
Development of the Canon of Christianity

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The development of the canon: Critical people, events, and ideas When detailing the important figures in the history of Christianity, the most obvious person to begin with is the figure of Jesus. But the question arises: which Jesus are we talking about? The Jesus of Mark's Gospel, who often speaks in the tone of an impassioned outsider? The Jesus who derives his authority from Judaism in Matthew? Or the more cosmological Jesus of John? The diversity of Jesuses within the cannon and there is a different conception of Jesus in Paul's letters, as well as the Gospel of Luke and Acts underlies the fact that the forging of the Christian canon was a process, not a foregone conclusion. "In the earliest Christian movement, there were actually many different writings circulated and many traditions about the sayings of Jesus" (Pagels 1998). When Christianity was beginning to take shape as a religion, there was a great deal of ideological ferment. For example, some followers of Jesus called the Gnostics viewed the world as innately evil, and Jesus as pure spirit, in contrast to the Christians who eventually won dominance over the Church who said that Jesus was both flesh and spirit. "At this point, the Gnostic revisionary critique of the Hebrew Scriptures begins, as well as the general rejection of this world as a product of error and ignorance, and the positing of a higher world, to which the human soul will eventually return" (Moore 2005). The Gnostic movement and its gospels

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