1.Devon is the main character of the story. We learn that Devon has been screwing his secretary Shanna. Devon gets numerous amounts of phone calls from Tracy, but declines them.
2.Devon tells his friend Liam, a Public Prosecutor about his sour marriage. He discloses information about his relationship with Liam. But most importantly, he alludes to the idea that his marriage isn’t all too well.
3.Liam advises Devon not to spend the night with Shanna, but instead go home. Devon insists that Liam drops him off to Shanna’s place.
4.Devon gets to Shanna’s place and gets a phone call from Tracy. He finally picks up the phone and realizes he doesn’t want to be with Shanna. Devon tells Shanna that he wants to end this affair, Shanna is not to fond of that idea. Devon leaves Shanna’s room and sleeps on the living room couch.
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Shanna attempts to kiss Devon, but Devon pushes her off. Shanna is mortified and angry at what Devon did. Infact she is in denial and believes that Devon loves her.
6.Shanna kidnaps Tracy and forces her to pick up the children from school. Shanna leaves the kids in the car and stabs Tracy numerous times in the Well’s residence. Shanna insists that if Devon contacts the police that his children can possibly be killed.
7. Devon is confused and stuck and doesn’t know exactly what to do. The police bring him into an interrogation room to investigate the incident. Devon surrenders and reveals to the police what Shanna has done.
8. Devon and authorities create a plan to catch Shanna. Devon tells Shanna that he is sorry for disrespecting her and using her . When authorities sabotage the meeting Shanna, she gets
Reading Response #3 (pg.117-163) (Reading Prompt #2) Towards the end of this reading selection, Rob forces Young to break up with Ronna. To the reader, this is a little confusing because it seemed that Young really loved Ronna and she loved him back just as much. After finding out more about Rob’s past, Young decides, no matter what, he won’t let Rob down.
While at the hospital, she had flashbacks of the whole ordeal, and her professor asking her to have sex with him again. She also had sex with a guy name Toby. She met Toby at a party and they had sex the same night. Than one day when Toby came to visit Susanna at the hospital, they had sex and then she tried to have sex with a guy name John who works at the hospital. At times she felt guilty and regretful. At the hospital she met a girl name Lisa who was a sociopath. Lisa was a trouble maker, on numerous occasions she escaped and came back. So one time Lisa and Susanna decided to escape and met a girl name Daisy, who was a former patient at the hospital. While at Daisy’s place, Lisa was blunt about what she thought of Daisy, which caused Daisy to commit suicide. Susanna felt, she could have possibly saved Daisy’s life, if she had stopped Lisa from criticizing Daisy’s way of living. She tried to blame her self for the Daisy’s death.
One week Later, Lloyd goes to visit Connor Lane to reveal she knows that Foster was his source within the police department. Meanwhile, Kate and Nick search for evidence in Lane’s boathouse, but are ambushed by Lane and Renner. They discover Russell had killed their parents as a kid and hid the bodies underneath their boathouse. Lane further reveals that he killed Anna and Helen because Russell told them about their parents. However, Renner kills Lane after he reveals that he killed their mother, whom Renner was having an affair.
When Rowena is faced with the choice between marrying a monster or marrying a complete stranger, her decision takes her far away from the only home she has ever known and puts her right in the path of a dangerous pair of siblings that will stop at nothing to take the priceless treasure they are certain her new husband is hiding.
