When Alexis's little sister Kasey becomes obsessed with an antique doll, Alexis thinks she is just being her usual weird self. Things get weirder, though, when their house starts changing. Doors open and close by themselves; water boils on the unlit stove; and an unplugged air conditioner blasts cold air. Kasey is changing, too. Her blue eyes go green, she starts using old-fashioned language, and she forgets chunks of time. Most disturbing of all is the dangerous new chip on Kasey's shoulder. The formerly gentle child is gone, and the new Kasey is angry. Alexis is the only one who can stop her sister -- but what if that green-eyed girl isn't even Kasey
article discusses multiple criticisms of A Doll House theme and one of its’ main characters, Nora
In the book “Dollhouse Murders” by Betty Ren Wright the main character is a developing young girl with a mentally handicapped sister, she changes from a snotty brat to a nice competent young woman. Making the development of said sister crucial to the story, a brief summary of the book would help a reader before jumping in and just reading. The year is 1957 grandmother and grandfather Treloar are murdered at home and their daughter Clare was at the movies with her friends. Twelve-year-old Amy is having difficulties at home being responsible for her brain damaged sister. While visiting her Aunt Clare at the old family home, she finds a haunted dollhouse in the attic a copy of the family home. The dolls mysteriously move around but her aunt won't listen to Amy that the dolls are trying to tell her something. Amy researches old news reports where she discovers a family secret-the murder of her grandparents- grandma and grandpa Treloar.. Amy grows to accept her sister and to understand that Louann is more capable to do normal things than she had first thought.
Alexis lives in a small apartment since the tragedy that happened a year ago. She lives in modern times with modern technology. The author creates a suspenseful mood in the beginning. You don’t know what’s going to happen next! Alexis Warren is a senior at Surrey High School. She is the protagonist. She loves photography as well as her friends and family. Her best friends are her sister Kasey and Megan Wiley.
In the first book, “Bad Girls Don’t Die” is about how Alexis’ sister Kasey becomes possessed by an antique doll. Kasey is a twelve-year-old girl who has an anti-social and anti-cheerleader attitude, who is obsessed by her antique doll. She then gets possessed by it, and strange things start to occur. Doors open and close by themselves, the house turns extremely cold when no one turns on the AC, and water boils on an unlit stove. Strange things also start happening to Kasey. Her eyes slowly go from blue to green, she uses old-fashioned language and also forgets periods of times in decades. When Alexis confronts her, Kasey says “She doesn’t notice anything”. At first, Alexis thinks that her sister is going through another phase, but
Alexis causally just like everyday goes to school, stays out of everyone's way, and goes home, starts to notice that things get different as they move into their new home. After being trying to calm down her sister Kasey, she tells
The young girl was sitting in her room, brushing her favorite doll’s hair while humming a sweet melodic tune. Her doll was made of brown fabric with pieces of yellow yarn tightly stitched to the doll’s head. It had black button eyes and a pink sundress on. This doll was Haddi’s most prized possession. Haddi’s doll was given to her by her mother when she was a baby, right before her mother had passed away.
I am fixing my hair, and humming along to a song I heard on the radio, when I hear the concert start. I heard the announcements begin and the lights go dim. There was people all around me. People tripped over cords or called out demands. Some had microscopic mics on their faces, some had been putting on makeup on.
Alexis thought she already led a dysfunctional high school life when a family fight leads to some sisterly bonding. As dysfunctional morphs into dangerous, as her sister Kasey begins acting strangely; Alexis wants to believe it's all in her head, but soon it becomes life-threatening as she questions, is Kasey even Kasey anymore? The ongoing theme we see is the author not only uses a darker scarier tone and theme, but she uses a lot of imagery. First off in Bad Girls Don't Die it states, “He faked his sigh and checked an imaginary watch. Your inability to answer the question doesn't bode well for-” it may not seem like much but it really sets the scene for the reader.
