
Did Marco Polo Go To China Essay

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Did Marco Polo go to China?
Have you ever told a story about yourself and each time you told that story, you might have changed a few details to make you seem like a better person or have you ever told a story and left some parts out of it because you forgot or it was not that interesting or funny to you so you did not want to express it to others.? Then eventually, people start wondering did your story really happen. Well, this is what happen to Marco Polo. Did Marco Polo ever go to China? I believe that he did go, but I do believe that some things that he talked about was over exaggerated and some things that he left out was not interesting to him.
First of all, I believe that people did not believe him because he over exaggerated on things. …show more content…

Marco Polo was short on his descriptions of his trip. Even in the prologue and giving a brief description of his family and him and their trip to China. The author states that this “leaves an impersonal tone with a strong flavor of the guidebook” (37). The fact that he left stuff out of the book makes him unreliable even more with the exaggerated details. Within the book, the author states that he left out the ladies feet that were bounded, descriptions of the places he went to, and the tea that was known in China. The author stated “ he wandered around China with his eyes alternatively open (to porcelain and palaces) and closed to ladies' feet, Great Walls and proffered cups of tea. Marco Polo's book however full of wonderful descriptions, is also filled with inaccuracies and discrepancies” (111). Even though he did not have full descriptions, I believe that he still went to China because he could have written about things that were just interested to him. The author states he exaggerated because he was not educated and was not an historian. It also was stated that he might have not drank the tea because Italians and Mongols were not big tea drinkers, he was not interested in that (137-138). Later on, the author stated as well that “Perhaps we should accept the editorial prerogative of author and ghost writer to miss things out. Foot-binding might interest me but not Polo and Rustichello”

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