Page’s backyard looks onto the runway, in the distance we see a large cloud of smoke rising up from the grass field. The screeching noise is at an ultimate high level. Page RUNS towards the sliding glass doors, opens it up, then POUNDS it shut behind him. EXT. PAGE’S DRIVEWAY - DAY A live voltage cable whips furiously in the air. Sparks fly off the cable. CRASH. The cable connected to a transponder WHAMS fiercely into his daughter’s new car. The cable erupts on top of the automobile. The transponder releases from the cable, flying towards a nearby tree. The tree catches on fire. In the distance, Page watches from inside his house. He is on his 1980 handheld mobile phone with his hands covering his mouth. INT. RAY’S HANGAR - DAY Upbeat …show more content…
Although she is young, she has the motherly charm to her. Being gentle and taking her time with Morris. She truly cares for all her patients only wanting to see them at their best. PAT (CONT’D) Is that all? Morris blinks his eyes once for yes. Pat looks at her notepad. Notepad reads: Engine failed accident not my fault PAT (CONT’D) Okay, I will look into it, don’t worry. Olivia collects her blood pressure cuff and stethoscope and walks out of the room. Pat rests the alphabet chart against the wall. PAT (CONT’D) I have to bounce. I’m driving mom to her cardiologist. Bye Morris, I love you. Pat kisses Morris goodbye on his forehead. Morris’s eyes expand from worry. Pat leaves the room. INT. HALLWAY - DAY DOUG, 34, wearing a polo shirt, dress pants, penny loafers, and a Members Only jacket (the man from the photo on Morris’s desk) walks up to the double doors. Double doors read: Burn unit Doug pushes open the doors. He holds a briefcase in one hand and a passport in the other one. INT. MORRIS’S PRIVATE BEDROOM - DAY Doug looks about. Unable to recognize Morris, Doug is just about to leave when Morris locks eyes with him. Doug freezes. Completely appalled by Morris’s appearance, thinking it’s another patient. Not realizing it’s his best
Elaine is articulate, well‐read, and able to utilize her knowledge effectively in the clinical setting. Yet, she consistently exhibits curiosity, and motivation to learn. Elaine had made quite a strong impression as she was able to recommend a patient over the counter medicine under my supervision.
Upon my arrival, I learned that Morris was being transported to the Huntington Memorial Hospital Emergency Room (HMH) for medical treatment. Officer Griffin and Officer
She's very polite to all the staff and whenever a doctor or nurse comes in, she asks what they are doing and why. She wants to know everything and she thanks them every single
‘’Lightning,’’ Theta squeaked. He fumbled around frantically for his dad. ‘’Dad where are you. Dad. Dad.’’ Dustin stepped over and placed his hand on his son’s shoulder, which caused him to jump. He frowned in the darkness.
I nod to him and walk down the long walkway and toward the door and unsurprisingly it was locked. I check out the house and find and open window.
Despite having a reserved disposition, she isn't reluctant to do what she believes is right. When something or someone needs repairing, be it a correction tape or a human heart, she will patiently observe and attend to the problem with much sincerity.
As a heart healer if you are going through something listen to her, she is caring for people by just being there for them giving
Gary opens the door, a knife in one hand, and coffee mug in the other.
Ms. Stanley enjoys helping people. When I asked her what she enjoyed most about her job she responded with “I love to see them come in hurting and scared, and with our tender, loving care watch most of them get better.” That shows she honestly just enjoys the idea of sick patients getting better. She inspires me to want to go into the medical field because of all her accomplishments.
Later. All the lights are shut off in Morris’s room and he continues practicing the words.
Pat and Dr. Nettle walk out of the room. Sandy sits in a chair next to Morris’s bed. Pat turns around looking at Sandy.
We live in a world gone mad; a topsy turvy society where good is said to be evil and evil is called good. Where right is wrong and wrong is right. Sometimes I just want to fly off to the wild blue yonder, an idiom meaning to leave and never to return. And some day, perhaps, I will. Hopefully in the Rapture. Who would have ever thought we would be living in a world where Bruce wants to be Caitlin, men want to marry men, women want to rule the world and our government wants to control our very existence? I never believed I would see the day when the Supreme Court of the United States of America would pass a law allowing same sex marriages. We have opened pandora's box. Now the pedophiles want equal rights also. There are law
I nod and gulp thickly as one of the doors unlocks with a click. The Russian grabs the door handle and pulls it open gently, revealing the contents of the ward inside.
in my short experience here at Sentara Leigh Hospital, Valarie seemingly can strike up a conversation with anybody when it comes to work. She has a gift in relating to patients or other clinical staffs around her. she is someone who always listen and respond to my questions and informed me if there are anythings i need to know before i start a procedure or treatment. she is able to create a sustained a positive and professional relationship with me and hopefully with other
How does he even know about the accident? Did he see it happen? Was it his dog? - No. - Whose dog was it?