``Nutritional Therapeutic Interventions for diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome`` is topic of an eBook that the outer tries to explains first about the diabetes disease and how it happens in a human body. And then he mentions about the severity of the illness and how the epidemic of this disease is growing and is affecting more than 230 million people of the world and approximately 20 million people in the United States. He points out that the numbers will be increase by 70% in next 25 years. He illustrates the connection between the diabetes and cardiovascular disease and he gives numerous statistics about the costs of the health care ($92 billion) and how the issue is importance in the United States. The outer points out the strategies to prevent diabetes, obesity, and other issues related to the metabolic syndrome. The book is reviewed by experts of all around the world and has a scientific discussion over the issue and is a reliable reference for those who working or researching about diabetes disease. (Bagchi, …show more content…
The outer uses an evidence-based approach to identify the problems and the proper solutions. He illustrates the useful methods of prevention and screening the at-risk people and pharmaceutical intervention, and beneficial lifestyle changes. In addition, the outer points out about giving proper knowledge to the individuals and healthcare professionals to catch the early symptoms to avoid diabetes illness. The source is very helpful for those who are interested about the diabetes issues such as public health workers, specialists, and the diabetes patients. The outer stress about the programs that can prevent of diabetes (Peter Schwarz, 2013). The source is peer- reviewed and reliable. It`s a very useful reference to research about the diabetes issue and the methods of prevention of the
It focuses on facts that deal to cure diabetes without any medication. The book includes a 30 days diabetes plan and it should be implemented properly. The guide advises you on how to achieve diet balance by giving a list of protein-enriched foods, which should be consumed by the diabetes patients. It also educates you about the sugar level, fats, meat, and white flour and overuse of caffeine and salt. This eBook will help you to get rid of the toxins present in your body and is of a great help for people suffering from inflammation and body weight issues. “The Big Diabetes Lie” focuses more on diabetes cases which are generally caused due to consumption of high amount of
An interesting thing of this book is that it is also help for people who are prone to diabetes such as from inheritance. In this case it is pre-diabetes cure as a precaution and measure for those. Other plan and program for diabetes cure may harm our health but Dr David Andrews diabetes program is unlike others which safe for your health by applying natural therapies and remedies for control of your blood sugar level. Moreover, this plan not only reduces the risks of suffering from diabetes but it also improve your health by guiding you nutritious diet plan. In addition, author of this book has ensured people that this diabetes cure book is 100% safe and natural which will not cause any side effect at all. Benefits of Dr David Andrews Diabetes Destroyer
This overview will cover the history, depth and breadth of diabetes along with its impact on the population and determinant data related to the condition. Discussion will be made regarding improvements for this initiative, the impact of health policy, educational programs and recommendations for the future. Finally, the overview will conclude with a discussion on the influence of a Christian worldview.
Conclusion: ○ Restate: To tie everything together, today I have presented three useful therapy methods to help you mange your patients’ diabetes, specifically the importance of nutrition, physical activity, and medication usage. I hope that with your new insight, that you can make a difference in your patients’ condition and hopefully prevent diabetes in future patients’
``Fast Facts : Diabetes Mellitus`` is an eBook topic that is related to the diabetes disease. This book provides many useful information about the treatment methods and clinical manifestations for diabetes patients. The book includes the latest researches on pathogenesis, genetics, and environmental causes of the disease. The book clearly messages the patients about the impact of diabetes on their health. The outer illustrates the effects of weight loss, dietary management, and physical activity on a diabetes and prediabetes person. Furthermore, there are suggested helpful strategies and disciplines in this book that can improve the clinical cares and quality of care of all healthcare professionals. The book is very useful for my research paper
According to the United States Library of Medicine, diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body does not make or use insulin correctly, therefore causing fluctuating amounts of glucose in the blood. Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of adults and children from various cultures. According to the American Diabetes Association (2014), someone is diagnosed with diabetes every 19 seconds. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention most recent statistical report indicated there were 29.1 million adults and children affected by diabetes. Those numbers are astounding. Unfortunately, the American Diabetes Association (2014) estimates by year of 2050, one out of three adults will have diabetes. Therefore, it is imperative that adults take aggressive measures to prevent this disease. By the same token, diabetes diagnosed in children and adolescent is becoming more prevalent every day. The American Diabetes Association (2014) reported there were about 216, 00 children in the United States with diabetes. It is predicted that one out three children will be diagnosed with diabetes in their life. The statistics for both adults and children with diabetes are frightening; however, early detection can help lower the risk of developing the debilitating effects of diabetes.
The increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is causing huge health problem through out the world including developed countries. Mostly people with low income groups are affected in developed countries (Zimmet 2001).The magnitude of the healthcare problem of type 2 diabetes results mainly from its association with obesity and cardiovascular risk factors. Indeed, type 2 diabetes has now been identified as one manifestation of the “metabolic syndrome”, a condition characterised by insulin resistance and associated with a range of cardiovascular factors (Jonathan 2003)
Within the teaching plan it is important to incorporate all the aspects of Type 2 Diabetes prevention. To know the history of Type 2 Diabetes it is vital that everyone in the community knows the past struggles of this condition and the efforts that have been made to treat and prevent Type 2 Diabetes. In like matter, the inclusion of Type 2 Diabetes overview is presented, which includes the process of the pancreas that release’s insulin to the bloodstream to help decrease blood sugar levels. Overtime the increased blood sugar levels lead to other health complications, such as eye, kidneys, nerves, and heart problems. Moreover, the presentation presents with the risk factors to Type 2 Diabetes, which includes family history of diabetes, being overweight, unhealthy diet, physical
Diabetes is a disease affects many different systems of the body. It can be a devastating disease and with the increasing numbers of people with the disease it is crucial that research in done to help prevent and control the disease. Along with the increase number of patients diagnosed with diabetes type 2 comings with the high cost of the disease. The complications and increasing cost of diabetes has drawn attention to the need for its prevention and its complications. With exercise and diet studies have shown that a diabetes type 2 diagnoses can be prevented or prolonged. Along with exercise to has been shown that nutrition plays a role in managing the prevention of diabetes. Also in the study conducted by the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group that was shown that with people who took metformin before being diagnosed with diabetes had a lower change of developed type 2 diabetes. In conclusion through it is shown that maintaining a health diet, and exercising diabetes type 2 can possibly be prevented and with further research there may be a cure
Background Audience Relevance: Diabetes is a disease that now in days is becoming more common to society because of the lifestyle in which many of us eat and how easy and cheap it is to obtain unhealthy fast food.
The document encourages good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy body weight as essential components to decrease ones risk of developing serious health conditions such as diabetes. Its goal is to also educate and inform the public about this serious condition. The document focuses on the fact that this disease is on the rise throughout the U.S. and the world and provides suggestions to help reduce the health and economic burden. “Primary prevention: movement from no diabetes to diabetes, testing and early diagnosis: movement from unrecognized to recognized diabetes, access to care for all persons with diabetes: movement from no diabetes care to access to appropriate diabetes care, and Improved quality of care: movement from inadequate to adequate care” (Healthy People 2020,
However Diabetes can be managed through physical activity, diet and in high levels of diabetes using of insulin and oral medications to keep the blood sugar levels low. Another important impact of diabetes in human body is that it can increase risk of high blood pressure, and high cholesterol too. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s report “More than 29 million people in the United States have diabetes, up from the previous estimate of 26 million in 2010”. People can also prevent from diabetes by losing weight, being more active, and eating healthy foods. So if anyone is looking to stop diabetes or prevent it, then it’s better to change their lifestyle and follow the right path for it to reach their goal. Because just by talking about diet and exercise people can’t do anything to stop obesity and diabetes we all need to take a serious action for
During the care management of patients who are diabetic, the primary goal is to keep their blood glucose under control. Patient with diabetes can be managed by keeping them physically active. This is an important aspect that can help these patients from long-term complications or hospitalizations. Along with the physical activities, it is also important to teach these patients about the diet management. Diet modification is a must for diabetic management. The recommendation of the diet modification can be applied in the three levels of preventions. First, the primary prevention is important to apply to those who are prediabetes or at risk to become diabetic. Next level is the secondary prevention which can be applied to those who already developed the disease. Last level of prevention is the tertiary prevention to prevent diabetic complications. The goal of nutrition on the patient with the diabetic is to keep their glucose level within normal limit. After reviewing an over of diabetic disease, the systematic description will be
Diabetes is internationally a significant and ever-growing health problem; however it can be managed with proper awareness promotion of healthy lifestyle changes and new upcoming research show promising results for a multifaceted treatment to minimize complications and disability (Kahn, Cooper and Del Prato 1068-1083).
A human’s health is the most important thing for a person to help him live a nice and wonderful life. In order for him/her to preserve that ideal life a human must keep himself healthy by decreasing the risk of having any kind of disease especially the diabetes disease that most humans now a days have it. Therefore, a human’s lifestyle can decrease or illuminate the risk of him/her getting diabetes at any age.