Between the French and the English in the New World, there were several differences. First, the majority of the French people were loyal Catholics and thus were determined to spread their Catholic Faith to the Indians of the New World. On the other hand, most of the English people were united under the Church of England, or Anglican Church, and rejected Christian doctrine. While the first French settlements were established around Quebec in Canada, the first English settlements were established further to the south, near Virginia. Finally, the French colonists’ main goals were fur trading, to convert the Indians to Christianity, and to gradually settle in the New World. On the other hand, English settlers had no concern for the spirituality
During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, New Spain and New France came to the New world for two different reasons. New France came to the new world in search of a new west passage and Spain came in search of gold and religious freedom. They both wanted to spread their religious beliefs through missionaries. The Spanish were the first to establish large settlements. The Spanish had over 200 cities by 1570. The French didn’t start colonizing until 1604. The first French colony was Acadia and Quebec which came years later in 1608. The Spanish had a huge head start on colonization over New France but they both thrived in their own ways by using Natural Resources and slaves.
The Spanish for example, had a military fort in St, Augustine, Florida and carried on missionary activities as far north as Port Royal, South Carolina. Most of their colonization was either religion or military based as they planned to build missions to benefit the peaceful Native Americans and military outposts to deal with the hostile ones. The Spanish planed to use missions to grow their empire within the borders of America. The British on the other hand wished at first exploit the natives, fish and search for passage to the pacific. These were the ideas of Humphrey Gilbert. Gilbert makes a few voyages to America and nothing stays but after Gilbert dies, Sir Walter Raleigh asks to charter a new colony. He establishes the colonies Roanoke and Virginia and he eventually leaves, but in 1607 a joint stock company, the Virginia Company of London founds Jamestown. Eventually John Smith takes over Jamestown John Smith took over as a much more affective ruler. He then maps the colony, explores it and gets corn from the Indians so that the colonists can survive. The French however, did not colonize as much as the British did, and did not wish to harshly change the Native Americans way of life like the Spanish. In the early years, the French had one colony, New France but in 1682 the
During the early stages of North America, the Spanish settlements in the Southwest and the English colonies contrasted from each other as a result of different resources, religion, and various other factors. In the 17th century, North America was just beginning colonization. In 1588, the Spanish attacked the English but were defeated because the English used different tactics that were swifter. Both the Spanish settlers and English were devoted to their religions. While the English were trying to decide what path of religion to follow, the Spanish had already choses Christianity as their dominant religion. Some Spanish missionaries were founded in California and Texas with the goal to Christianize the natives. The English
A contrast of the colonies are where they settled. The early English colonies settled mostly in Virginia and Massachusetts but quickly spread from Maine to Georgia and even to the Mississippi River. The French Colonies settled in parts of Canada, the Mississippi River, Quebec, and Louisiana. While the Spanish colonies claimed most of the south/southwestern regions including Florida, New Mexico, and places in Texas, and California. Another difference would be where the population of the colonists came from. In English colonies the population arose from specialist such as lumberman and sawmill workers, middle-class farmers, tradesman, convicted criminals, and immigrants from other countries were also allowed over. A similarity between the French
During the European age of expansion in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, various European nations were colonizing the newly discovered Americas. Spain and France would become prominent players in the Western Hemisphere, both conquering and colonizing new territories. However, each country had different methods of developing their colonies in the New World. Spanish and French settlements contrasted greatly with one another in terms of economic development and Native American relations.