When the doll strike to her eyes, the eye-level camera shot proved her curiosity. Nevertheless, the contrast set a different scene in the shop, whereas we feel different from the ordinary day for which the camera is shown from the low angle and eye- level for us, to discover what’s inside the shop with our heroine. Accordingly, the theme declares Horror, the tone, however for the first half is shown as a ravishing, sunshine and snowy day. Until we enter the shop where we see the dark shades and horrific tone. Another unexceptional disappointment for the audience would be for the lack of dialogues, but it covered the emptiness with background music where it made us feel the same as what the protagonist’s was feeling. Audiences also get her emotions through Alma’s movement and posture, proving children are easy to interpret by their dynamic
And when the doll tilts its head I can see the little doll with and even creepier smile, staring down into your soul, and as it tilts its head you are frozen in fear. “The little girl picked up the doll and smiled at it, but this smile was different. This smile was more sinister.” (Clovdtears 1). When I read this I could just see in my mind a little girl picking up the cracked, evil doll, and making a smile that you should never see on a child.
When Tracey was eight years old, she discovered her deepest desire. She always insisted on playing the mother role with her dolls, but refused to play with Barbie dolls because they didn’t resemble to any baby like characteristics. Soon her health started to take a turn for the
There had been enough time for something to change but almost everything was the exact same. Again Rye found herself travelling on a bus to go search for something, now knowing her brother is in fact dead she wasn 't exactly sure if what she was searching for was real. The only difference was that she now had the weight of two pre-teens. She felt it best for them to be as cautious as she had been while travelling around a decade ago. Each child had their own piece to communicate what their name was without using their words, it’s safer. Sitting on these benches Rye looked at them, the girl was the spitting image of her dead mother long curly dirty blond hair, a button nose, freckles, green eyes, and the perfect height for her age. Her was brother only slightly taller, with a darker skinned tone, and features almost exactly the opposite of his sister. The only feature similar was their hair texture. Rye would never admit this to anyone but there were times like the present that she regrets the events leading up to this very moment. The deja vu of running away except this time with hope.
One morning, Lisa Gross’ daughter wakes up with a stomach ache and fever. As Lisa calls into work, her daughter, Carly, sighs of relief knowing that her mom is going to be there to comfort and take care of her. Soon the sweet smell of freshly brewed coffee and cinnamon buns fills the house. Lisa’s and Carly’s girl’s day begins. Crafts of all different shapes and colors cover the dining room table like presents under a Christmas tree, and the two are both anxious to start their projects. Lisa and Carly joke and chuckle together as if they’re sisters. Over the course of the day, Carly not only feels better, but has a smile across her face with her rosy cheeks standing out. Lisa heart was warmed knowing how much this day meant to her.
GEORGIA DANES who recently turned eighteen finds herself on a plane across the country to live with her AUNT AMELIIA’s, to deal with her anxiety while her parents deal with their marriage problems and pretend like Georgia’s don’t exist. Georgia doesn’t want to move, but feels that even though she is embarrassed of it, fixing her mental health is a priority. Her Cousin ANNA picks her up at the airport and gives her advice about living in a small town because everyone knows each other, before arriving home at her aunts end of sumer barbeque where Georgia meets many people at the small town and experience how gossipy the adults are. Of these people is WYATT. Georgia attends her first day at the new school, and arrives to class early to
When the door slams at the end of “A Doll’s House” by Henry Ibsen, No one would not believe the woman walking out of her house is the same one who appeared at the beginning of the play. The main character in this play is Nora. Nora goes through a complete transformation, changing from a child like and dependant woman to a self strong woman pushing to become independent. Ibsen portrays the roles of society in the Victorian times in this play. Throughout her whole life, Nora’s husband and father have always controlled her; she has never been able to be independent, and the treatment she receives is not equal to the males around her, and the people around her belittle and patronize her to no end. Finally it goes too far and Nora realizes