When a book is recreated into a movie there are always changes. Scenes get left out, characters are forgotten, the point of view is completely different, etcetera.. Well like most movies, The book and movie of, To Kill a Mockingbird, has its differences.
Mainly with the characters. This particular group characters didn't make an appearance in the movie. Miss Maudie, Scout's cousin, Scouts History teacher, Miss Caroline. Several of other characters that were in the book appeared in the movie but were not significant in the movie itself. The only major character difference were primarily about Scout. Scout is no longer the protagonist as she is in the book. Instead Atticus is the protagonist. The movie focuses more on the Tom Robinson Trial,
In comparison with the many similarities in the book and movie versions of To Kill A Mockingbird, there are also many differences. One huge difference that was almost impossible to miss, was the absence of Aunt Alexandra. Atticus' sister, Alexandra, was the thorn in Scout's side throughout the book. She always wanted Scout to act more like a lady. Towards the end, she became more like a mother in soothing Scout and trying to reassure her that Jem was not dead. I think Aunt Alexandra was a huge part of the story, and I think they should have kept her in the movie. Be that as it may, the movie moved along quite well without her. I also found there to be huge differences in the trial. For example, although Mayella Ewell, pretended to be very upset by Atticus' questioning, she did not accuse him of mocking her. I thought that this was somewhat significant because it was one of Mayella's tactics for trying to get pity from the jury. A more minor difference, was the combination of Miss Maudie and Miss Rachel. The two neighbors of the Finches were combined into one person for the movie. I do not think it mattered very much, because they served the same purpose in the end. They were there as comfort to Atticus and the children. A larger difference in the movie pertained to Mrs. Dubose. Mrs. Dubose did make a small appearance in the movie, but her role was cut down quite a bit from what it was originally in the book. Mrs. Dubose, a morphine addict,
Books and movies are never exactly the same. Movies tend to leave out events that took place in the novel and may do things not according to the novel. To Kill A Mockingbird has a few difference and similarities between the novel and film. One of the differences, for example, is that in the movie Dill is Miss Stephanie Crawford’s nephew, but in the book Dill is actually Mrs. Rachel’s nephew. A similarity that both share is when Atticus kills the mad dog that is disturbing the neighborhood. These are only two examples of the many similarities and differences among the novel and film.
“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, is an inspiring and amazing book. When you are reading the book, it is very easy to imagine what is happening. But, when you watch the movie, it is a little bit sad. It is emotionally sad, making you upset, not because of what is happening, but because it is so different. The book “To Kill a Mockingbird” is better than the movie, because the order is different, and the book included more characters and details.
As most everyone knows, there are differences between a book and it’s movie adaptation. This is applicable to the book and it’s movie counterpart To Kill a Mockingbird, as well. But aside from the differences, there are also similarities between these two.
There are many differences between the book; To Kill a Mockingbird and the movie. Some differences are easy to spot and some aren’t. Many things that are in the book aren’t in the movie. Many of these things you don’t need, but are crucial to the plot of the book. Movies and books have differences and similarities, but many things in books MUST be included in the movie.
Second, Jem waits until the next day to get his pants back. Third, Cal lets Atticus know that the kids were inside the courthouse. Fourth, Tom is killed by prison guards trying to escape a giant mob. As you can see there are a lot of differences from the book and the movie but they are both still able to stay on the same track. Here are soon things that stayed the same first, Tom is killed by prison guards but not for the same reason in both the movie and book.
Neither the novel nor film version of To Kill A Mockingbird is superior to the other, just different. In the book you delve more into the separate characters while in the film you see the relationships in action. The book gives you a broader view of everything, but at the same time the movie points out everything that seems important. Lastly, the novel shows Scout as a girl caught in the middle, when the movie seems to paint Scout as a girl without a inkling of what is going on.
The film and novel of To Kill a Mockingbird complement each other in many ways due to their similarities, but the book can accomplish things that the movie can’t due to it’s ability to tell. The book is written in a narrated voice, making it hard to tell the entire story through a film. The thoughts and feelings of the characters can’t always be felt and understanded through a film because of its limited time allotted, but through a book you are able to know and interpret everything. There are missing parts of the plot, along with many other differences of the story because of this. While the book is very similar to the movie and vis versa, there are many differences.
