
Different Phases Of Normal Human Development

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“Each person must live their life as a model for others” -Rosa Parks
The growth and development of children involves a complex interaction of family, school and community. Family is the first and most vital influence, as children develop school becomes an important influence then the community in which the child lives becomes a major influence. As children develop from an infant to adolescent there is constant change. In order for children to develop into intelligent, mature, unique individuals a foundation must be created during the early years of their lives. The foundation is the most crucial layer to a healthy physical, cognitive, emotional and social development (Hess et al., 2013).
All children will go through different phases of normal human development. During the phases of transitioning from an infant to an adolescent will be determined by the type of interactions children will have with their family, school, and community. These interactions can be positive or negative but the interactions will help to create a stable or unstable foundation. The foundation can consist of normal or abnormal behaviors. Normal behaviors can consist of being able to provide for one’s-self and making wise decisions. Abnormal behaviors can consist of making unhealthy decisions which could lead to confinement, substance abuse, homelessness, or possibly death. Family, community and education can all have an impact on the effects of delinquent behaviors. The family provides the base for

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