
Different Roles of Political Parties - Government Essay

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Different Roles of Political Parties - Government Essay

In the United States, there are three major groups and they are: political party, interest group and lobbyist, and the media. These three main groups are important and each of them plays a different role. Also they can give a positive or a negative impact on the American Political System and on the people in the United States.

One of the main groups is political party. A major political party can be defined as a group of people who seek in control of government through winning the election, and holding a public office but the minor party is different. Their role is to play “spoiler role” in an election and this party can also be useful as critic and innovators. This political …show more content…

In addition to that, they use our money to campaign, to inform, and etc; and they borrow money if they want to overuse money.
Interest groups are the main group in the United States. Interest groups are the private organizations whose members share certain views and work to shape the making and the content of public policy. Also they are known as pressure group or special interest. Interest groups try to influence the policies of the government and they do strike on the one thing they focus on. This group gives a lot of positive impacts to America. These groups don’t seek for votes; they are only interested in influencing the policies of government and they help to stimulate the interests in public affairs. Also they provide useful specialized and detailed information to the government. In addition to that these groups provide checks and balances on each other and the behavior of officials in the government. Interest groups are mostly found in economic interest and they use propaganda, which is a technique of persuasion aimed at influencing individual or group behavior. Sometimes the lobbyist helps the interest groups by lobbying. Lobbying is usually defined as those activities by which a group pressures are brought to hear on legislators and the legislative process and this helps the interest groups to take their interests or the issue that

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