Do you believe in love at first sight, because I just found out it is true?
I guess you must be lost, because heaven is a long way back from here for an Angel like you!
Do you want to find out the meaning of true love, tonight?
I have a secret; I know how to take you up the stairway to heaven.
Do you believe I am in love after meeting you?
I am really drunk, and I am not shy now, so you can take me home when you want!
What can I do, I think I am falling in love with you?
Would you believe it is my birthday today, and I am still a virgin?
Hi, my name is , but you can call me when you are ready to go home.
I have a mouthful of lollies; do you want to taste the rainbow?
Do you have the map to get out of there, because I just keep getting lost every time I look at you!
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Do you believe in love at first sight?
Do you believe it is possible to fall in love when I meet you?
Do you believe in one-night stands?
Do you believe in true love?
Do you want to find out why everyone calls me ‘the mad bull’?
Can you see my friend over there in that group of people, he wants to know if you think I am good enough for you tonight?
Do you want to find out why everyone calls me ‘superman/superwoman’?
Do you think this is the cheesiest pick up line ever?
Do you think it is OK to go home the first time we meet?
What can I tell you so I can take you home
The honoured and remarkable play of Romeo and Juliet and its updated version as a movie that is modernized have some similarities and differences between both. Firstly, the most obvious similarity is the language used in both, as the movie uses the script from the play word by word. Secondly, a difference that is changed in the screenplay due to the difference between the weaponry of both time frames, the swords used in Romeo and Juliet's play are replaced by guns in the screenplay. Thirdly, despite the ignorance of some scenes , the plot remains the same, including Friar Lawrence's plan for Juliet to escape the marriage from Count Paris. Lastly, the Prince of Verona from the play is replaced by a Chief of Police, as due to the difference in
DiCaprio did it right, the other two movies were ‘meh’, but DiCaprio hit it on the nose. Shakespeare’s original play was a story of love and loss, all three of those movies perfectly captured that. Matt sucks. The style of movie the 1996 and 2014 version used is very enjoyable, the whole newage Romeo and Juliet. The older story portrays Shakespeare’s original idea of how the play should look. Though, the acting was sub-par on the older version. Many things can be learned from the rivalry of the Capulets and Montagues, those things are displayed differently in all three pieces. All three unique, yet also the same in ways. But first, the older movie.
Today I am writing an essay about how would it be if the Romeo and Juliet story were different. I am writing an essay about how would it be if the Romeo and Juliet story were different because I want to tell about all kinds of things that would’ve happened. Some things that would be different about the Romeo and Juliet story would be if Juliet was never in the story, if Rosaline would have felt the same way Romeo felt about her, if Romeo would had never went to the party at the Capulet’s mansion, and if the letter had arrived to Romeo informing him about Juliet’s and the Friar’s scheme. In my essay I would tell about would’ve happened if the story were different. The Romeo and Juliet story would be very different if things didn’t go as planned.
Though he did make some cuts that take away from the meaning and characters of the play, the reason often made sense. For example, Juliet’s soliloquy in act 4 scene 3, which is incredibly important because it shows the darkness of Juliet, was cut because the death scene does not take place in a tomb and that is the main topic of her soliloquy. Although the audience missing the dark depression of Juliet in this soliloquy, he compensates for this by making the Juliet scene with her father where he tells her she is going to marry Paris, be much more emotional. Another cut was the death of Paris, which at first seems like an important plot point to leave out, yet other than showing Romeo’s determination to see Juliet, really has no purpose. Luhrmann
William Shakespeare’s timeless tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, has been put into two different yet similar interpretations by Franco Zeffirelli in 1968 and Baz Luhrmann in 1997. Though their interpretations are based off the same play, which is reason for many similarities within them, they tend to part ways quite often throughout their ways of recreating Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet.
Throughout the movie of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a great disappointment because even though that this is a modern day version of Romeo and Juliet they use guns and not swords which defeats the whole purpose of the sword challenge and how you have to stab the person and not shoot them.
