1. Why did you choose the autobiography? (3 – 4 sentences)
I chose this autobiography because I had read about it in many positive reviews. I also enjoy learning about the history behind World War ll and how life was for the Jewish who were caught in amongst the midst of war. It also tells a story from a child’s perspective which provides a different way of looking at the war and I can relate more easily as I am approximately the same age as Anne Frank when she began writing her journal. The autobiography is also written as a journal which is not a style of book that I am used to, which provided a challenge for me.
2. What features did the author include in their autobiography to interest the reader? (3 – 4 sentences)
Anne Frank includes pictures, similes, metaphors and diary entries written in the first person on her book The Diary of a Young Girl. She has pictures in the middle of the book to show important parts of her life that were captured on camera and supports her descriptions of important people and places in her life. Two similes used in The Diary of a Young Girl are Mr van Daan has been as nice as pie to me recently and we’re as still as baby mice this
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Jessica Watson and Stuart Diver’s autobiographies were about things I hadn’t ever thought about and I had already read part of Michael Clark’s diary and I found no interest in it. This was because I am not interested in cricket or sailing. Stuart Diver’s biography I felt was irrelevant to me as I would prefer something with a more historic background as opposed to a geographic background. Anne Frank’s diary was interesting and it enforced a message, looking on the bright side, this is shown when she says When I think about our lives here… we live in a paradise compared to the Jews who aren't in hiding. This was a great moral and was reiterated throughout the remainder of the
Readers are able to actually picture how her life was and able to feel the emotions she portrayed at certain times. The only problem I think with this being an autobiography is that some parts of the novel may be a little biased based on her beliefs because these are based off of her beliefs. In my opinion, whoever is reading Anne’s book can either really enjoy it, or really despise it. This is a very controversial reading because it shows how the beliefs of many people can cause problems and can cause the death of many people. People that read it today can possibly still get offended by this reading, especially if they believe strongly the opposite of what Anne
The Holocaust, a morbid atrocity that made people question humanity, was the cause of millions of deaths. One of those victims of this brutality was Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who hid from the Nazis along with her family. Although she was merely ordinary, Anne Frank kept a diary which became a significant, historical artifact in the modern world as it details her account of concealing her identity from the outside world. Her story, told in an innocent perspective, allows individuals to reflect the dreadful events of the Holocaust and acknowledge how far we have come since then. Even though she died along with millions of other victims from the Holocaust, her spirit still exists thanks to her articulately written words in her diary which is now considered one of the most famous works of literature. Anne Frank’s legacy still lives on today because her story provides a primary source of a dark period in history, insightful contemplation of humanity, and motivation for people to stand up against unjustified persecution.
It's fun and awesome to find out how people actually died in the past. You want to know what happened to people who suffered, so if it happens again you can be prepared for it. This book tells you everything that has went through the camps, and If someone reads this book, they should definitely share it. If someone talks about the Holocaust sometime in their life, then you would know somethings about it, if you read this book. If someone likes biographies or realistic books, this is the book to read! Reading is fun, when you know you're finding more out about the world. It is really great, when you know the answers to something, from just reading a book... So read this book! I recommend it to
To a large extent, Anne Frank’s diary explains what life was like for Jewish families during the second world war.
In the autobiography The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank, was written during a chaotic time period in history. Anne, being a Jewish girl of a family of four, tells through diary entries how it was like for her during WWII. She lived in Holland, which put her along with her family at a risk of being taken to the concentration camps. Being faced with this problem caused her family to go to the extend of hiding for years in order to survive. They all had to adapt to a new way of living, one where they had no contact with the rest of civilization. Although this was a completely new lifestyle, it was worth it since the outcome will be more years of being alive.
For others might think that the book is good because it shows how she didn't have anything what we had. For my opinion for that was it was 1942 when they didn't have much but it's 2017 we obviously have more than them to start with this story was really old. As others say why they want you to teach it was because they thought she going through the same as we were but not really. As Anne Frank talks about her personal body feelings, I'm pretty sure every girl goes through that and it's normal. Also another reason why they want u to teach is because they want them to get bored out of it so it's better if you teach it but just mention Anne Frank. As others also pick why you should teach us because they thought it was easy to get a grade trust me it's not really the Diary of Anne Frank wasn't interesting.
