
Difference Between Nike And Unisef

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Nike VS unicef

About unicef and Nike

Nike and unisef are 2 very different businesses Nike is in the private sector they are a business that want to make a profit out of what they do selling sport products. Unisef is a business that is public sector they are not there to make money but the they are to here to help other people in conflicting country’s and it is a nom profit organization the business is a corporation.

Business types

The different business types and scale explanation

➢ Local is when the business is in only one place for example like a kiosk next to your house.

➢ National is when the business is in just 2 pleases around the world.

➢ International /global is when a business is in more that 2 countries for example like Nike.

➢ Multinational business is when the business is all around the world like Microsoft.

➢ A public business is when they are not looking forward to making money like unicef

➢ A private business …show more content…

➢ A partnership is a business that has 2 or more people working in it like Starbucks is a business that is in a partnership. The advantages are you have more capita available to you and the company you have combined skills with other workers simple to set up you have tax advantages the disadvantages are unlimited liability you have to share your profit with the other owners you can have conflicts with owners or workers that do not agree partnership ends to death and possible

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