
Did King Arthur Exist

Decent Essays

Summary of the research question and outcome
My research project was inspired by my love for medieval history. I have always had a deep interest in the so called ‘myths’ of this time, and wished to focus on the reality of one of them. King Arthur came to mind, and the truth behind his tale is controversial between historians. I wished to understand whether Arthur was a real man, or some figment of an author’s imagination. My research identified different theories of Arthur existence, such as being a king, warrior, emperor, and even a god, and many of these have elaborate evidence to support their opinions. My outcome is in the form of a report, explaining the results, and due to the nature of the topic, my own opinion. My key finding is that there is a genuine possibility that Arthur did exist, but the Arthur that is famous due to his legend, did not.
Word Count 148
In order to refine the broad topic of Arthurian legend, I conducted extensive research and readings of online articles and websites as well as watching documentaries, as to make my own knowledge and understanding of the legend more in depth and exhaustive. This research process of literature reviews and internet search allowed …show more content…

Originally my research question was What is the truth behind Arthurian Legend? and with more deliberation on this topic, realised that it was exorbitantly broader than I had formerly thought. The question was then changed to ‘King Arthur: Man or Legend? But this ran into some issue with some misinterpretation of the meaning of Legend, and so as to avoid this confusion, I decided to re-word the question slightly, making my final question King Arthur: Man or

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