
Developmentally Appropriate Classroom Practices Essay

Decent Essays

1. Search term – Developmentally appropriate practices. Database – Jstor. I was interested to know if teacher’s personal beliefs and classroom practices align. Ketner, C., Smith, K., & Parnell, M. (1997). Relationship between teacher theoretical orientation to reading and endorsement of developmentally appropriate practice. The Journal of Educational Research, 90 (4), 212-220.
2. Kindergarten and primary grade teachers should have knowledge about developmentally appropriate practices. The National Association for the Education of Young Children issued set guidelines that include two corresponding components: age appropriateness and individual appropriateness. The framework is based on the constructivist approach; children should be …show more content…

The TORP is a 28-item self-report measure that uses a 5-point Likert-type scale to assess teacher agreement with statements about reading instruction. Scores range from 28 to 140; scores of 28 – 65 indicate a phonics approach, 66 – 110 a skills approach, and 11 – 140 a whole language approach. The PTQ is a 42-item self-report measure that uses a 4-point Likert-type scale to assess teacher endorsement of statements about developmentally appropriate and traditional practices in early childhood classrooms. This is based directly on the NAEYC guidelines for appropriate practice and consists of two subscales, the Developmentally Appropriate Practice scale and the Traditional Practice scale.
6. Scale scores and the demographic variables were used to produce an intercorrelation matrix. When the three orientations scored from the TORP were considered in relation to the PTQ scores, the intercorrelation matrix showed the whole language score positively correlated, the phonics and skills scores were inversely related to PTQ. The overall background in reading was related to TORP scores, but the overall background in early childhood education was not, neither were years of teaching experience or degree level. Grade levels taught were negatively related to PTQ and DAP

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