“There will be lies” a book that will drop your jaw, with all the drama, thriller and suspense going on. Imagine living a life for 17 years,and then finding out that it has all been a lie, well this was Shelby Cooper. She was raised and thought in a unique way by her single parent Shaylene. Shelby was homeschooled by her own mother, she didn't have friends, since she never was allowed to be out without her mom and she was also deaf. It was the same routine every singles day except for fridays, on fridays her mom would take her to the batting cages and would have ice cream for dessert. Although there was this one day her mom let her go to the library alone for a couple hours until she was out of work. Of course her mom dropped her off and told her not to leave the library until the cab she ordered her was there to pick her up, we …show more content…
So one day they decided to go out to eat breakfast before heading on the road, and as they were eating the tv turn on and a picture of Shaylne pops up and the new reporter says “ you may not believe this but police think they have found Ana Maxwell...” and immediately Shaylene stabs John in the hand and escapes with her daughter in his car. Shelby is super confused at this moment, as her mom drives to a near cabin, once they enter Shelby sees a computer, so she waits for her mom to fall asleep until she gets on it and searches up Ana Maxwell. Turns out that she is a women that had murdered her husband a couple years back, she begins to slowly believe it as she puts all the pieces together. She thinks that maybe this is the reason why her mom never spoke about her father or why he supposably left her when Shelby was just a baby. After a while she spoke to her mom about it and turns out that he supposably abused her when they were together and he would make her life terrible so she had to take some
What would you do if the person you care the most about was suffering from depression? In Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, the narrator, Melinda Sordino, suffers from depression and insecurity after being molested by a senior, Andy Evans. Over time, her emotions change positively. In her art class, she was assigned trees as her project to express emotion. In this novel, trees speak for her because they represent her life, growth, and her refusal to speak.
They sent the note that Camille had wrote to Keisha and told her to meet Anthony at 4:00 p.m knowing that Anthony was going to be with Alexis. As Keisha and her cousin pull up they see Alexis and Anthony together. Keisha was ready to fight,but when she her cousin sees the police she starts acting calmer. Alexis took her chance and runs and jumps in the car with Camille, Angel, and Jasmine, and they speed off. As they drive off they see Keisha and Anthony fighting.
Everyone has someone in their lives who can help make them strong and help them to speak out. In the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson the main character, Melinda Sordino, lost her voice and does not speak due to a traumatic experience. She went to a high school party at the end of the summer and met this boy named Andy. They danced a little, talked and kissed. Andy took Melinda out to the woods and raped her. She called the cops because she was so scared. When the cops showed up, they arrested people. Everyone knew Melinda called the police which makes everyone hate her. So she starts high school and has no friends and does not talk to anyone including her parents. But throughout the book there were three people who help Melinda find her voice.
Estella Goodwin, now renamed Stella, witnessed something horrible. She came home to a murder scene, and her entire life is overturned because of it. Placed in the witness protection program, she gets carted off to Thunder Basin, Nebraska – and she hates it. That is, until she meets the boy/man who mows her new “foster mom’s” lawn: Chet Falconer. I have to say, Dangerous Lies has launched Becca Fitzpatrick up into the league of my favorite authors. I’ve read her other work, The Hush Hush Saga and Black Ice – but those don’t compare to Dangerous Lies. This new book, this wonderful thriller of a book, blew my expectations out of the water and up into thin air. I hadn’t doubted Fitzpatrick’s skill, but this book has proven her to be an amazing writer and brilliant in the art of crafting stories.
Next, the sleuths called Katie in and started asking her many questions. They started with “Where were you the night of the murder?” Katie looked to the left and then to the right and answered “I was at my friend, Alyssa Lynn Bunches’ house.” The investigators had no reason not to believe her except for the fact that they found out that she lives on the other side of the country. They knew she had to of made up the friend, but they didn’t want her to know they knew the friend was fake. They sent Katie home and brought in her brother in
Maya has a school assignment and needs to write about a person she would love to know better, she thinks about her biological parents but realizes that knows nothing about them. A.J and Amelia helped Maya figuring out a topic. Maya writes a figurative story about her mom, and her paper got elected for a story contest which she did not win. A.J feels disappointed, and wonders how she did not win. Lambianse dates with A.J's sister in law Ismay, and discovers that she had stolen Tamerlane. At the same time, A.J got to know that had developed a brain cancer that compromises his speaking ability. A.J got struck by the news and knew that had no money for the surgery, but Lambianse managed to convince Ismay returning Tamerlane anonymously. A.J
In the novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda is attacked at an end-of-summer-party, which sends her into a state of numbness. We explore the three elements of |Melinda’s basic traits and how they change throughout the novel. Her traits change drastically as the novel progresses. Melinda Sordino is revealed as depressed, hopeless, and brave.
