Women have long been looked down upon as beings inferior to men. Women voted late, were not recognized as full citizens with ownership privileges until many years in the future, and many more matters. In Native American society, however, women were much more prevalent in society. They were warriors, farmers, and craftswomen. Though they usually were not leaders, they were still very important to the construction of a family and tribe. European and Native American cultures vary greatly in their views of women in the home, in societal structure, and in mythology. In the 16th century, European women were not allowed to have professions such as lawyers, doctors, or teachers. Some women worked spinning clothes, but most women were …show more content…
In the United States in 2016, women were paid 80 percent of what men were paid (Kevin Miller, The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap). Women are still treated as second hand to men to this day, but we have come a far way since the sixteenth century European women. Women can go to school, work, and have lives in the United States. In other countries and cultures, however, women still have a long fight ahead of them. In Saudi Arabia, women were just recently granted the ability to drive (Nicole Gaouette and Elise Labott, CNN). This is a huge stepping stone for women in Saudi Arabia and many more countries. The guardianship rule in Saudi Arabia is still ongoing, stating that women cannot make any decision without a man or young boy telling her yes or no. Women have no freedom for making their own choices, but their chains will soon be loosened through newly imprinted laws. Just like in the home, European women and Native American women vary greatly in societal structure and cultures.
In the sixteenth century, women were not allowed to have jobs such as doctors, teachers, or lawyers. Almost all women were housewives, they stayed in the house and cleaned, cooked, and sometimes worked on the farm if needed. If a woman was not a housewife, she would use her time to spin clothes, she would be a washerwoman, a milliner, and they embroidered and dryed clothes. Some women made small businesses cooking or baking,
European families always put the males first, whereas African and Native American cultures saw the woman as the symbol of family bond. The children were said to be descended through the mother’s side more than the father. Religion was somewhat similar between the Native American and African cultures where the Europeans strongly disagreed with. Africans believed that there was a center power and Native Americans believed there were several deities, where they both believed that focused on nature and the its forces. They both believed that objects (usually scared to them) held sprites of the dad and spirits that can be evil or good. On the other hand, Europeans believed that there was a single deity with written scriptures which was all run through
Referring to 16th and 17th century women didn’t have access to all those kind of luxuries that she being looking for while at the same period of time woman had a specific role
Women were very important in medieval culture. They ran households, gave birth to and raised children, took care of business when their husbands were away and much more. Women had high standards that were placed upon them and that they set for themselves, much like the women and girls of today. Women worked for much less than men did, even though they worked as much if not more than men did. Noblewomen were occasionally educated. In all women were amazing and talented and worked very hard.
In the middle ages, social classes had a major effect on the responsibilities of women. One responsibility was that many women was married when they were teenagers rather they lived in a castle or a peasant hovel (Bovey). Peasant hovels are the houses that the peasants lived in. Another responsibility is women of the church had the responsibilities of the abbesses of convents (Bovey). Abbesses of the convents was the “leader” of mostly the monks in the Catholic Church. Also, peasant women had the responsibility of all the household duties, such as preparing and cooking the food, cleaning the house, and taking care of the children (Bovey). Then, 90% of women that lived in rural areas not only had the basic household duties, but they were responsible
Women during this time were meant to raise the children and take care of their household. They were not allowed to become very educated, unlike the boys who were able to attend school. Women only needed to become somewhat educated so that they were able to teach their children. Women had
The arrival of Europeans in America greatly disrupted the life of the Natives. The natives had their own culture in America with their own special beliefs. When Europeans arrived they tried to alter the way Native Americans lived their lives to resemble their way of living. The Natives did not respect this because they had previously built a lifestyle in America that they wish not to be transformed. The two cultures had different opinions about government, religion, land, and society. Due to the many differences between the Native and European people, it was unfeasible that there would be no conflicts between them.
Women mostly held menial and low paying jobs such as shoemakers, embroiders, wash women, bakers, brewers, domestic servants and midwives. If women did not work they were housewives because their husbands found it difficult to run the family farm or business without their assistance.
The societal role of women has transformed drastically over the centuries. During the Renaissance, the typical woman was denied all political rights and considered legally subject to her husband. Women were considered to be inferior to men, highly uneducated, and were expected to play the role of a nobel housewife. These women were expected to be modest, pious, compliant, and overall, beautiful. This standard of beauty was upheld throughout the social classes. The ideal woman was blonde, pale with rosy cheeks, red lips, with wide shoulders, a narrow waist and full hips. Due to the standard of modesty, women were also expected to be covered from the neck to down. They often wore tight corsets which restricted their movement, knee-high stockings,
In the early 18th century women had a role of a domestic leader of sorts. Women were in charge of leading the household and raising the children. One of the original roles of an 18th century women was not only to take care of the house, but also provide a source of income for the family. This was achieved through various different methods such as weaving and making fabric in their own homes. The fabric would then be sold to factories to be used in the mass production of various cloth goods. This quickly changed during the 18th century so that the production would take place solely in the factory causing the husband to usually be the only bread winner. To summarize the text says on page 656, “Women came to be associated with domestic duties,
Saudi Arabia has recently been making reformist noises lately about women rights. Although women in Saudi Arabia are still unable to vote, drive, or marry non-Saudi men, they are slowly moving towards equality, just like American women had to do. Although almost half of Saudi Arabian people are women, women are not treated like equals. The differences in the two cultures are extreme. If a Saudi Arabian women was to do half the things an American woman is able and willing to do, it would be considered frowned upon and rude.
The Saylor Foundation states, “During the Enlightenment women began to take advantage of new intellectual trends, such as the novel and the salon. These social outlets enabled them to have more of a public voice. Furthermore, the Enlightenment, while continuing to promote strict gender roles in general, saw some of the first signs of feminism, through the writings of figures such as the British writer Mary Wollstonecraft” (The Saylor Foundation, pg. 1). According to class notes about “Women – Early Renaissance”, “women were initially given opportunities to work in mines, but as the mines became overworked both men and women lost work” (Detrick “Early Renaissance”). Due to finally feeling as though they have a voice and can do everything and more of what they have been previously told they couldn’t do, women then decided to continue trying to be a part of the workforce by producing lace.
Peasant women had may tasks and responsibilities around the house. There were many things to get done everyday. According to Alixe Bovey “Peasant women had many domestic responsibilities, including caring for children, preparing food, and tending livestock. During the busiest times of the year, such as the harvest, women often joined their husbands in the field to bring in the crops. Women often participated in vital cottage industries, such as brewing, baking and manufacturing textiles.” The women were always very busy. They worked hard to provide for their family everyday. They even worked to provide some goods for other people too.
Women in this time lived a hard life as well. Regardless of their status in society, they were tied to household tasks (“The Middle Ages”). This including duties such as cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, sewing, and baking. Along with these jobs, women also
The main purpose of women during the 16th century was to give their husbands heirs. Poor women tended to give birth about once every two years. Rich women
When a woman leaves her home she is at the mercy of other men and the laws that bind her. Women in Saudi Arabia have never had a fair start when it comes to rights and their situation grows more stressful every day. Women are fighting for their rights and will fight for their rights. In conclusion women in Saudi Arabia are not treated fairly and they fight for their rights every