
Diary Of Anne Frank Essay

Decent Essays

In the play The Diary of Anne Frank, Anne Frank displays copious characteristics throughout the story. Anne Frank is a young girl living in Amsterdam during the early 1940’s. The Nazis have taken over. Anne and her family decide to go into hiding after Anne’s sister Margot is called into a work camp. The family decides to hide in an attic apartment behind Anne’s father’s business. Anne is an inquisitive, smart, and extroverted young girl living in a traumatic time period. These various traits that help her cope with her situation. In the first place, Anne is inquisitive. She loves to ask questions and answer them. Her questions are mainly based towards Peter. Anne had never met Peter before they went into hiding, so, Anne was full of questions. Anne asked Peter about his cat, Mouschi, where he went to school, his friends, and so on. Similarly, when the parents are talking, Anne loves to eavesdrop and jump into their discussion. The parents eventually get annoyed since they have no privacy in the small warehouse. Lastly, Anne is always asking personal questions as …show more content…

Since her family is in hiding, Anne can not attend school. Her dad gives her and her sister lessons for the day to complete. Anne is already passing her dad in algebra at the age of 13. As her dad was grading her math, he said “ I’ll have to make a confession. Up until now I’ve managed to stay ahead of you in algebra. Today you caught up with me. We’ll have to leave it to Margot to correct.” Similarly, she was excelling in history and in speaking Latin. Therefore, her literacy skills were beyond her age compared to today’s world. Anne’s mother was feeling her forehead and felt it was quite hot. Anne’s mother asked “Let me see your tongue.” Anne replies”This perfectly absurd!” Most children her age today would say “this is ridiculous or this is dumb.” Anne is a bit childish at times, but when it came to certain discussions and topics, her literacy is like an

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