Hello, young men and women all around the world. Now, you may or may not have heard of the story of rumpelstiltskin. But, for the ones who HAVE heard the story, it's probably not even close to what really happened. That's why i’m here, I found a diary of old rumpelstiltskin himself. This is what really happened. This, is the real tale of rumpelstiltskin. I lived in a small house miles away from the kingdom and the villages surrounding. It was a easy life, a quiet life, it was the good life. One day the king's men rode up on their horses and KIDNAPPED me as I was sleeping in my bed. They took me to the castle and locked me up in a dungeon. The king said that if I wanted to live, I would do whatever he said. Obviously I was not very happy, but I had to do it out of fear of being executed. …show more content…
It was a much different life than the one I was living in my small house. Although, one day a miller had visited the castle because he wanted to speak with the king, he said something about how his daughter knew how to make straw into gold. Now, I knew a lot about straw spinning, so when I walked by the straw spinning room. I was a little worried to hear the crying of the young maiden on the other side of the doors. Being the nice gentlemen that I am I walked into the room to see if the young girl was okay. I walked into the room and said “ Good evening mistress miller, why are you crying so? “ She looked at me with tears running down her face and she began to say. “ I have to spin the straw into gold, but I do not know how to do it. “ To be quite honest with you, I pitied the young miller very much, but I was a very poor man so if I was going to help her I wanted something in return. So I politely asked “ What will you give me, if I do it for you?” She looked at me and gave me the ring on her
When I was nine years old my father went to prison. Since he was a single parent, I was forced to relocate to Washington State to live with my grandparents. Moving to Washington was one of the worst things that I thought could happen at the time, even though it ended up strengthening me as a person. I was forced to leave my friends, school, father and all of my other family members. I was taken from everything I knew and was left very confused and conflicted.
I was completed isolated, no one talked to me or came in the room. I had lost track of time---- which was based on my instincts, when to sleep and stay awake, or that there was a deadly disease can can eat my brain and turn me mad. It was the smell of my body, I had the same dirty clothes since they locked me up here. All I did was eat, sleep, exercise, and thirst for revenge. I did all of that alone.
A man opened the door and she asked him if she could stay the night. The man let the old lady in. Although he didn’t have much in his home, he had it in his best interest that the lady felt comfortable. After this, he fell asleep. Night fell and when the man woke up again, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He was dressed in the finest fabrics available and his home was fit for a king. Out of the window, he saw that he now resided in the richer side of the kingdom. Dumbstruck, he walked out of his house to find a note by his door. It read, “For your generosity that I admire, you are now left with what you
I stand mute “while getting tortured to death for remaining silent. Instead of telling the court what they wanted to hear, and having an opportunity to not get hanged but having another man get
At three am in the morning men came into our house. They told us, we had to do as they said. My father and oldest brother refused to abide by these rules and tried to stop these men. Thus, my father and eldest brother were shot and killed. My mother, sister, and I were made to get in the back of a truck while, my other brother was loaded into another. These men had power and control over us and there was nothing we could do to change that without being killed. I would never see my father, or two brothers again after that night. Thus, my mother, sister, and I were sent to a concentration
The night air was heavy with silence. Clouds drifted across a calm sky, and a full moon shone in the distance. In a small hut on the outskirts of the valley, an old man lay in bed, awake in the peaceful slumber of the village. His breaths came in rattling gasps, his forehead burned, and his joints felt stiff with pain. He shifted on the blankets, his withered hands clenched in fists as he tried to suppress the wave of bitter memories coming to him. His life had been nothing more than work, loss, tragedy. He remembered all of his hope, his ambition, in his youth, and he smiled bitterly. No one would remember him as the man that he had once hoped he would become. Now, as his breathing became heavier and he felt himself fading on the brink of
The Grimm Brothers version of Cinderella is a written down oral story that people passed down from generation to generation, meant to teach a lesson about piety and good behavior. Before the Grimm Brothers ever wrote it down, the story had been told several times by memory. It is thus not surprising that the descriptions of certain events in the story, such as the way Cinderella went to the Ball, are lacking in details. It is obvious that these parts of the story are unimportant to the overall message of the story. Instead, it focuses on the piety of Cinderella and the wickedness of the step-sisters. Through the events of the story, it becomes obvious that the goodness of Cinderella is justly rewarded, and that
Snow White and the Huntsman is an adaptation of the Grimm fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. However the focus is not Snow White and her interaction with the seven dwarfs, much like the popular Disney portrayal of the fairytale that viewers have come to know. This version of the fairytale is dark and sinister, placing an emphasis on the evil Queen’s agenda and the Huntsman who is sent to hunt down Snow White. This new action-packed spin on the fairytale includes large battles and fight scenes, while keeping many elements from the original tale like the poison apple and “mirror, mirror on the wall”. The film is directed by Rupert Sanders and features a star-studded cast that includes, Academy
In C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Lewis emphasizes the three points of philosophy, themes, and symbolism throughout his writing. Lewis was a strong Christian man, and wanted to make children see and understand all the stories of the Bible. Therefore, he put Christian elements through his books, but with fantasy characters as well. Especially in this story, Lewis conveys the differences between good and evil. Aslan is represented as Christ just as the White Witch represents the sense of evil. Lewis wrote several books in this Narnia series, but The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe became the most famous and recognized of his novels.
Harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban is an excellent book. Out of ten stars I would rate this one an eight because it was to short. Once you get into it and finish it. It seems so short, because it is so interesting. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban starts out with a bang. In the beginning Sirius black a Man accused of thirteen murders in one night escapes from Azkaban.( A wizard prison guarded to the tee by dementors, deadly spirits that feast on anything happy. Basically they suck the life out of you slowly until you go mad and lose sanity). Harry runs away on the same night and crosses the man without realizing it. Since Sirius is an ananamugus he is able to turn into a giant black
As the old saying goes “The good guy always wins”; Cinderella ends up going to the prince’s ball and is the only girl he dances with all night. For three nights the Prince walked Cinderella home, and she would disappear. However, on the third day the prince caught Cinderella’s shoe by putting wax on the steps. He gets the shoe and tries to find her. He goes to Cinderella’s house to try to find her, and her step sisters try on the shoe with no avail. Finally, Cinderella tried on the shoe and it was a perfect fit. Now that the Prince had found his princess, they decided to get married.
A secret always has reasoning behind how long it is kept hidden and when it is revealed. There’s always a perfect time and place for one to share one’s secret. Uniquely books have secrets embedded within to keep the reader on edge. If used wisely by the author, a secrets purpose can affect a novel’s story line, character development, and theme. Every secret throughout Dickens’ novel Great Expectations is effectively kept hidden and divulged at a certain moment, to allow the reader to contemplate the influence of social status and relationships on happiness.
The title of my book is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It is written by J.K. Rowling. I really liked this book. This book is a fiction book. That of course means it’s not true.
prison. I struggled no more, but the agony of my soul found vent in one loud,
But on one crazy afternoon, things didn’t go as planned. The plan was to walk in and walk out. In less then two minutes we’d have to retrieve the gem. The decoys were Ben and I and Richard was the front man. All it needed was three men for the job. No one was home; at least we thought there wasn’t anyone. The family of the house was having a birthday party for little Johnny outside in the garden and still figured we could manage to go inside and get the job done without them realizing. Surprisingly, as things were about to come to an end little Johnny walked in to find me stealing his rich grandfather’s red rose. His screams echoed all through and around the house, alarming everyone. Little Johnny became our only ticket out. We took him in