Countries are different in one way or another, even if they were colonized by the same nation. America and Australia are prime examples of that fact. They aren’t just in different locations on a map, they have differences in their education systems too.
In Australia, they have three major classifications of schools. You either go to a government school, a non-government school, or a school based on an educational philosophy ("Schools..."). Another difference from the American system is that you go to primary school (preparatory through year 6), then to high school (year 7 through 12), and then to university (Hodgson); while, in America, students go through elementary school (kindergarten through 5th grade), middle school (6th through 8th grade),
Have you ever wondered how High Schools are in other countries? Despite sharing some minor similarities, the differences between Nicaraguan and American High School education are clear. Such as, note-taking methods, grading system, classroom environment.
Australia is diverse it has people from Lebanon, Italy and Greece. New Zeland on the other hand is a very religious country. The people that live there are mainly from Pacific Islands but have recently been getting immigrants from different parts of Asia. There are long spanning droughts in Australia, New Zealand has droughts that only last for a short period of time. The population is way greater than the one of New
Last time I checked the name of our country was not Ausmerica! So why are we slowly letting America make us the 51st state of the USA? The American media and imports have caused Australian culture to become submerged in the generic cosmopolitanism of the US!
Describe the physiographic contrasts between Australia and New Zealand. In other words, how are the two countries geographically different?
The culture and social customs of Indians compared to Australians is very different. Different people in different societies have different culture and food, but they also have some similarities. The culture varies in different things such as clothes, foods, religion, and many others. Not only the culture but geographical and environmental setting is also playing main role. India is the world’s second largest country after china with 1.3 billion population, while Australia is the world’s smallest continent with 24 million population. The capital of India is New Delhi which is in the northern part of India. The capital of Australia is Canberra which is in northern end of Australia which is also called southwest Sydney. India is surrounded by three oceans namely Arabian ocean(west), Indian ocean(south), Bay of Bengal(east). Australia considered to be an island because it is surrounded by Indian ocean(west), coral seas(north), Pacific Ocean(east) and Tasman sea(south) ( India is more vulnerable in climate changes, in India there were three main seasons, winter runs through January and march, summer runs through April and August and monsoon runs through September and December. Meanwhile, Australia is generally warm and dry all year round, with no extreme cold and rain ( India suffers with environmental problems like water and air pollution, land damage, and water shortage, because there are no strict rules for environmental problems. While
The Chinese and Australia economies have many similarities and differences, including the size of the economies, growth rates, unemployment, inequality, standard of living, environmental issues and the roles the different governments have in influencing and modifying these factors of the economy.
Good Morning fellow delegates; I am honoured to be here today to provide you with my opinion on if Australia is becoming too Americanised.
Main Idea: In Chapter 15, Diamond examines the hemi continents of Australia and New Guinea, why they are ‘primitive’, and why Europeans succeeded to develop in one and not the other.
There are four types of mainstream state schools funded by local authorities which are known as maintained schools. They all follow the National Curriculum and are inspected by Ofsted (the government’s Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills).
Cross-cultural studies are an essential part of Society and Culture. This report will examine cross cultural similarities and differences relating to Egypt and Australia. In particular, the report will use family, power/authority/influence and gender as comparison indicators.
To begin, the current system of placement is strictly by age. There is a government regulated standard that dictates when a child shall be legally forced to attend (at least) public school. With this regulation, there is a concrete set of age groups child must fall under to determine the grade level of the child. Grade levels usually go progressively by number (such as ninth and tenth grade,) and all teach the same types of materials and subjects for the standardized education.
The history of both educational systems has early beginnings. Public education in Canada evolved from France and Great Britain and the U.S Northern borders. It system still today resemble France and Great Britain and because of our close proximity they have adapted some parts of the United States educational system. Educational system of the United States began in the 1600s in the New England colonies of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire. In the 1800s, education was reserved for only the wealthy and by 1918, all states passed laws requiring all children to attend at least elementary. Subsequently during the same period public support for secondary and high school gained popularity. In spite of the belief that public education should be available to every child irrespective of
Other countries around the world have developed school years that are different from the United States. In the United Kingdom, the school year is divided into a trimester system with fall, winter, and summer terms. There is a two week break after the fall and winter terms, and there are six weeks with no school after the summer term. The United Kingdom celebrates similar public holidays as in the United States, and their students attend school for about the same amount of time as our
Australia and New Zealand are modern, busy, and multicultural countries. Although Australia and New Zealand are close to each other on the map they are similar in many ways, they are also many differences. This essay will tell the similarities and differences that can be pointed out between these two countries that are located in the Pacific. Australia and New Zealand are similar in a lot of ways. To start off they are similar in their first language, both countries speak English as a first language and both have their original languages as well.
The British school system is like most other school systems in Europe and North America. Full time education is mandatory up to the middle teenage years. The mandatory education is provided free of charge by the state. Parents can also spend some money on theirs child’s education if they send the child to a privately owned school. Education in the UK is divided in to four main groups: Early years foundation stage, primary education, secondary education and post-secondary education.