Dietary Analysis Paper My food habits vary, some days I eat a lot of food and other days I don’t eat very much. My favorite food to eat is frozen yogurt/ice cream. Some foods I dislike are tomatoes and zucchinis. My parents often encourage me to eat vegetables. I sometimes listen depending on what vegetables are available. I normally eat healthier foods around dinner time. I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and one or two snacks in between. One school days I don’t eat a very large breakfast due to limited time, but on the weekends I have time to make a larger breakfast, such as waffles. On the weekend I tend to eat out at restaurants and on week days we usually make dinner at home. My dietary analysis said my average sodium intake was
Based on a 24 Hour Recall of my diet, results using NutriCalc Plus report that my food intake lacked a healthy balance of all food groups. My Grain intake reached only 60% of the My Plate daily recommendations. My Vegetable intake was a mere 50% of the recommended servings. Additionally, I consumed 84% of the daily recommendations for the Dairy Group. Nonetheless, I did exceed the recommendations for the Fruit Group and Protein Group with intakes of 155% and 107%, respectively.
My data could be more accurate if I had used only one source for food data, and find the exact measurements for what I ate. Also, my record of fruits and vegetables may not have been accurate because I do not usually eat them alone, so they may have been in my food and I did not take account of them. On the third day, I ate Jack in the Box the whole day, which is a rare event to occur in my diet. On the weekends I am less active, but
This activity was to record a detail food log, personal caloric needs and intake and comparing to a standard distribution. The standard distribution percentage given for this activity was 40% carbs, 30% proteins and 30%fats. In this analysis I will compare my personal results of caloric intake and estimate my BMR, TMR and how this impacts my weight management goals.
In life, many people participate in various daily events and activities that help them enjoy being who they are. People may enjoy getting together with friends, going to the mall, going to an amusement park or simply finding relaxation in nature. However, a big part of everyone’s life is of course eating and many people find pleasure in doing so. Eating is a very enjoyable and delectable must for everyone but should be done so, like everything in life, in a smart and intelligent way. Being smart and perceptive when eating is a large part of nutrition.
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I tend to fluctuate between a good few days and then a bad few days. If I skip meals it’s because I don’t have time and I’ll snack later. I don’t ever eat breakfast but for the coffee because eating that early in the morning makes me sick. I sometimes stress eat but not often, I’m more of a late night snacker. I eat most of what I eat because I simply want to, I don’t enjoy vegetables much, if at all, but I do tend to do better with my vitamin intake because I take supplements. I also usually cook more so I tend to better with both minerals and vitamin intake.
Anyone can grow some basic culinary herbs and use them to cook with. A few garden tips and some very simple recipes are all you need to cook a meal that your friends will talk about for days. Rosemary, chives and parsley are very versatile herbs that can be grown indoors or out. They provide a variety of flavors that will enhance your guest's and your taste buds. To grow indoors you just need medium size pots and a room that receives at least four hours of sunlight a day. You don't want to put the plants right next to the window due to the possibility of sunburn through the glass. To grow herbs outdoors please follow the guide for your zone area. For beginners it would be best to start with young plants instead of seeds. Herbs as a rule
Sustenance is such an astounding thing, it sustains us in such a large number of ways. From each nutritional category you get diverse supplements: minerals, vitamins, starches, fats, protein, fiber.
I summarized my diet throughout a three day period and realized multiple astonishing things. The first thing I had noticed was that the first two days of my analyzed diet had the same range of calories, 2,628 and 2,338, though the number of calories I consumed on the final day had dropped at least 1,000 calories to 1,309 calories. I believe that the first two days had a greater 1,000 calorie consumption was due to what Ms.Caldwell had taught my Nutrition and Health 1 class: when eating and one is surrounded by friends, that person tends to eat more. One of my goals is to keep my calorie consumption in the same range every day to about 2,660 calories and I will do this by consuming the same amount of food that I usually would consume even around friends.
The three-day diet analysis was interesting. There were many positive attributes to it and definitely negative ones. Over the course of the three days, which were Friday, Saturday and Sunday: and figured this would give a good depiction of what I was consuming on a regular basis. In some places I was consuming more than I should be and in some I was consuming less than I should be. There were also those places were I was getting just the right amount. It is so interesting to me to be able to find out what I am consuming and how I am consuming it. Being an active male, it was most interesting of what I ate, what my average of the three days were, and the plan on how I would correct the way I eat to make it a more healthier lifestyle.
Nutrition assessment would be the first step with the patient. This evaluation will help me to know the current eating pattern: types and amounts of food typically eaten throughout the day, especially types and amounts of carbohydrates. Also know the medicines that the patient is taking to give to him education about food medication interaction. I would ask to him if is receiving nutritional program such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. During the nutrition counseling I would empowering him to self- manage diabetes and maintain good control of blood glucose. I would provide nutrition knowledge of healthy eating. Explain the benefits of following a dietary pattern that emphasizes intake of vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains,
Diabetes can lead to serious medical problems such as heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-extremity amputations. Approximately 29 million adults were diagnosed with diabetes, and 86 million had prediabetes. Patients should monitor and limit the amount of sugar, salt, fat intake and maintain carbohydrates. Choosing a variety of food groups and eating smaller portions will help immensely. Nutrition facts labels help to understand what the product consists of, and allows people to compare the different brands to make the best food choice. There aren’t a whole lot of statistics to prove that nutrition labels used and if it affects people with or without
Typically in the health field, society tends to hear that men are more dominant. However, as a dietitian, the roles are reversed. According to Lindsay Getz, a writer for Today’s Dietitian, stated, “Dietetics has long been a field dominated by women”. As a woman, and an aspiring dietitian, I’m happy to discover that women are on top for once. Not that any gender is better than the other, but it is nice to see a career where women are the more popular. “There was only one male in my dietetic internship class”, claimed Deborah. Discovering this fact, gives me even more inspiration to follow my goals to become a dietitian. Knowing that i’m going into a field where women are highly supported comforts me. It’s inspiring to know that if I work hard
Since we have been learning about nutrition in class, our task was to record a food log. Nutrition requires a well-balanced diet containing nutrient and vitamins like amino acids and fatty acids. Over the past seven days I have been recording and have been looking very carefully at my intake of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and fats. In our task, the objective was to record the basic foods we ate during the period of seven, but it did not require recording every single detail or our intake of food. Doing this food log was a pain and it was disturbing because I never wrote about what I ate like breakfast, lunch, dinner, or additional meals. I found this food log useful because it helped me learn what I
I’ve always been a big “foodie”. I’ve always enjoyed going out to eat and trying new foods. Sadly, I never thought about how the food I consumed was produced until’ I was transitioning to veganism. Watching food Inc., I observed many disturbing practices that went into the food I consumed such as: the use of minorities and undocumented workers, mass chicken farming and the conflicts of interest in food production. I also witnessed the effects of small scale farming.