A scene that was different was when Jem, Scout and Dill went to go look in the Radley house. One difference in this scene was in the book Jem went back for his pants when they got caught in the fence and they were torn and sewn back together and hung neatly. But in the movie the pants were only hung nicely. Another difference in the scene was the gunshot that happened was miss placed. In the book it happened before Jem went back to go get his pants. But in the movie it happened during Jem going back to the Radley house to get his pants. The final thing that was different was that in the book Jem waited a while before going back to get his pants back so he had to sneak out of the house to get them. And in the movie he didn’t have to sneak out because he just went back to get them right away.
There are many similarities and differences in the book To Kill A Mockingbird and the film that was based upon it. The three main differences are the distinctions of characters, the appearance of major themes and the scenes that accompany them, and the variation of pivotal scenes in the story. Overall, the book and the movie share the same morals. They also portray the same basic storyline, although the movie lacks the details contained in the book. The novel,“ To Kill A Mockingbird,” is widely known for its portrayal of the ideas of prejudice.
The movie To Kill a Mockingbird, directed by Robert Mulligan, has many events and ideas that are different or are even are left out from it. Three of the largest and most important differences are that that Aunt Alexandra is missing, Jem and Scout do not visit Calpurnia’s church, and, most importantly, that they do not visit Ms. Dubose to read to her. With these deviations from the original work, movie end
This paper is over TKAM the movie and book to see how they are different and the same. First in the book since that is what we did first is a good novel it has many details, also Aunt Alexandra was not in the movie when she was in the book this was a big difference because in the book she was thorn to Scout, she became more like a mother in soothing Scout in the book but they did not put her in the movie which was a big difference. Another difference in between the book and movie was the combination of Miss Maudie and Miss Rachel the two neighbors of the Finches were combined into one person for the movie while in the book they were two people they were not one person. A similaritie in between the book and movie was the relationship Between Atticus and the African Americans, in both Atticus still believed in justices and he knew that Tom was not guilty in both Atticus still had a strong passion for the trial when he knew in both the book and movie that he would lose the case because the court system back then was colored blind.
One character that was missing from the movie that played an important role was Aunt Alexandra. First of all by having Aunt Alexandra in the film the reader doesn't see the feminine side to Scout instead only Scout's tomboy side is portrayed. Also, not having Aunt Alexandra around means there is no one to challenge Atticus's authority. Without Aunt Alexandra, Miss Stephanie is also left out. Seeing how Jem and Scout act around another family member is impossible when the directors' cut Aunt Alexandra out of the movie. Showing how the children act around another family member could show different sides of their personalities. A good explanation for leaving Aunt Alexandra out could be that the movie would have just been too long with too many extra parts that may have not been necessary. Rachael Haverford, the Finches' next door neighbor, was another character deleted from the book, Dill was not living with .The movie and the book have differences in the overall way the characters appear. For instance, Jem isn't nearly as physically fit in the movie as he is described in the book. Also in the book Scout is the main character and in the movie Scout doesn't really know what's going on. All of the scenes in the movie that present Scout as anything more than the narrator were cut out. In the book, Scout is more of a girl caught in the middle of Atticus and Alexandria. She acts a lot like Alexandria although she doesn't know it.
When a book is taken in by a movie company to be turned into a movie, some things are going to change or get cut out so that it meets certain requirements. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee is certainly not an exception. When Universal Productions chose to make the popular novel into a movie, the director and screenwriters had to make some important choices as to what they kept in and what they didn’t. There are many differences when you compare the two versions of To Kill a Mockingbird, but some that stood out are; the narrator of the movie is an Adult Scout looking back, the school appeared to be nicer in the movie, Aunt Alexandra isn’t mentioned in the movie at all, Scout isn’t shown when she is in class and there is more than one focus character. No movie is exactly like the book whether it be because of budget or time limit, and sometimes it can change the entire tone of the film.
This novel was also turned into a movie in 1962. The movie and the book had both similarities and differences. For instance, the relationship between Atticus and the African Americans was a similarity between the book and the movie. On the other hand the absence of Aunt Alexandra in the movie was a prominent difference between the book and the movie. The book and the movie were both good ,but there were similarities and differences in each .