
Different Types Of Government Essay

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Germany In Germany, there is no central regulator for water supply and sewerage sector. There are different forms of ownership in terms of service providers. Municipality is most frequently involved in some type of ownership structure, but there are also concessionaires. Water and sewerage tariffs are approved through different procedures in every province, usually within the department of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, after a request for the tariff increase is reviewed by the independent auditor. Tariff setting is decentralised. tariffs are determined locally, but the framework for pricing is set at the federal level, which, in fact, transposes the EU legislation in this field. Water prices have to recover all the costs. …show more content…

Ofwat carries out periodical controls. The last control was conducted in 2009 and set a price limit for the period 2010-2015. Hungary Water supply sector is regulated by Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority. Water prices, are based on the principles of full cost recovery and the principle of the lowest cost for efficient operating. It is also based on the principle of avoidance of cross-subsidising across different business activities. The Regulator issues a decision whether the price was calculated in an adequate way, while the final approval of price is given by the competent minister. The regionalised water supply companies have a better status, in a sense of certain more favourable treatments in decision making on the tariff level. Prices of services are determined for each company individually, by using a comparative economical analysis of costs, prices and fees, but also considers the lowest possible cost, along with improvement of operational efficiency, effective use of capacities, permanent enhancement of the quality of supply, taking care of the conservation of natural resources, and contributions from the budget and municipalities. Serbia The Republic Municipal Utility Directorate of the Republic of Serbia determines the tariff setting methodology, improvement and development of utility services and gives opinion on the application for utility price modification. The

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