“So you know the plan, right?” Buffy was whispering across the stacks of the Sunnydale library. She didn’t even know why she had agreed to let Spike come. Being close to Giles had been giving her the wigs all week, though. Parent Teacher on Tuesday, and things had sort of… escalated since Spike’s storytime. Things were awkward with the Scoobies and she couldn’t keep avoiding how sick she felt, about Giles and otherwise. Her whole body felt achey, felt worse, and she needed to know why. Buffy still couldn’t be sure this was right, or the right way to go about it. She was sure Giles wasn’t entirely culpable for any of this, if he was even involved at all. But she had to be sure and that’s why Spike was here. Just an extra set of eyes.
“I play hide and seek til the Watcher does something naughty. I’m not daft I was listening the first twenty eight times.” He ground his teeth and ducked back behind a shelf of books. Spike was quite convinced the Watcher was involved, he tasted it. But if was ever going to taste Slayer blood again, he needed to listen to her plan and watch her back. Again, he found
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But that was the problem with trying to look casual, it was practically impossible. Spike was standing behind the medieval times’ books, which could have made her laugh, and it was five to six. Five minutes before Giles had asked her to meet him here. They were supposed to be going over Slayer studies; Giles’ insistence she was supposed to be trying to focus on different types of magic people might use against her. Even though she really wanted to be studying the Master. But it wasn’t a topic they breached easily, especially since Buffy didn’t know if she could really trust Giles anymore. Tomorrow she turned eighteen, and she thought about how other kids her age got to be excited. But mostly she just wanted a break. Maybe a manicure; she bit a fingernail that had just a speck of chipped
Charismatic. Charming. Sensual. Beautiful. Would you ever use these adjectives to describe a vampire? The common theme in portraying vampires in literature has always involved depictions of great violence, ugliness, and fear. Novels involving vampires never portrayed the vampire as a heroic character, but rather as the villain who was then destroyed in the end. Stereotypical vampires terrorized towns, lived in grim, dark, towering castles and turned into bats when in trouble. Authors were simply not inspired to build a tale around the life of a vampire, his shortcomings, his doubts, his fears. Rather, authors used the vampire as a metaphor for evil that resides in humanity.
In “‘Tough Enough’: Female Friendship and Heroism,” Sharon Ross focuses on the importance of a new vision of heroism, by discussing epistemic negotiation. The chapter also discusses how important both female friendships, and group friendships, can be in helping to fight crime. The main idea of epistemic negotiation is shown throughout the show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer because Buffy “almost always consults with her friends
Since the beginning of the episode it is evident that there is a lack of communication. As Buffy and Riley walk with each other they never say anything longer than a sentence to each other, they were both holding back which leads to them lying.This shows the struggle they both have to face to have a simple conversation with each other, neither of them say what they really wanted to say. While they are staring into each
Black stage two stop light one two figures dressed in black. On the floor in fetal postions
Have you ever been in a situation where you know something is the wrong thing to do but you do it anyways even though there could be severe consequences? That is the position Alex Rider is put in. In this journal I will be questioning, predicting, characterizing, and evaluating.
Around the beginning of the episode when Xander and Anya still have the ability to speak they have an argument because Anya feels like Xander does not care about her or love her .Xander response is he does not want to talk about the issue at that moment and would rather put it off till later . Later does come around, however, now Xander and Anya have lost their voices yet Xander was able to prove his love to Anya with actions .At one point in the episode Xander walks in and sees Spike with red color lips close to Anya who looks unconscious, he naturally thinks that Spike has sucked blood from Anya so Xander attacks Spike by punching him repeatedly. Anya hears the commotion and wakes up and stopping the fight, Xander is relieved and kisses her.
In George Bernard Shaw's play Saint Joan, the main character, the Inquisitor, is attempting to persuade a church court to condemn Joan of Arc as a heretic through allusion, hyperbole, and ethos and pathos.
Buffy is the main character of the series and in this season she has a love interest named Riley. While it is clear they both have feelings for each other, they are terrible at communicating. For one, Buffy and Riley both lie about their true identities to each other. Buffy is the slayer, which means she protects mankind from monsters like vampires and werewolves. After a class discussion, the couple begin to talk. During the conversation, Buffy accidentally tells Riley she will be patrolling later that day, which she quickly covers up. While Buffy is the Slayer, Riley works for the government, protecting people as
In the first three series of the show taking place in Sunnydale High, Giles's lair is the library. After Buffy enrols in university, Giles's bachelor flat becomes the de-facto library of the Scooby Gang. His bookishness defines him and gives him his role among the cast of protagonists. In 'Primeval' (4.21), Giles's contribution to the group's attack against Adam is his intelligence, 'Sophus', his mind. Giles is the brain of the group, Buffy the hand that strikes. Similarly, Van Helsing in Dracula intervenes in the novel when the young characters need someone with access to occult lore to explain Lucy's ailment. His knowledge defines him too: Jack Seward refers to him for the first time as 'Professor Van Helsing, of Amsterdam, who knows as much about obscure diseases as anyone in the world' (Dracula, 111), and alter as 'Van Helsing, the great specialist' (Dracula, 117).
In The Hard Problem the main character Hilary is tutored by Spike, a very egoist man who helps Hilary. Yet, from a exchange between him and Hilary. It was quite clear why he helps her “S: I go miles out of my way because you invite me in for coffee and I throw in
While the first seasons of Buffy are structured around an external threat seeking to corrupt the order of the world, later the source of the threat becomes increasingly internal, and the characters must embrace a side of themselves which is evil, irrational, or dangerous. When Giles kills an arguably innocent Ben, he does not suffer the moral ambiguity that Willow encounters when she kills a guilty Warren. Willow has to deal with an evil internal to her in a way Giles does not, and this apparent discrepancy is the result of a general evolution of the series, rather than a double standard.
In a society dominated by male superheroes, it is not that often that a female character is able to step forward and defend the world. There have been quite a few female superheroes throughout the ages of popular culture, including the Canadian Marvel super-heroine, Aurora ("Marvel"), and DC Comic's character, Black Canary (Kanigher, and Infantino). Yet for every one female superhero that is encountered, there are at least a dozen more male superheroes to stand around—and often in front of—her. Even more frustratingly, the female superheroes are often merely there to be the gendered counterpart to the much more powerful, dominant male superheroes. There have been few women who have stood out as being independent, admirable sources of
Buffy Summers was the one chosen to be a Vampire slayer and she did not hesitate to do her job. Although this was something she was going to be living with she did not want to tell anybody except for her close friends. When it came to her crush Riley it became more difficult to keep it a secret like when he asked her in the episode what she was doing that night she almost slipped up and said patrolling. It is like Riley wants to tell him, about her secret but cannot. Just like Buffy, Riley was hiding his secret about being in a convert military group who kills monsters and vampires. Although Buffy and Riley secret were somewhat similar they could not just tell everybody. For Buffy and Riley, they did
“Bugger you're plan.” Spike said in his cockney accent with that smirk that Angel had always found irritating. He then, stupidly, rushed towards the enraged dragon swinging a sword and yowling at the beast. Spike got in a few slashes that didn't seem to do much damage before the dragon swatted the platinum blond vampire across the street
Turns out, Angelus, Angel demonic side, takes over him, and he struggles to stay sane and on top of the world as he knows it. Soon Angelus has complete control over Angels’ body and Buffy has to come a complete decision on what to