It was in the 1500s that conflict and struggle began between the Spanish and the Native Americans of the New World. The Spanish practiced mercantilism, which means they thought the colonies were required to provide the materials Europeans needed to export profitable goods. The Spanish economy soon declined due to inflation of prices, which in turn, led them to rely on colony plantations for tobacco and sugarcane. This required a massive quantity of workers, so King Charles I of Spain's granted an encomienda system, which gave the Spanish colonists the right to demand the Indians to work as slaves. In 1519, the encomienda system became overpopulated. As more and more natives were introduced to Europeans, they were also exposed to foreign diseases
Smallpox was the number one eradicator facing those who didn’t possess immunity to the rank disease. Over 90% of native peoples died from this illness. Spain constructed a system known as encomienda. Under this arrangement Indians could be traded to slave owners in exchange for the devotion of their Christian loyalty. The relationship between Indians and Spanish voyagers was not all horrific. They did
In 1492 when Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, Spain had discovered its next easy conquest. With North America added to its territory Spain had surpassed ancient Rome as the largest empire. Exploiting the land, labor, and minerals Spain quickly conquered and settled most of South America, the Caribbean, and the Southwest. Spain used its new wealth to help finance their war in Europe. With promises of riches and many natives to convert to Christianity the Spanish sent conquistadors who brought with them not only superior military technology but also diseases like smallpox, scarlet fever, and the bubonic plague decimating native populations like the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas. These Spanish conquistadors, who were poverty-stricken nobles predominantly from the west and south of Spain, were then awarded encomiendas, land grants that included the right to force native populations into slavery as long as the convert them to Christianity (Shmoop Editorial Team, 2008).
In exchange, the encomendero could force the Native Americans to pay tribute in forms of bullion and labor. Eventually, the native people began to die off from the harsh labor and foreign diseases that the Spanish brought from Spain. The Native Americans rejected Spanish control and returned to their customs. Angered by this, the Spanish captured 46 Pueblo leaders, which started the Pueblo Revolt. After years of fighting, the Spanish regained control. In New England, relationships with local Native Americans started out peaceful. The Native Americans and settlers of New England began to trade with each other. Native Americans, who were used to their elementary weapons, acquired better weapons from the Europeans. This once beneficiary exchange between the two cultures eventually grew tense. As years went on and more settlers came to America, conflicts arose. An agreement formed between Dutch settlers of New York and the English settlers of New England about the division of the Pequot lands. When no immediate decisions were reached of who would gain the land, New Englanders started to settle in the area without notice. The Pequot took this unplanned invasion as a form of attack, and fought back. After a series of attacks, New England called for reinforcements from allies. By joining forces with Plymouth and the Narragansett people, the English gained control
America can conceptually be described as a unified nation that revolves around strong national ethics such as: natural freedoms for usually for all people, respecting people, justice, a sense of community, and faith in oneself, religion, and country. America has had a long past that involves many different groups, namely the Iroquois Indians, and the Spanish from Spain. These diverse groups of people had many similar and opposing beliefs that they held themselves to and that tended to clash in history. Spanish believed that it was important to explore the world in pursuit of glory, gold, and religious freedoms for personal benefit, oftentimes destroying other cultures and surrounding land. In contrast, the Iroquois had strong beliefs in treating
The Spanish exploration of America brought many new foods, types of plants, and many forms of wealth to the European world. However, the wealth that was brought from the Americas came at a cost. The suffering and enslavement of the Native people and the transportation of Africans to America to be used as slaves alongside the Natives. Many motivations were used to support this extraction of wealth and treatment of the Natives and Africans, however two are easily verifiable. The Spanish colonization from 1492 to 1700 was motivated by religious conversion of all peoples in America and the desire for wealth and profit that had a significant impact on the lives of Native Americans and Africans.
