Diagnosing Charles Manson
Brianna M. Petrosky
Harrisburg Area Community College
Diagnosing Charles Manson Born into a life of poverty, despair, and recklessness, Charles Manson did not have the greatest upbringing. His mother was a sixteen year old prostitute who was unsure of who was Charles’ father. He did not have a father figure in his life whatsoever. His mother was an alcoholic all his life who never sought treatment for herself. Alcoholism has been deemed a “family disease” for a reason…because those dealing with family members who are alcoholics tend to have harsh emotional problems. This can lead to destructive behavior throughout a person’s life, especially if neglected as a child. This was Charlie’s
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This is when a person has “delusions of inflated power or worth,” such as when Manson thinks he is God to his cult. Because of the information and research I have thus far, I could definitely associate Charles Manson with yet another diagnosis of a mental disorder. Using the DSM again, it shows that the diagnostic criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder is met by Manson. The symptoms of this disorder are those such as failure to conform to social norms, conning others, impulsivity, aggressiveness, recklessness, irresponsibility, and lack of remorse. All of these can basically be made into adjectives that describe Manson perfectly. He never conformed to the “norms” of society because he was always an outcast. He partook in abnormal behaviors. As mentioned previously, he conned a woman out of $700, so conning people is another criteria met for this disorder. While in prison, Manson would regularly attack prison guards and other prisoners so aggression is met as well. He was obviously reckless and irresponsible considering he was a murderer. When interviewed about his murders he showed no signs of remorse and even laughed inappropriately. These are all symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder. The other criteria for this disorder is that one must have been acting in such manner since age of fifteen, at least be eighteen at time of diagnosis, and these symptoms must be present at all times, not just in schizophrenic episodes (4th ed., text
As I’ve said previously, the life of Charles Manson revolved around interpersonal violence. From an early age Manson was the victim of child neglect – his mother (Kathleen Maddox) would leave him with neighbors, “for an hour, then disappear for days or weeks,”
Influential leaders have risen to power from a variety of beginnings. Many, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, start from humble beginnings, and they rise to power to serve the people in their darkest hours. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s odyssey to power started when he was born on January 30, 1882, in Hyde Park, New York, to two upper middle class parents. Five years later little Franklin got his first peek at the white house when his family got invited there by Grover Cleveland, whose was then the 22nd president of the United States of America. Before graduating Harvard in 1904, Franklin married Ana Eleanor Roosevelt, a distant cousin. Throughout university Franklin became obsessed with politics and after he graduated he decided to run for
He believed that waging a war between races was the right thing to do. Any sane person would be able to tell that waging war is wrong in this aspect. However, due to the Anti-social Personality Disorder, Charles Manson was unable to see the error in his ways. Also, those with Anti-social Personality Disorder then to exploit those around them. In the case of Manson, he manipulated his followers into committing murder for him by using religion. This trait could also be connected to the superiority complex that is often found in those with Anti-social Personality Disorder. Those with this disorder may consider themselves superior to those around them. This was evident in Manson as he claimed to be both the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and Satan. This sense of superiority over his followers allowed Manson to manipulate them as he saw fit and continuously fueled his delusions of grandeur. Manson fit other symptoms that fit this disease as well. Manson undoubtedly has Anti-social Personality Disorder.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a “Psychotic” Psychosis which is a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impared that contact is lost with external reality. Symptoms, hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, thinking, or unresponsiveness. Before going to prison he never
Manson started his cult not only on his religious beliefs, but on his belief that society had given him a rough past and Manson wanted payback for the resentment he had gotten in his childhood. Therefore, he created a cult to kill.
Charles Manson was the leader and founder of the cult the Manson Family or The Family, a group of people well known for being serial killers in the late 1960’s. It was believed that they were associated with cult-quasi-religious groups, that came about in the 1960’s and they are still here today. They believe they know what the future of the planet is, when it will end, and how. In a biography of Charles Manson and the Manson Family it said this, “In August 1969 a series of Hollywood murders were to shock the world and tarnish the 60’s free love and peace legacy.”(Biography Channel 2013.) Charles Manson himself never committed any murders with his own hands, but the murders were committed under his order by several of his most obedient
Charles Manson had a long history of neglect and abandonment since his childhood and this may have played a role in the development of his personality. The psychoanalytic analysis could argue that since he spent his childhood and feeling he had no control of his life due to the instability, this could have led to his personality traits.
Manson was happy with the death of those six people, but was upset with the sloppiness of that night’s murders (“Manson Family Murders”). “Last night was too messy, Manson told the group when they assembled back into their bunkhouse. This time I’m going to show you how to do it” (Bugliosi 355). After driving for hours Manson stopped at a house in the suburbs. He had his ‘Family’ drive around the block while he looked through the window. After a few minutes Manson returned to the car and told them that the house had pictures of children. He continued on to
At the age of twenty-six Charles Manson was sent to the US penitentiary. By 1959 Charles had been committed of rape, drug use, pimping, stealing, and fraud. Manson was emotionally insecure and was lacking attention.
The two perspectives that seem to best explain the life of Charles Manson are sociocultural and behavioral. The behavioral perspective represents learned behaviors. At an early age Manson was around drugs, drinking, and prostitution. Naturally Manson learned that these things were ok. His mother was a prostitute that wanted nothing to do with her son; she also had a drug problem. Manson grew up in and out of prison and developed a drug and alcohol problem. Manson could not have a functioning relationship, his first wife left him due to him being in and out of jail. Manson second wife was a prostitute and divorced Manson after he was arrested for pimping, stealing, and conning. After being released from prison Manson headed to San Francisco where he played guitar. Manson began to develop followers. Manson developed a need for followers, he and his followers moved to a ranch and soon it became a cult compound for “the family.” The consequences of Manson’s actions were reinforced each time he was thrown into prison but let right back out, or each time he was allowed probation. He was able to commit the crimes knowing he would just be back in jail and shortly
The best recorded example of someone with schizophrenia would have to be the notorious cult leader Charles Manson. Growing up Charles Manson had a rough childhood his mother was a heave drinker and was in and out of jail in a regular basis. His mother made it clear that she didn't want him and even gave him up for a pint of beer. One of his relatives who cared for Manson committed suicide and it all went downhill from there. He later follows in his mom's footsteps of drinking and stealing even turns to drug abuse. These are some factor that may have contributed to him developing schizophrenia later on in life. (www.thoughtco.com)
* Cult of Personality- when an individual uses mass media to create an idealized and heroic public image.
Manson also begins to experience his sexuality with women. From his school experiences to his involvement with sexuality, Manson begins terrorizing the people who have mistreated him. He started to experiment with black magic, began an enduring drug habit, and displayed his disgust for mainstream citizens by stealing from stores. All of this is what Brian Warner was, and who Marilyn Manson was to become. (Long, Manson and Strauss)
Antisocial personality disorder is “a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.” (National Institute of Mental Health, 2007). It is often characterized by blatant inattention to social norms and laws, pathological lying, putting others at risk for personal benefit, and an obvious lack of remorse (NIMH, 2007). One of the most notorious people with this disorder is Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer and necrophiliac whose sexual nature and gruesome offenses captured the nation’s attention (Talbott, n.d.). This paper will attempt to provide an overview of Dahmer’s life, as well as explain how both nature and nurture played roles in not only the production of a criminal, but also in the personality of all people.
Charles Manson had a way of picking up on people’s weaknesses and fears, and used it against them. He preyed on vulnerability and, as Linda James said, he offered them wealth and perfect relationships (Fennel, 1993). And, although his claims were extraordinary, he was able to attract a good amount of followers.