3
Receptive skills: Reading and Listening…………………………….……………….. page 6
Extra skill: use of English……………………………………………...………………. page 8
Conclusion……………………………………………….……………………………….page 8
Bibliography……………………………………………………………………….……. page 9

When we teach a second language, we have to take into consideration the four basic skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. As regards speaking and writing, they are referred to as productive or active skills, because they …show more content…


As far as activities are concerned, we found the following ones: - Warm up and before reading activities: the author chooses to mix predicting and inferring activities together with dealing with unfamiliar words (discuss the topic of friendship through determined statements and look up words in the dictionaries ) - While reading activities: we can find reading for specific information understanding text organization and complex sentences tasks (scanning the text and putting sentences in order, translating sentences taken from the text) - After reading activities: there are checking comprehension and dealing with unfamiliar words tasks (true/false sentences, answering the questions, phrasal verbs in context identification and choosing a correct synonym)

Authenticity There is a distinction between genuineness and authenticity. According to Widdowson (1978:80), genuineness is a quality of the text, whereas authenticity is a relationship between the text and the reader and the appropriate response. The latter is the most important characteristic, because it enables the reader to express himself or herself as if he or she would in real life. From our point of view, the reading comprehension activities included in the unit we are analyzing are authentic, because the text itself is a real and true-to-life topic, and provides the learner with material and elements that are found in everyday situations.

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