
Developments in the Field of Nurse Anesthetists Essay

Decent Essays

Nurse Anesthetist and their journey to where they are now Nurses have played an important role in medicine throughout the years. When people hear the word “nurse” they often think of the ones in the hospital given care and educating. Many people don’t think about the other branches of nursing like the nurse Anesthetist. A nurse Anesthetist has contributed a great deal in administering anesthetics for about 150 years. Nurse anesthetist have struggled with autonomy and being able to practice without being supervised by an Anesthesiologist. They also were limited to work in specific areas but now they work in many hospital and outpatient settings. Nurse anesthetists have come a long way and are conducting research and are helping improve …show more content…

According to 1999 report from the institute of medicine anesthesia care in nearly 50 times safer than in the 1980’s (Riley 2012). This show how the field of nurse anesthetist had improved and grown over years. Nurse anesthetist work in many setting from the hospitals, dental offices to out-patient settings. They also provide care to rural hospitals that if it wasn’t for CRNAs they wouldn’t have a specialist in anesthesia and would have to travel along way to receive this service. Nagelhout & Plaus (2013) talk about the progress that has occurred in all areas of the anesthesia discipline. The AANA Foundation lists and describes hundreds of recent and ongoing CRNA-led research projects. These projects range from basic and applied sciences to clinical anesthesia, education and economics. They also include a Chuck Biddle, CRNA Phd the editor in chief of the AANA journal and who wrote “Of great pride to me is the quality and diversity of work that I see emerging from colleagues nationwide, research that is altering the landscape of anesthesia care…..The age of evidence-based practice is upon us and we should actively embrace the opportunity..”(Nagelhoult & Plaus 2013). This encompasses what CRNAs have accomplished throughout the years and demonstrates how far they have come. From being just nurses trained to administer anesthesia in the 1800’s’s to conducting research. It’s a great joy to see CRNAs

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