
Difference In Violent Crime Statistics

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The fact that I found interested was that in the 60’s, the U.S. had 3.3 police officers for every violent crime reported per year and that number changed to having 3.47 violent crimes reported for every police officer in 1993.
2. The closest number I found to Walinsky’s statistic is the FBI’s archive of violent crime statistics. However, I found a slight difference in the violent crimes reported for every police officer in 1993. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, as of June 30, 1993 there were 373,554 sworn personnel, including about 230,000 uniformed officers who responded to calls for service on a normal basis. In 1993, according to FBI, there were 1,926,017 violent crimes reported. So 1,926,017 over 373,554 is about 5.155

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