
Different Processes of Strategy

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Strategy can be defined as how an organization creates and captures value in a specific market. This definition is both sufficiently precise to have substantive content yet inclusive enough to capture what most people feel should be part of so critical a concept. The most significant element of this definition lies in the most easily overlooked part, strategy is about how to create and capture value. This highlights the importance of defining clearly the organization and product market that are the focus of the strategy. Strategy can be described as having 4 P’s. Strategy is a plan, it can be described as a direction, a guide or course of action into the future, a path to get from here to there. Strategy has a pattern, that is, consistency I behavior over time looking at past behavior. Strategy has to form as well as be formulated. Strategy is a position, namely the locating of particular products in particular markets. Strategy is a perspective, namely an organization’s fundamental way of doing things the company’s way. Strategy is also a ploy, that us a specific maneuver intended to outwit an opponent or competitor. The strategy making process, the content of strategies, organizational structures and their contexts can be divided into distinct stages. In the strategy making process each stage can be evaluated to see which processes offers the most relevant guidance to the formulation of an appropriate strategy. The strategy making process can be divided into the

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