
Dickinson's Doubt

Decent Essays

Some people do not like to reveal that they have doubts about a topic that the society around them considers to be a cold, hard fact, especially when it pertains to life after death. The beginning of Emily Dickinson’s “This world is not conclusion” portrays the writer’s strong belief that there is a life after this world. However, the end of this poem does not share the same strong belief. As the poem progresses, some raw honesty creeps in and portrays that, even though the speaker wants to believe in the notion that there is a life after death full-heartedly, they cannot help but become skeptical, which leaves the poem at a very different ending than the beginning. The statement in the beginning of the poem is portrayed to be a strongly …show more content…

The end of this poem also is at a dramatically different standpoint than the beginning of the poem, instead of having a strong belief in the world beyond, there now is a conclusion filled with doubt and uncertainty. Dickinson writes: “Narcotics cannot still the tooth that nibbles at the soul”. This phrase shows the reader exactly how the speaker feels; the doubt is the tooth that nibbles at the soul, which is faith. The narcotics in this phrase can reference to any type of reasoning that the speaker tries to do to explain how there is a world after this one. So, Dickinson means that the reasons or pieces of evidence cannot stop the doubt from continuing and growing, which impacts one’s faith. The once certain speaker now ends the poem on a note of doubt, an honest portrayal of the struggle to believe in something that is actually very abstract, despite how obvious it is supposed to seem to Dickinson’s society. Emily Dickinson’s “This world is not conclusion” is a honest portrayal of the struggle between one believing in a world beyond and his or her’s skepticism on the topic. This poem begins without any doubt, the assertive punctuation and first couple of lines support the notion that there is a life after death, but the poem does not conclude this way. The end is riddled with doubt, without a true conclusion on the topic that was once so

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