
Differences Between English And English

Decent Essays

1. A) Dialect is what you speak, or your register. Language is usually seen/associated with a standard language. If two people can understand each other, they are speaking the same language, but not necessarily the same dialect. Languages are typically looked at as prestigious, official, and written; while dialects are spoken and unofficial (often referred to as a type of slang). Language is the method of human communication which is either spoken or written. Dialect is a variety of language, distinguishable by grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and geography.

B) No corrections

C) One problem is that there are numerous distinctive dialects and linguistic variants that can be separated geographically by isoglosses (distinctive …show more content…

Languages are not always easily identifiable or clearly defined with boundaries between them, which is one of the main problems when trying to separate languages from dialects.

2. A) Sounds are learned first, then words, then grammar. At a young age (pre-talking stage) you begin to learn sounds/speech sounds. Next, infants start to utter common or recognizable words. Then comes word combinations and sentences. At the age of 10 or so, you have pretty much learned sounds/accents and they become much harder to change/develop. Around 2 years of age, children begin to use grammatical elements. You are never ‘finished’ learning words, however, because the human vocabulary is so large and words are always being added or changed. Learning a language as an adult is much harder, but words are the easiest to learn. Grammar comes with practice, after learning words and sounds, as well as listening to others speak. Words and grammar are the most easily changed with practice. Sounds are the hardest to change.

B) Declarative knowledge is knowledge of facts, dates, etc. This knowledge is directly accessible and applicable. Declarative knowledge is conscious, knowing that something is the case. Procedural knowledge is knowing how to do something, like knowing a skill or action that you are capable of performing. Words are declarative (i.e. knowing/recalling the definition of words). Procedural knowledge is more like “muscle memory” and therefore

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