
Diesel Dupe Case

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Case Study 1 Utilitarianism: “A utilitarian analysis involves identifying relevant stakeholders, predicting and quantifying the pain and pleasure affecting each stakeholder as a result of the action, and a determination of whether the action contributes more to net happiness than the alternative” (West, 2016). In the ‘diesel dupe’ case, the action considers the installation of the ‘defeat device’ within diesel engines. This will affect a range of stakeholders, however, three primary stakeholders include: (1) the Volkswagen Group (VWG), (2) the consumers of diesel cars, and (3) Volkswagen Group shareholders. The first stakeholder, being the VWG, will experience a large increase in pleasure as their diesel cars are successfully passing emissions …show more content…

A good financial planner will require some intellectual excellences as well as additional character-based virtues/excellences. The case also indicates that as well as a financial planner, Morris is also a husband and father. This indicates that Morris requires additional intellectual and character-based virtues to function as these roles. For both Morris and Nguyen to be flourishing, they would need to be conducting various activities in alignment with these specific virtues. Virtues/excellences that both Morris and Nguyen would need to be good financial planners include; the intellectual virtues of Knowledge (of stock, tax laws, insurance policies etc.), as well as character related virtues such as friendliness/civility (towards clients). Other virtues include Integrity and Trustworthiness (in regards to handling clients’ monetary decisions). While both Morris and Nguyen are financial planners, each individually displays opposite vices and virtues in this specific situation. While Morris displayed virtues of Courage, Integrity and Humility Nguyen encompassed virtues of Greed, Self-indulgence, and Hubris (Stuart, 2009,

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