She learns to adapt to Christopher’s needs rather than her own needs. When Mr. Shears comes back to the house intoxicated, she realizes what she has to do and decides to leave Mr. Shears the next day. “And then it was Monday. And it was very late at night and Mr. Shears came into my room and woke me up and he had been drinking beer because he smelled like Father did when he had been drinking beer with Rhodri. And he said, “You think you’re so fucking clever, don’t you. Don’t you ever, ever think about other people for one second, eh? Well, I bet you’re really please with yourself now, aren't you.”” (Haddon 207). She notices what she has been blindsided by which was her love for Mr. Shears and finally realizes Christopher must come first. After
In response to Nora’s confession of writing her father name on the document, Krogstad asks “Did it never occur to you that you were committing a fraud on me?”(23). When Nora first revealed that she made the decision to save her husband's life, it made her seem noble and caring. However, at this point Krogstad makes the audience aware that Nora does not care about anything except her and her family's reputation. Krogstad attempts to make Nora feel bad for him by telling her that she has ruined his reputation, but this make Nora more defensive of her own family. After Krogstad leaves, Nora speaks with her husband and at this moment he proclaims how a poisoned house begins with deceitful mother. Torvald leaves Nora alone to think “Deprave my little children? Poison my home? It’s not true. It can’t possibly be true” (28). Nora coming to the realization of the effect of her lies foreshadows how her life and family will eventually fall
Danyette woke up and just sat there reminiscing on everything that has happened “why dont i just call the cops “ .But she knew she loved him so she never did. So, after reminiscing on everything Danyette went to work and her day was going very smooth until she saw Dewayn’s car pull up to her job and him getting out the car. And all she did was sit there because she knew that running wasn't going to make it any better Because she had to go home with him. So is he seriously passed through the double doors of Danyette job he went right to her desk with a pistol on his head threatening her saying “if you leave me I can and will kill you”. After this incident and it still did not go to the police but then there was that last incident that ended it
Bonnie was sitting in her living room chair, skyping with her friends. For some reason her friend that was also conveniently named Whitney, wanted her friends to write her a fictional story. And as Bonnie was writing a story for her dear friend, the police rushed into the house and cuffed Bonnie. As they drove her to the police station, Bonnie already started scheming her escape. She called Dylan with her one phone call, and the plan had begun. While she was behind the cold iron bars, she heard a commotion outside the station. She smiled
Shelia was still determined to make her marriage work; she drove up the mountain in the snow. She also spent a night in a jail cell offered to her by sheriff Troy because, of the snowstorm. While her husband Mike, was busy tiptoeing to her friend Trina’s bedroom at the retreat. Shelia also tried to bring back the passion in her marriage. She tried to get her husband’s attention by getting a new lingerie set but, Mike laughed at her and mocked her about her weight. Mike and Sheila’s friend Angela didn’t always see eye to eye, Angel decided to let her friend know the truth about secret between Trina and Mike.
Nick is a good looking, professional, young man. He walks around acting as if his life is perfect, but George his co worker starts to getting drinks in him and the walls he has built up slowly come crashing down. Nick gets drunk and george begins to dig in. Nick starts to tell George the real reasons on why he married his wife Honey. He starts with telling him he married her for being “pregnant”. George goes on to tell him if he also did it for her money and Nick after a pause says “Yes”. After saying all of this it starts to show the true colors of Nick and how much of hypocrite he really is. He continues to say that there was never “particular passion” not “even at the beginning of the marriage”. Nick starts so show how not so perfect his life and marriage really are, and how he just wants to make people think otherwise of him and his wife.
After Nicks interview, they go home to find that the police found out about the shed in Gos backyard and they arrest her.
“I’ll fight you,” said Laura. She had a plan, and this one was going to work. The queen can’t see Sam. Her and Sam start planning the attack. Laura will distract the queen and then Sam will go up and grab her by the hair and throw her against the glass windows while then she will bleed to death. If their plan works, they will set all the people free and live a happy life once again.
At a frat party, Vincent becomes smitten with HEATHER and Jack meets PENNIE. Vincent and Heather date, argue, and have sex. Pennie tells Jack she just wants to be friends. She doesn’t like Jack’s friends because they seem to be druggies. Jack denies being a stoner, but when Will gives him a powerful opiate, he takes it and gets very high. A dejected Jack lies to friends, LEE and KIM, about his failure with Pennie. Jack claims that he was seeing someone else and that Pennie found out. Vincent and Heather break up when Vincent meets another girl, BRANDY (aka Brandi).
dies, so does the relationship. In the end, Keith discovers that he and Nora have been
She saw Roxanne eating a sandwich at the sub-shop and walked over and joined her. “What’s up Roxanne? She responded, nothing much. “So what’s been happening with you? I haven’t heard from you in a minute?” Janice responded, “I’m doing great now, but if you had asked me a month ago honey, my story would have had a sad ending.” “What happened?” “Well I’m seeing Peter now” “Say what – no you ain’t you’re the one that said he didn’t have that fire. And Kevin made you feel like a natural woman.” “You don’t have to rub my nose in it. I know what I said about Peter and Kevin. But I’ve learned my lesson about that fire. Roxanne girl, that so call fire almost burned a hole in my heart and cause me to commit murder. I’ll take Peter any day over a man with that fire. He might not have a six-pack or muscles that jump out at you, but what he does have good looks can’t compare. He has the ability to add to my happiness.” “So what happen with Kevin?” “Who” “You heard me Kevin.” “The man played me like a blank CD. But that’s alright, I started out as a blank CD but in the he was singing “It’s a thin line between love and hate” I’m one blank CD he’ll never forget the tune I left him humming thanks to my Aunt Lucy” They both fell out laughing as Janice told her the whole story. Then Janice asked her to see if she could get some tickets to Balinda’s Comedian Show by her mother’s house in Richmond Heights. Roxanne agreed to try to get the tickets as they both finish lunch and