
Difference Between Capitalism And Capitalism

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Economic Systems: Capitalism & Socialism Ownership is key to both capitalism and socialism. In a capitalist economy, the means of production, facilities, technology, land etc., are privately owned. The primary goal is for the owners to make a profit (Smith, 1910). Though that is not to say that owners are the only beneficiaries in aa capitalist economy. According to George Reisman in his Treatise on economics, you do not have to own a means of production to receive their benefits, you merely have to be a consumer in the marketplace. He says there is a general benefit when consumers can buy the products produced by the capitalists (326). In contrast, a socialist economy is distinguished by the major means of production being owned by the state. People do not work for their own good, but for the good of everyone else as well. Wealth that is earned is then distributed among everyone in the society. Some of the advantages of a capitalist system include greater consumer choice in the marketplace. Economic efficiency as well, since goods and services are produced based on demand, it gives producers the incentive to cut costs and avoid waste. Economic growth is also possible in a capitalist system. When the economy grows and the GDP (gross domestic product) rises, living standards are observed to increase as well. As well as advantages, there are some disadvantages as well. These include the creation of monopolies. When a business business becomes a monopoly they can, and most

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