
Dietary Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Adherence to the Australian dietary guidelines in adults can be measured by dietary guideline index (DGI), higher value of which shows greater adherence (McNaughton et al. 2008). Dietary guideline index for children and adolescents (DGI – CA) is a tools to measure adherence to the Australian dietary guidelines in children aged 4 to 16 years (Golley, Hendrie, and McNaughton 2011). Data from the Australian National Nutritional Survey (ANNS) 1995, including 10,851 adults ≥ 19 years of age, was utilized to explore the association between adherence to the Australian Dietary Guidelines and health status including blood pressure, smoking status, physical activity and BMI(McNaughton et al. 2008). It found that DGI was positively associated to the physical activity levels. Higher DGI scores were inversely related to systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Smokers and ex-smokers among adults with lower DGI score was more than those having higher DGI score. Australian National Children’s Nutrition and Physical Activity survey 2007, including 3,416 children and adolescents aged 4-16 years, studied the relationship of DGI – CA with anthropometric measures (Golley, Hendrie, and McNaughton 2011). Researchers observed weak positive …show more content…

It represents a broader picture of food consumption. As nutrients interact with one another to complement or inhibit each other in the foods we eat, dietary pattern is more predictive of the NCDs’ risk (Hu 2002). Dietary patterns can be pre-defined like the summation of recommendations by the dietary guidelines mentioned above, specific food model linked to heath historically like Mediterranean diet, or can be extracted from the population’s eating behaviors by statistical techniques like factor analysis, cluster analysis and reduced rank regression (Tucker 2010). Two famous dietary patterns and its association with NCDs is elaborated as

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