The development of marketing has been increasing very rapidly and suddenly in the past few years. Each company is going through competitions to prove its position among other companies. If it stays for a long time without blooming, it may be left out of the competition. A huge failure is expected in any company if it is missing out the main theoretical concepts for a successful marketing. In addition, profit mountains could be effortlessly repelled by simply following a losing theory. On the other hand, when the company understands these concepts, a massive victory could be achieved. These main concepts are the marketing mix theory and Maslow’s hierarchy theory.
Marketing mix theory includes product, price, place, and promotion. First, a product
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This theory is relevant to each sector in marketing as it figures out the needs for any business to work well. The main points of this theory are physiological needs, needs for love, affection and belongingness, needs for esteem, and needs for self-actualization. Physiological needs are the basic needs for a living because no one could live without it, which contains air, water, food and a moderately steady body temperature. Safety needs come when all physiological needs are present and are never again controlling contemplations. Grown-ups have little familiarity with their security needs until a crisis complication in the social structure occurs, while kids regularly show the indications of uncertainty need of protection. Besides, needs for love, affection, and belongingness become active when safety needs are no longer a controlling thought. People try to overcome the loneliness feeling by accepting and giving love, affection, and belongingness. When all these needs are well pleased, the needs for esteem have emerged. People have a requirement for a stable abnormal state of the sense of pride and regard from others. At the point when these requirements are fulfilled, the individual feels self-confident and important as a human on the planet. At the point when these necessities are disappointed, the individual feels powerless and useless. After the human being reaches all the above needs, the needs for self-actualization become dominant. It is when the person to what he was destined to do in life in order to feel
Abraham Maslow is a psychologist who had developed the Hierarchy of needs model in 1940-50s, and the Hierarchy needs theory is still being used to day and for understanding the human motivation. In his hierarchy he believes that people are motivated to achieve certain needs. And when a human had fulfilled a person would seek to fulfil the next one. Maslow’s hierarchy needs is concerning the responsibility of service providers to provide a
How is marketing defined? What is its importance in a company’s success? This paper will discuss and explain different definitions of marketing along with a definition of author himself. In addition, this paper will elucidate the importance of marketing by giving three examples where marketing was adapted with few mistakes resulting in disaster.
A marketing strategy is the combination of the target market, or the customers the marketing is intended to reach, and the marketing mix. Product, price, place, and promotion are components of the marketing mix, or the four p’s, which create a value for the customer (Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy, 2009). For this reason, the customer, who is not part of the marketing mix, is the center of the target, surrounded by the elements of the marketing mix. The ultimate goal of a marketing strategy is to create value for the customer, which allows the organization to increase customer satisfaction and results in repeat customers and additional equity for the organization (Armstrong &
In the article Marketing is Everything, the author Regis McKenna emphasizes the significant of managing strategic marketing. He also highlights that the transformation process of marketing and several important marketing elements that lead originations toward success. First and foremost, McKenna compares two periods of companies. Before technology developed, most companies concentrated on sale or product driven. In other words, during that time, products were displayed as the first priority in corporations rather than being customer oriented. Instead of researching customers’ desires and customizing new products for them, manufacturers and sellers did not pay attention to their customers’ needs and only tried to alter their minds to match products.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is used to analyze motivation of consumers, which are composed of 5 five stages. From the lowest level to the highest one respectively are physiological, safety, belongingness, ego needs, and self-actualization. (Solomon and Barmossy et al., 2006)
The American Marketing Association defines marketing as “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large” ( The marketing mix consists of product, price, place, promotion, which means that a company needs to sell the right product at the right price and in the right place, using the best promotion. Because of
Abraham Maslow developed the theory of human motivation called Hierarchy of Needs. It suggested that people need to be satisfied by all physiological needs before move on other high-order needs. I learned this concept in my secondary school which introduced how Hierarchy of Needs can be used in business management. At that moment, I can’t realize how this concept can be applied to manage people in companies, since I was student. It was difficult for me to imagine how this theory can be practically applied in the business world. When I study Consumer Behavior in this master course, it arouses my interest to understand that this theory can be applied to interpreting how consumer goods and
Marketing is all about creating a really solid decision, which will lead to more money. In this paper I will give some history of my organization, and explain how each element of marketing affects the organization. In addition I will cover the industry in which the organization resides in.
For an organization to beat the competition, they need to understand what the consumer wants. Marketing concepts are based upon consideration on what the organization’s customers need and nourishing these needs better than the
Marketing is the total management procedure via which a product progresses from concept to consumer to satisfy and meet the needs and wants of customers. This involves addressing a number of key matters: what the company is going to produce, how much they are going to charge, how it is going to distribute its products or services to the customer, how it is going to tell its customers about its products and services, how the selling process actually happens, who comes in contact with customers and the layout of interface in which the company and customers interact. These are collectively known as the 7P’s or the marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion, process, people and physical environment.
The 'marketing mix' is a set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that work together to achieve company's objectives. The marketing mix analysis is also called 4P analysis. This analysis contains a set of controllable strategic tools of marketing which work in simultaneously to attain the objectives of an organization. In this paper we will analysis two organizations with respect to their marketing mix. The companies that I have chosen for this task are Pepsi Co and Coca Cola.
A.H. Maslow, a famous social scientist, has given a framework that helps to explain the strength of certain needs. According to him, there seems to a hierarchy into which human needs are arranged as shown in Figure.
The firm attempts to generate a positive response in the target market by blending these four marketing
With a viewpoint like that, he convinced that as they put an end to “roost”, it will turn into the customers standard and they will come back to the product over and over again. Advertisement is a way to pass on the word to the common people about specific products. If we were to take a glance surrounding our local grocery store, we will see numerous goods that we are well known with. In this article, advertising goes into much more complexity than just putting a product up for sale to the public. Twitchell centers on the subgroups that advertisers use to produce and position their ads. Each and every one of us qualifies into what is named the “VALS” system, which arranges consumers by purchasing cravings. There are three principal groups, as well as eight sub-groups, all of which can be constructed into many combinations of consumer. Twitchell also uses diagrams to describe the different kinds of buyer. The main subjects of the article were, “Mass production equals mass marketing equals creation of mass stereotypes” as well as “different products have different meanings to different audiences” (193). The Principle-Oriented group, which is the first group, is made up of three classes, which are Actualizers,
Marketing mix is one of the basic and the very important part of marketing plan. It includes all the elements that are important for an organization from manufacturing to sale of the product. It can be considered as the set of marketing tools that blends together to generate a marketing response in the market. Every organization uses this tool to make its marketing plan. Primarily it consists of 4P’s, but now it is extended to 7P’s of marketing. (Jain, 2013)