Sarah saws this video and rushed over to Taylor’s house but couldn’t find her She found Taylor sitting on the bathroom floor with a bottle of water and the cap off the pill bottle. As Taylor was dumping the pills into her hand Sarah quickly ran and got the pills away from her. Sarah called Karina and told her to come over to Taylor’s house. When she got there they talked about everything They had assured Taylor that she was not alone. And They all posted a video about Charlotte and how she really affected Taylor’s life. The next day they went to school and when they walked into the cafeteria everyone was talking about her video and Charlotte left as Taylor, Karina, and Sarah walked
The book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, is about a teenage girl who stops talking after she gets raped. The title of the book is ironically based on the fact that Melinda, the protagonist, chooses not to speak again after the incident. During the end of the summer party, Melinda calls the cops on her friends causing her to avoid interactions with society. Her peers and friends begin to hate her, yet nobody once asks her why she did what she did. The reasoning for her action is that she was being raped. The tragic events changed once happy and enthusiastic girl into a depressed and introverted girl while being a dreadful student at a school. The main character Melinda gradually begins to portray signs of recovery and strength through her
Marlee watched as the first visitor approached the door from the upstairs window. He was sitting upstairs cooking shrimp in a pot of oil. He was kind of confused to see a crazed person approach the abandon house at 9 p.m. This visitor looked old and weary. It was an old lady who was carrying a purse, while she was walking up to the house she took out a key like she lived there. Marlee was so scared he thought he was in the wrong house. He quickly called Max and told him to get over to the house right away! The old lady walked inside and started to walk up the stairs. She soon opens the creaky door who reveals frightened Marlee sitting in a boxy chair in the corner. Thats when she started screaming at the top of her lungs, her head was turning red like a cherry, it looked like her head was going to explode. Marlee took off running.
Finally this man that took her tells her his name is Phillip and he has a wife Nancy. Nancy is the one that doesn't really like what he does but she helps him out with his problem by helping take pictures of little girls, or kidnapping little girls. His wife gets jealous and sad because she can't have any babies. Later on Jaycee gets pregnant by Phillip at first she doesn't know that she is until Phillip explains to her why she feels the way she is feeling. She then gives birth to her first baby and after a while she gets pregnant again and has a second one.
Turning up on (Ian)'s doorstep doped up out of her mind; Lehane fell into the arms of the man who had always been there. Getting clean was the hardest thing that Lehane had ever had to do other than burying her own child. 3 years passed with Lehane being clean she was now 21 years old and living on her own attending Georgetown. Soon after starting her second semester into her 2nd year tragedy struck once again. This time it was in the form of her friend found dead and drained of all her blood. Going t0 (Ian) Lehane lost it and it that moment she was the weakest she had ever been. Giving into the urges they slept together for the first time; before turning it to be something more. Soon after her friends death Lehane went to her brother Spencer about her theories. Though nobody believed her. Who would? she was a 21 year old college student who always ranted about there being evil in the world. Evil that could never have an accurate explanation. An explanation that Lehane wanted or more like needed. Making her brother dig into old case files triggered a series of events leading up to the arrival of two men. Men claiming to be F.B.I agents not knowing that Lehane was the sister of a real F.B.I
Natasha has been feeling like Hayley and Jenny don’t want to be friends anymore, so she goes back to Becca. Together, Natasha and Becca try to find out how she got in the river. Later on, everyone was at play practice. Tasha wasn’t feeling good so she sat out. Becca’s best friend Hannah stepped in her place. When Tasha went to go move the overhead light, it came crashing down over Hannah. It killed her. Both the police and the girls had decided that Hayley and Jenny had led Tasha into the river and did something to the light for it to fall. The two girls were sent to prison and counseling for murder and attempted murder. After that, everything was going fine until Becca started to get a little suspicious. She asked the police if she could look over all the evidence again. She then came to the conclusion that Natasha had done all of it. She had thrown herself into the river and framed Hayley and Jenny, and she loosened the light so that it would fall. The police did not believe her. One night, Becca and Tasha went out into the woods. Becca was going to try and get her to confess. Natasha did end up confessing, but then she
The book There Will Be Lies portrays a mom and her daughter and their adventures as the mom are on the run from the cops. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona during the present, the mom and her daughter are on the run from the cops because her mom committed murder. She killed her husband when she was young out of self-defense. She changed her name and move all around the country avoiding the cops and now she has been found again.
Could the killing of an unborn disabled child be considered acceptable in today’s society? Selective infanticide is a very controversial topic that many have argued about over past years. In her article “Unspeakable Conversations” disabilities activist and lawyer Harriet McBryde Johnson demonstrates her viewpoint on this issue. She writes this article as a story, with herself being the narrator. It follows her journey as she feuds with Peter Singer, a Princeton University professor, who has an opposing perspective regarding the killing of unborn disabled children. With this in mind, Johnson reveals her point of view using the strategy of a Rogerian argument and the rhetorical elements of