One difference between the movie Romeo + Juliet and the story Romeo and Juliet is that the movie takes place in Verona beach, Florida, and story takes place in Verona, Italy. In the story Romeo and Juliet all of the story takes place in Verona Italy, but in the movie Romeo + Juliet it takes place in a city in the United States. An example is in the story in the prologue it reads, “Two households, both alike in dignity(In fair Verona, where we lay our scene),From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean” that shows that the story is in Verona(Shakespeare). A reason the director could have put the story in Verona beach, Florida is that he wanted the scene for the movie to be a more familiar place rather than
I am very displeased with the way you have treated your family. I agree, your daughter Juliet did act out of place. You had been very flexible in allowing her to choose her path, and she took advantage of that, but in no way is it correct to hit your wife for trying to calm you down. I understand that where and when you come from the way you acted is allowed, but do you really think what you did is morally rectified. It’s alright to get angry, it’s even fine to yell, however, it is inexcusable to abuse your wife. Not only did you physically hurt her but mentally as well. Having her daughter right in front of her when you hit her must have made her feel so worthless and shameful. Nowadays, many people are belittled by the public for acting in
In Romeo and Juliet, the infamous tragedy written by William Shakespeare, two star-crossed-lovers from feuding households (Montague and Capulet) meet a grim end. Throughout the text, a dramatic foil is developed between the character, Romeo, and Mercutio, his best friend. Romeo is extremely passionate about everything in his life while Mercutio is more of a skeptic, meaning he takes time to think about things before believing them. Shakespeare makes their differences evident through their contrasting views on life that are displayed in scene four of act one. Romeo, who is deeply in love with a maiden named Rosaline, expresses
In a world where advancement is occuring at an accelerating rate, traditions are constantly being broken, but is the American education system still holding onto the past? There is a dispute among educators as to whether or not Romeo and Juliet is a necessary classic to teach their students. The new modern English writing has remained a staple in the high school English class for years, and fans argue that if it has worked there for so long there is no reason to change the system. On the other side of the disagreement teachers say that there are more useful books that classes could read besides the monotonous writings of a man from five-hundred years ago. Romeo and Juliet being taught in schools today is drudgery that students bear simply for tradition.
I decided to choose the fight scene for my creative assignment. Choosing this scene was a product of the influential nature of it. This scene was the basis of Romeo’s banishment which then led to the confusion between Romeo and Friar Laurence which resulted in not only the death of Romeo, but also Juliet along with him. This scene also resulted in the deaths of the Prince’s kinsman, Mercutio, and Tybalt, whom was slain by Romeo. It has so much meaning and influence on the story that I thought it would make a perfect subject for a visual representation.
The French version, written in 1559 by Boaistuau, added more exciting details. Interestingly, Boaistuau changed the manner of the lovers' deaths from his Italian predecessors, where the lovers have a short time together in the tomb before they die. Boaistuau chooses to have his Romeo die before Juliet wakes, as Shakespeare will do in his later version. Brooke's poem is a faithful translation from the French and Brooke is the immediate source for Shakespeare's play. Shakespeare, of course, makes his own changes, not least the change from a leisurely period of several months, throughout which the lovers enjoy their relationship, to the desperate haste and headlong energy of his action, crammed into a few days.
Males often feel as though the only way to adequately express romantic feelings is through words. The song “Michelle” by Sir Paul McCartney is the words of a man in this state of love that must only be expressed through words. In it one can assume that there are language barriers between the man and woman of the song but he sings of how he will find a way to make her understand. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is similar in the fact that Romeo is describing how beautiful Juliet is and how he has never seen something so beautiful.
The play of Romeo and Juliet is a story of forbidden love, secrets, fights, and friendships. When watching a film, a play, or a movie, music plays a crucial part in creating the feel of the scene. For example a slow romantic song would fit a scene were couples dance together. Choosing songs for the play “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare, was interesting and the song choices I selected reflect my interpretation of each scene. At the beginning of the play the Capulet and Montague servants meet and begin to fight.
ilies who discover their love for each other ending sadly in a double suicide of the two holding each other in their arms. But they give a new found hope for peace between their families. There has been many remakes of this love story but some of the most popular are the 2014 Broadway performance, the ‘96 version with a modern twist, and the 1968 traditional version while they all share similarities they also share many differences. In the Broadway and ‘96 version he (Easton) found them much easier to understand and relate to because I could make connections since they were using a modern interpretations of the play although they all spoke the words as they had been meant to say using Old English which most people found them much harder to comprehend