Did the big bang really happen? Many people may disagree with me, but I still believe the Big Bang really happened. The Universe had to start somehow, didn’t it? Sure people always tell me that god created the Universe and that my beliefs are incorrect. Yet, I recall the Bible saying that God created the Heavens and Earth... not the Universe. So yes, I, Tatiana believe in the big bang and nobody can change that! But ... How did the Universe begin? What is the big bang? I guess you will just have to continue reading on.
The Universe was this tiny super atom, and between 12 and 20 million years ago it exploded, creating as we know it today, the Big bang. It sent matter in every which way, and that was just the beginning of the Universe. As it was forming, nearly all of the earth was made up of this huge cloud of hydrogen. Some of the hydrogen mixed with helium and developed into stars.
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This resulted in the bigger clouds pressing tightly together, which formed the galaxies.
Back to my topic, did the Big Bang really happen? Like I said before, I think it did. First of all, we need a reason on how the world was created that isn’t religion based. Second, we have scientific proof that the big bang actually happened.
Just like I said above, we need a reason that isn’t religion based. In my lifetime (which hasn’t been much) one too many people have asked if I believed in God, just because I believe that the big bang happened. the big bang happened. I always say “Yes I believe in god, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think that the big bang happened. Sure, I’ve read the bible, and it said god created the heavens and earth. Nowhere in that verse did it say god created the
It is said that the Big Bang Stories or origin is without a doubt totally fictional. Naturalism and Uniformitarianism is the main driven philosophies behind the Big Bang. It is the model used to describe the formation for the entire universe; it’s the process that is currently operating within the Universe. Big Bang - is also called a “Singularity” which contains Mass and energy that we see today. It’s said over time that the energy from this Theory began to cool down as the Universe began to expand. It is said by some that God used the Big Bang to create the Universe.
Movies can act as an allegory for current societal issues, like immigration, war on terrorism and the highly controversial, and most debated issue - the Mexico-US border wall. A movie titled Monsters must contain monsters or perhaps aliens. Speaking of aliens, the United States Immigration Services considers immigrants as aliens, perhaps not this squid-like gigantic ones from space. These migrated aliens are true representation of Monsters, a movie written and directed by Gareth Edwards in 2010, a modern-day fictional monster film that, touched upon the present political issues and public anxieties. It uses these monstrous aliens with dramatic, symbolic effect to also act as an allegoric narrative for current societal issues.
In the beginning there was nothing except for the sun and giant Australian shepherds who ruled the land. These Australian shepherds lived in a palace, high above where the earth would once form, close to the sun. When new Australian shepherds were born they would often have parties to celebrate the new puppies. One day the emperor of the dogs and his wife had some new puppies, and the dogs threw the biggest party that the palace had ever seen, they were having so much fun that party shook the whole palace, and even the sun. Everything began to rumble and shake. So a part of the sun fell out of the sky hurdling and landing on Earth. This making a huge explosion. When this happened it created the rivers, mountains, rocks, and trees. The party
One of the topics I most agree with Collins is that of the big bang theory; there is too much evidence to ignore the big bang theory, but it does seem to require divine explanation. The big bang theory states that 15 to 20 billion years ago the universe singularity appeared, regardless of the cause. There are a total of ten stages in the creation of the universe based upon the big bang theory. Scientifically the big bang theory has the most evidence to support that it was the cause of the universe. There is a diverse amount of evidence that exists within the natural world to support the big bang theory: galactic expansion, the expansive blanket of background radiation, and hydrogen and helium proportions (5).
So does science contradict the Bible? Before one is able to answer this question, one must find out what the scientific facts are, rather than the unproven theories created by Scientists. Some scientists are Christians, who believe in God but also in evolution. There are many different views on the subject of just how the earth was created. The Big Bang is just one of those theories.
Scientists believe the universe was created by a huge explosion known as the Big Bang. This explosion mainly created two things matter and energy. Post Big Bang, the universe was very hot and overflowed with many elements that are known to us today. As the universe rapidly cooled down the protons and neutrons combined to form
Most people don’t know whether to believe if moon landings were real or not. What do you believe? Were the moon landings faked? Did man really set foot on the moon? These are all questions people ask every day. Most people think they never happened, while some thought they did. What really happened in 1969 when Neil Armstrong went to the moon or acted like he did?
The Cosmological Argument is best described as follows. In order to prove the existence of some god or higher power, there must have been an original cause for everything we know today to come into existence. A better way to think about the Cosmological Argument is to imagine yourself as you are now. Now think about how you came to be, how your parents came to be, how their parents came to be, how the human race came to be, and how our planet and the cosmos came to be. All of these instances have individual causes that all stemmed from the first cause (God).
Now that I think about it there is another thing that I can be sure of that is no one can be certain that there is a God or higher power that has created us. Many people have a belief in God and support the theory very passionately. The problem with that belief is that there is no evidence that there is a God. The other side to that argument would be how can I prove that he doesn't exist. How can one explain our existence or even how the world or the universe began to existence. Did the universe just start one day or did something have to create it all. If there was a God I think that the world could be as I perceive it because God should be good and God would not allow me to live a life that is not true.
In the beginning, before time began there was nothing, (it gets better, I promise) No matter the religious, scientific, or philosophical principles you adhere to, there was an amazing event that took place and brought forth the world we know and live in. It is documented in ancient texts and tested in scientific theories, but there was nobody there to witness it, you are just gonna have to trust me.
In response to the young earth six day creation of the Earth idea, secular scientist have developed the idea of the Big Bang theory. According to the big bang theory, the universe began by expanding from a minuscule volume that possessed extremely high density as well as extreme temperatures. Initially the universe was significantly smaller than a pore on your skin. (Takahashi, 2000 ) It is thought that this happened about 10-20 billion years ago. According to Yuki D. Takahasi (2000) in his article “Big Bang: How did the Universe begin?” He states 3 main observations that point to truth in the Big Bang Theory. Number one is astronomers have found that the universe continues to expand which means that the
still unknown. There are many good theories, but none are yet to be proven. In
In the beginning there was nothing, except God. God made everything out of nothing. He made the heavens, earth, and all things. It took him 6 days and on the seventh day he rested.
When space and the universe began, the existence of time also began. This theory is well-known as the Big Bang Theory. About fifteen billion years ago, the universe was comprised of very hot compressed gas, as a fireball. This is contrary to the idea of the universe beginning as a lump of matter somewhere in the void of space. Matter was created as a result of the Big Bang.
Astronomers believed the Universe was created about 14 billion years ago. During that time, the entire Universe was inside a bubble that was thousands of times smaller than a pinhead, and it was insanely hot and dense. Out of nowhere this little bubble started expanding. This expansion created what we know as the Universe. In such little time the Universe went from the size of an atom to the ginormous galaxy we have that is continuously growing.