The majority of the population in each of the colonies was Christian, but New France and New Spain had mainly Catholics while New England was mainly Protestant. This disparity was due to the reasons the people decided to move to the colonies. Protestants moved to New England to move away from the Church of England since they believed that the English Reformation didn’t change enough things in the church. However, the Catholics from New Spain and New France wanted to either convert the Native Americans into Christians or establish some Christian influence in North America. In addition, they had very different views on what the Native Americans were and how to treat them. In New Spain, they saw them strictly as savages that were either supposed to be saved by converting them into Christians or killed and conquered. In New England, their view of them was originally positive because they were given assistance to survive on the colonies, but they did become enemies due to their greed. In New France, their view was very positive as they tried to make an alliance with the natives due to the Indians’ involvement in the fur trade. All of these varying views were a result of their differing goals in which they became friends or enemies depending on the positives of having that relationship, such as New France’s
As the English and Spanish discovered the new world, they set up multiple colonies to host their immigrants or explorers. However, there were many differences among their individual colonies. The Spanish colonies were Catholic, interactive with the natives, were governed by crown through appointed viceroys, and were usually discovered for profit, not permanent residence. The English colonies, on the other hand, were Protestant, distant with the natives, governed locally, and were discovered for permanent settlement. These major differences answer many questions as to the successes and failures of each colony, such as why there were more religious sects in the English colonies, why North America decided to eventually create unions, and why the
The Spanish and New England colonies from 1492 to 1700 were significantly similar in terms of treatment of indigenous people. Admittedly, there was a difference in the treatment of indigenous people. The Spanish conquistadors used forced labor through the encomienda system, while the New England colonists did not have forced labor systems. This difference between the treatment happend because the Spanish ran large plantations and needed manual labor, while the New England colonists survived on subsistence farming and had no need for extra labor from the Indians. On the other hand there was a similarity in the forced conversions of the Indians to a Christian faith. This similarity occurred because The Roman Catholic Church saw the Indians as people who were in need of saving and insisted that the Indians
In a time when numerous countries were beginning to explore the new and exciting land of North America during the Age of Exploration, and groups of people from England and Spain were fleeing their home countries either for religious freedom or wealth, vast and civilized colonies began to form all throughout the New World. It is in this context that the colonies founded by the English and the Spanish began to develop and grow. There was a significant difference between the Spanish and New England colonies between 1492 and 1700 in terms of the treatment of indigenous people, and there were some immense similarities between the two colonies in terms of the role of religion in their society and the
Before the English ventured to Roanoke Europeans explored and settled the New World. The Spanish were the most successful in settling the New World. They conquered most of Central and South America. Their main objective was to convert all of the Indians to Christianity. “Spain’s claim to posses the Americas was based on discovery, conquest, and settlement, but even more important, it was founded on the sacred enterprise of extending the Catholic faith to (in Spanish eyes) “barbarous” native peoples” (Horn 12).
British colonies began with less interest in natives altogether than their European rivals. The British preferred to focus on their own settlements and goals without regard for the natives that had lived on their land before them. There was a centralized focus on establishing a permanent settlement; therefore, the British, like the Dutch, did not attempt to convert many natives to Christianity as it was a lesser concern. From the very start of Spanish and French colonization, one could see that religious conversion is a pressing goal for both empires, beginning with Columbus’s initial assessment of the natives’ ability to be converted to Christianity. Columbus wrote, “ order that they may conceive affection, and furthermore be made Christian; for they are inclined to the love and service of their Highnesses...” (Columbus 6). He emphasizes that they are easily convertible and that they already hold affection for the Spanish. This is similar to the French colonization method in theory but not in practice. Both France and Spain had large mission systems, France through close-proximity Jesuit missions and Spain through
There were many reasons the New World was the most wanted to explore. The Spanish, French, and English came about the New World the same way but for different reasons. The Spanish came in search for God, Gold, and Glory. The French, for money and religious conversions of Native Americans; and the English, to find religious freedom. Each of these empires expected to come and establish a powerful empire in the New World but came across difficulties along the way, their values dictating how they run their colonies.
In a time when Native Americans occupied present-day America, the Age of Exploration began in Spain, and the Puritans who disagreed with the Church of the England fled to a place where the Puritans could practice their faith without scrutiny. It is in this context that the Native Americans used to dominate the New World until the Spanish founded New Spain for Gold, God, and Glory. The English explorers who settled in the New World after being persecuted in England and to make profit this caused conflict with the natives eventually leading to the French and Indian War. The Spanish and English colonies that settled between 1492 and 1700 were significantly different in the way the two different groups used religion to determine what happened
Spanish and English had similar motivations for exploration of the New World, such as gaining land, goods from the natives, and gold. However, their motivations also differ greatly. The Spanish conquistadors also gained slaves from the native people, as well as spreading the word of Christianity. The English settlers came to the New World to get away from the religious oppression in England and to practice religion freely, and to grow tobacco to send back to England. The Spanish gained much more land quickly because, upon landing in places like the Caribbean and Brazil, because of their conquering and enslaving of the natives. The English came to the New World much less prepared,
I have tried my best through the years to teach and steer you in the best direction I could. Now that you are having your first child, I want to let you know that right now is the time to think about how you will parent. Diana Baumrind showed that there are four kinds of parent styles being the authoritarian, the authoritative, the permissive, and the uninvolved style.