
Difference Between Marketing Theory And Maslow's Hierarchy Theory

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The development of marketing has been increasing very rapidly and suddenly in the past few years. Each company is going through competitions to prove its position among other companies. If it stays for a long time without blooming, it may be left out of the competition. A huge failure is expected in any company if it is missing out the main theoretical concepts for a successful marketing. In addition, profit mountains could be effortlessly repelled by simply following a losing theory. On the other hand, when the company understands these concepts, a massive victory could be achieved. These main concepts are the marketing mix theory and Maslow’s hierarchy theory.
Marketing mix theory includes product, price, place, and promotion. First, a product …show more content…

This theory is relevant to each sector in marketing as it figures out the needs for any business to work well. The main points of this theory are physiological needs, needs for love, affection and belongingness, needs for esteem, and needs for self-actualization. Physiological needs are the basic needs for a living because no one could live without it, which contains air, water, food and a moderately steady body temperature. Safety needs come when all physiological needs are present and are never again controlling contemplations. Grown-ups have little familiarity with their security needs until a crisis complication in the social structure occurs, while kids regularly show the indications of uncertainty need of protection. Besides, needs for love, affection, and belongingness become active when safety needs are no longer a controlling thought. People try to overcome the loneliness feeling by accepting and giving love, affection, and belongingness. When all these needs are well pleased, the needs for esteem have emerged. People have a requirement for a stable abnormal state of the sense of pride and regard from others. At the point when these requirements are fulfilled, the individual feels self-confident and important as a human on the planet. At the point when these necessities are disappointed, the individual feels powerless and useless. After the human being reaches all the above needs, the needs for self-actualization become dominant. It is when the person to what he was destined to do in life in order to feel

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