Spanish Colonization- Beginning with the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492 Spanish Colonization continued for centuries. The Spanish Empire eventually would include half of South America, most of Central America, and a lot of North America. The Spanish used the Encomienda System to control and use Native Americans. Spaniards received grants of Native Americans from the Spanish government who they could take tribute from in the form of goods or labor as long as they tried to convert the Native Americans to Catholicism. This system worked out horribly for the Native Americans with many treated harshly and forced to do hard physical labor. The Natives were not willing slaves though and rebelled numerous times which contributed to African slave labor replacing the Encomienda System. The Spanish intermarried with the Native Americans leading
European families always put the males first, whereas African and Native American cultures saw the woman as the symbol of family bond. The children were said to be descended through the mother’s side more than the father. Religion was somewhat similar between the Native American and African cultures where the Europeans strongly disagreed with. Africans believed that there was a center power and Native Americans believed there were several deities, where they both believed that focused on nature and the its forces. They both believed that objects (usually scared to them) held sprites of the dad and spirits that can be evil or good. On the other hand, Europeans believed that there was a single deity with written scriptures which was all run through
When the Spanish first came to the Native American civilizations, they brought along infectious diseases with them, that the Natives were not used to, which ended up killing most of the Natives. The Europeans had better weapons as well, so it was easier to enslave the Natives and succumb them to more disease. So, it was an epidemic of the highest
The balance of power was so uneven between the Spanish and Inca because Spanish has many advantages they used such as they had modern technology that they had from Europe that the use such as better weapons that helps when they fight and newer items. The Spanish also have geography to their advantage because their land was good for farming unlike Inca. The Spanish also had slaves and animals do much of their work so that they wouldn’t have to. Inca tried to catch up to them technology wise but by then it was too late and they fell behind so much. The spanish also had things like reading and writing to help them make strategies and plans to attack as well as reading other strategies that worked to help improve their attack on Inca. Spanish
The Encomienda System did more harm than good to the Native Americans. The Encomienda System allowed the spanish to trade indians to colonist in order to christianize them. Essentially they were slaves, they were forced to work under hard conditioned, resulting in death. Even with the spanish originally establishing the system with good intentions, the Native Americans were disadvantaged. Spanish missionary such as, Bartolome de las Casas, was against this system of labour, However this type of system favored those who benefited from the Native Americans.
Introduction Looking into a culture whether your own or one different; you will notice the many differences. Differences can be from all sorts of aspects; whether it is type of foods a culture eats, the god/s they worship, to how they take care of their ill. Humans all suffer from the same illnesses, diseases, social issues and many other things. As a separate culture each deals with these things differently. One of these social issues Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault are more of an epidemic in both the Hispanic and Native American cultures.
Native Americans and Europeans Differences The Native Americans and the Europeans had very different views on everything they experienced in their lives. Because they had two different cultures, they had dissimilar outlooks in most cases. Amongst the differences are the values, beliefs, and assumptions of Native North Americans and Europeans at the time of first contact during the fifteenth and sixteenth century. The Native Americans highly value traditional beliefs such as balance, spirituality, and wellness. Balancing their environment was very important to the Native Americans.
While disease wiped out significant numbers of native peoples, their societies were built primarily around corn, beans and squash, so the crops allowed for a bigger agricultural yield to support a large incoming population. Key Concept 1.2 – WXT -4 • In order to move on to conquer more of the Americas, the Spanish practiced encomienda as a means of enslaving the native people, using the guarantee of Christian conversion as a justification. Also, with the introduction of European crops, the colonizers needed the natives to undertake agricultural labor to yield food and cash crops. Key Concept 1.3 – CUL-1 • While the Native American culture was more so focused on family and survival, the Europeans were concerned with gold, glory, and God, hence their pursuit of conquering the New World.
The arrival of Europeans in America greatly disrupted the life of the Natives. The natives had their own culture in America with their own special beliefs. When Europeans arrived they tried to alter the way Native Americans lived their lives to resemble their way of living. The Natives did not respect this because they had previously built a lifestyle in America that they wish not to be transformed. The two cultures had different opinions about government, religion, land, and society. Due to the many differences between the Native and European people, it was unfeasible that there would be no conflicts between them.
Encomienda System – Spanish conquistadors received land for Indian labour from the crown, this helped keep them in check