
Differences Of The Juvenile Justice System

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The juvenile justice system is similar to the criminal justice system. This system is where juveniles are processed, and may be arrested after referrals for juvenile delinquency. Juvenile justice is very different in every state and can be very similar as well because every system has limited jurisdiction and that most focus is on the offenders and not their offenses. Therefore, there are 51 juvenile justice systems in the United States. The United States has the juvenile justice system because children are very different than adults – in that they can be better receptive for change and also are easier to rehabilitate. Moreover, the main goal of the juvenile justice system is rehabilitation (Juvenile Law Center). The juvenile justice …show more content…

In this case you can see that most of those are considered status offenses; which are offenses that are considered criminal acts in juvenile court but not the same of adult court. Moving on, very few of the violent cases are heard in juvenile court; which may include robbery, rape, or murder. (juv. Court: an overview)… A juvenile court case has procedures also, and are very different than those done in adult court. Like what I said in the last paper how police have a lot of discretionary power, well so does everyone else who the juvenile associates with in the juvenile justice system. Those include the prosecutors, the juvenile court intake officials, and the judges. These discretionary powers can lead to informal or formal decisions in regarding to the delinquent. Therefore, a lot of offenders never make it the formal disposition hearing. Another difference or procedure that is done in juvenile court and not in criminal court is the difference of constitutional rights of juveniles. Yes, juveniles have the right to an attorney, but in most states, that do not have the right to a jury trial. Juvenile cases can be transferred to adult court for more violent offenses, but those juveniles have the right to see if their case should be transferred over to criminal court. (juv. Court: an overview). As it is stated before, discretion in the court system can be bad or informal; however, discretion help by the juvenile justice system can be very helpful to the juvenile

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