
Differences And Similarities Between Australia And New Zealand

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To compare the legal, educational inclusion and disability regulations of different countries, you first need to look at what that country regards as important and what that country values when it comes to the education of people living in that country. This report will first compare and examine Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom’s laws and regulations then compare what is regarded as important within their country to be inclusive within their education system and the values each of these countries have that contribute to their inclusive educational system and how this affects teachers within these counties.

Laws and legal regulations that contribute to the countries inclusive and disability educational …show more content…

In Australia the Disability standards for Education 2005 was put in place to ensure every person knows has the same rights to equality in regards to an education and as the community. The standards were designed to eradicate, discrimination against a person on the grounds of disability when it is regarding their education. They were intended to promote the recognition and acceptance of all persons with disabilities. In New Zealand the Disability Strategy in place to promote the rights of disabled people in New Zealand by providing a better education for disabled people, educating the non-disabled society and providing equal opportunities for disabled persons. The United Kingdom’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 is very similar to both Australia’s and New Zealand at it recommends the elimination of discrimination and harassment of disabled people, promoting equal opportunities and participation of a disabled person. It states “It is unlawful for the body responsible for a school to discriminate against a disabled person”. (Disability discrimination Act 1995). However the difference between the United Kingdom and Australia and New Zealand is that it is mandatory for a …show more content…

Meaning all persons with disabilities have the right to an education and should be excluded from schools due to their disability. This is supported in the United Kingdom’s Disability Discrimination Act when it states that ‘Disability discrimination in education is unlawful. Schools must not treat disabled pupils less favourably than others’. In New Zealand the Education act 1989 and the Disability Strategy both concur with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities when both promote the Equal rights to primary and secondary education by ensuring a person with a disability has the rights to receive at schools as people who do not have a disability. The Australian’s Disability Discrimination Act also complies with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as it states that ‘The Australian Government supports the right of children with disability to have the same educational opportunities as other children. A person with a disability has a right to

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