
Developing the Work Team Essay

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M2.04 Developing the Work Team Reflective Review Understand the nature of teams and the features of team roles and responsibilities including the advantages and disadvantages Q1. How does a team differ from a group? Give 3 examples of the differences. A team and a group are often classed as the same, but they are in fact completely different entities. Three of the main differences are Trust Leadership Working towards a shared common goal • Trust – In a team there are high levels of trust which enables members to express ideas and opinions freely and confidently. This allows feelings to be discussed and also will conflict can be resolved due to this. In a group there is usually a lower level of trust between …show more content…

With no established leader objectives will not be made clear.  Stage 2 : Storming During this stage open conflict between members can be commonplace. There will be challenges to original objectives and rules. Through this targets can become more realistic and trust is created throughout the team members, which is beneficial in the long run. There may be disagreements over issues within the team, with some members agreeing with one view point and while others agree with a differing view, causing a split within the team. Conflict can also manifest over leadership of the team.  Stage 3 : Norming This can be classed as a settling-in period, where some agreement has been reached and trust has started to develop. People have started to think of themselves as a team, and new procedures and roles have been implemented and accepted, enabling the team to function and members to work together. Ideas are exchanged freely and members are willing to listen and accept other member’s points of view.  Stage 4 : Performing At this stage the team will be harmoniously and they will have resolved any task or personal issues. Inner related roles will be established, and any issues between members will have been resolved so all their energy can be put into resolving the task. When problems arise a solution is found and the team constructively puts all their efforts to perform its task effectively. Q4. Briefly describe

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