
Dialectical Journal Chapter 23 Summary

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The beginning of Chapter VIII, El titiritero del Portal, opens with nature’s celebration of the abject’s removal as the city itself comes alive. “…Mal vestidas de luna corrían las calles por las calles sin saber bien lo que había sucedido y los árboles de la plaza se tronaban los dedos en la pena de no poder decir con el viento, por los hilos telefónicos, lo que acaba de pasar” (Asturias 32; Brown 344). Pelelé’s body, the final link to his abjection, is then discharged?? by the society that deems him to be an outlier (Kristeva 1). This imagery parallels the death of another beggar earlier in the novel – Mosco (Mosquito). Chapter I, introduces Mosco as being rejected because he is blind and has lost both his legs. “¡Yo, que pasé la infancia

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