Did Jesus Christ have a mission?Jesus Christ was God's son, who was born in the first century, years ago. God son wanted to carry out his father's mission. Jesus was full of love and wanted to heal the land from corruption. Although Jesus came to save sinners from their sin. Jesus also wanted us to have everlasting life.
However as the people of the land were lost before coming Christians. God knew we were full of sin and had no good direction of life meanwhile, Jesus was sent out to heal a lot of wrongdoing on earth. Many Christians today have a bible, which we can go to when we are at church, on the job, or in need of a good word from God. Furthermore, Jesus was
Jesus was the perfect missionary. Jesus went to different places and taught the word of God. Jesus drew people unto him. Jesus told his disciples, that if they follow him, he would make them fishermen of men. Jesus taught anywhere. Jesus delivered the word so profoundly.
According to the Gospels in the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), the purposes of Jesus’ life was like no other. Jesus was a perfect, innocent man (HCSB, 1 Peter. 2.22). He was sent by God to fulfill the bountiful number of prophesies in the Old Testament. These prophecies predicted a perfect man being sent by God to be the Messiah for Israel. Jesus was not like the rest of the world. The perfection of Jesus was unique in the world because, as the Apostle Paul states, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (HCSB, Romans. 3.23). Jesus’ perfection proved he had been sent by God and would fulfill a duty that no others
My personal view of mission revolves around Servant Leadership or what can be better called “Incarnational leadership”. This is rooted in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, as “He took a towel” (John 13:2-5) and washed Peter’s feet. He was efficient with people, had goals in sight, but was also relational over being task-driven. This kind of leadership produces new churches filled with real purpose and motivation as people are called, appreciated, loved, encouraged, discipled, involved by mentoring and discipleship before they are deployed in ministry (Prov. 27:23; Mark 10:35-45; Luke 22:26; John 13:2-17; 1 Cor. 3- 4; Eph. 4:1-16; Col. 3:13; 1 Thess. 5:13-14; 1 Peter 3:8;
Could you ever imagine sending your child on a field trip knowing that end purpose was for them to die? GOD sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to earth ultimately for this trip. Desire coming from the flesh of a woman, Jesus Christ is GOD's son. Jesus walked the earth to teach us about his father and how he wished for us to live, so that our souls would be clean in order to reach the pearly gates of heaven.
In the year of 2015, there were approximately 23 college campus shootings (Sanburn). While walking to class, students should feel safe and secure at all times. Because of the current gun control laws, it is hard to feel that way. There have been too many college campus shootings that result in an uneasy feeling while walking through campus, and that is simply not okay. The violence that is being caused each day because of guns has become unbearable. There have been several different occurrences in the past year of mass shootings in different areas. Guns are making everywhere an unsafe and risky place to be. Gun control is an issue that needs to be addressed during this election because these weapons are adding too much violence to the world and are the reason for the end of
Mission was very important in the development of the early church. The goal during this time was to spread the Christian Faith and to help those in need, just as Jesus did. The people that undertook this mission were sent out by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God.
Our purpose in life is to serve God. Jesus gave us the Great Commission at the end of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Matthew 28: 16-20 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
In this teaching, Jesus was saying that we treat one another with love and compassion as he have loved us as much as laying his life for our sake, in order for us to join him in the kingdom of God. He said that we should speak well even to those who curse and despitefully use us and abuse us because, our reward for such time is in heaven and it is God who will revenge about these things for us. He said that we should love our enemy also not only our friends because God loves us the same way and God does not discriminate from anyone, despite their falls.
With the proclamation of the Kingdom of God, Jesus seeks to bring about God’s plan for humanity through physical, spiritual, and social healing. His purpose and mission is to prepare the hearts and minds of the people so they can build new lives in God’s kingdom. Jesus often uses stories to illustrate his message
(Romans 15:6; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 10:31) He continues by sharing how “the purpose of the church is for the born-again believers within, as well as for the church’s community outside of the local body, whereas the mission, is reserved for the believers and it is what they are supposed to be doing, (110) Malphur also provides the five elements of mission; “first, it is broad, comprehensive, overarching, it is the primary goal which takes precedent over any and all other church mandates and goals. Secondly, it is brief, consisting of a sentence in length. Thirdly, it is Biblical, Fourth, it is a statement, and the fifth element-it is what the ministry should be doing.” (112-113) “Once the mission is developed, it must be communicated.” (126) Vision must be clear, compelling, a picture of what the mission will look like, (128) and it is the ministry’s future. It is personal and once developed it too must be communicated. (143) According to Malphurs, “it can and must be” (128- The author shares how “the mission under no circumstances changes, however, the visions detail and the words used to express them will
My personal mission theology is disciplining and proclaiming the pure word of God in the correct context to those that claim to be abiding in Jesus Christ. This includes pointing out and warning them against false doctrine and belief systems. Contrasting what the modern institutions preach about what it means to be a child of God against what scripture actually says it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
bullying, our society will observe a rise in workplace violence and targets that will experience
First of all, any missional mental model should be derived from missio Dei itself, which is "the mission of God to bring about redemption of the world" (Sunquist 2013, 7). When we carry this mission out in suffering for God’s eternal glory, we need to imagine how in the future his goodness, his beauty, and his harmony will cover the entire creation. I think it’s necessary for us to have this vision of his glory and be aware that whatever we do is not our own ministry. The idea of us joining the ministry of Jesus Christ is
Fortune is a business magazine owned by Time Inc. Each year it publishes an article entitled “World’s Most Admired Companies”. Since 1997, the Hay Group division of Korn Ferry has partnered with Fortune magazine to identify and rank the companies through conducting studies. The study is based on surveying the top executives and directors from eligible companies, along with financial analysts, to identify the 10 companies that they admire the most, that enjoy the strongest reputations within their industries and across industries. “They chose from a list made up of the companies that ranked in the top 25% in last year’s surveys, plus those that finished in the top 20% of their industry”. The final results consist of 50 World’s Most Admired
Jesus came so that each of us could know and understand God in a personal way. Jesus alone can bring meaning and purpose to life.