This book is very good for details, events, places, names, stories, etc. It shows the reality behind all the events that took place during the holocaust. He made sure to describe as much as he could in as much detail as possible. I have to say that this book deals greatly in imagery and lets the reader keep an image in their head. This book is truly unlike any other because it shows emotions and how people felt about the events that took place, it also shows how unstable the living conditions were and how horribly they were treated. This is all very tragic to
“Anne Frank is a Jewish girl who has to go into hiding during World War Two to escape from the Nazis … After more than two years in hiding they are discovered and deported to concentration camps … After her death Anne becomes world famous because of the diary she wrote while in hiding” (annefrank.org). Anne Frank was a young girl who had a bright future, but it was taken away from her by the Nazi’s and Holocaust. Before the Holocaust, Anne Frank was just the typical young girl. During the Holocaust, she had to adapt to a dangerous situation. Then, after her death, she has left a legacy that has impacted the hearts of many. Through Anne Frank’s early childhood years, the years during the Holocaust, and the years after her death she has left
Anne Frank's biography/novel is a very inspirational way of life and a very interesting topic! Anne didn’t just write a novel for fun she wrote it so that when the war ended she could get it published, Sadly Anne died of typhus at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945. Anne had a thought that if she ever made it out her father would find her and she could give him her novel she had wrote and it would explain how she lived and survived while this horrific act of hate was overcoming the world. The young
The Diary of Anne Frank is a remarkably moving book about the short life of a young girl and her family. The Holocaust was a horrible time for Jewish people and Anne and her Jewish family’s lives were completely turned upside down as a result. The war resulted in the deaths of countless people, mostly innocent people. Before the invasion on D-day and the end of the war not too long after, the rest of the world didn’t know the real disaster going on over seas. Anne Frank’s once secret diary has introduced the immense suffering and horror that occurred during the Holocaust.
In the first chapter of the Diary of Anne Frank, from dates June 14, 1942, to July 9, 1942, she starts to first talk about naming her diary “kitty”(page 3). She then goes on to talk about how she enjoyed her last weeks of freedom and why her father decided to go into hiding. This was all started when the family received a letter requesting the presence of her “sister in a concentration camp” (page 16). Her father realizes it 's a trick to put her into a concentration camp and forces them into the secret rooms behind the bookcase where Anne family and friends would begin hiding. These first few entries are staring to describe the family 's struggles and how joyful and willing Anne really is.
Anne Frank was the daughter of Edith Frank and Otto Frank, Otto Frank was a German-born Swiss businessman. She also had a sister named Margot. Anne Frank prized the diary that her father gave to her because she said the paper never judged her and she felt comfortable with sharing her feelings in it. Although, everyone needs someone with whom to share life’s experiences, you could disagree by examining how introverts liked being secluded. I think this is the theme of Anne Frank because even though the holocaust was going and and they were in hiding they all shared moments together.
Anne Frank utilizes her profound gift of words to create multiple tones and moods within her diary. As well as a multitude of metaphors and similes that help depict her emotions and circumstances. An instance of this is shown when Anne describes how it is living in hiding, “ I see the eight of us in the Annex as if we were a patch of blue sky surrounded by menacing black clouds...We’re surrounded by darkness and danger, and in our desperate search for a way out we keep bumping into each other.” (Frank 145). Within this passage, Anne’s use of metaphors is brought to reality. In addition, it is noted that Anne also uses many descriptive words that succeed in illustrating the dark mood she was hoping to portray. Given these points, we can observe
"The Diary of Anne Frank" tells us a story about how her life as a Jew was drastically changing during the Holocaust and the start of World War II (WWII). She was a very intelligent young woman that had hopes and dreams. Anne was a normal teenager trying to find her way in life. All of that changed when the Nuremburg Race Laws were formed. Her father who was a World War I fighter hid his family and friends in a Secret Annex that was blended in with a normal neighborhood. As she lived for months in the Secret Annex, Frank had written her diary, full of her experiences in the Annex. Everything changed though, when she reached the end of her times in the Annex. Hitler's men had found Anne and her family and friends. This memoir adds in to the
Thesis: Today I will discuss the young and short life of one of the most well known Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Anne Frank was acknowledged for her quality of writing. Her diary is one of the world’s most widely read books and there has been many plays and films written on the basis of her story.