Ocean pollution is one of the biggest global killers. 5,000 people die each day because of dirty water. This is due to heavy reliance on plastics. Ocean pollution is when harmful chemicals or objects get into the ocean and contaminates it. There’s many different types of ocean pollution. For example, there’s oil, dumping, sewage, air pollution, and agricultural run off. In this essay, we’re going to be focusing on sewage pollution. Sewage pollution is animal waste and human wastewater that is washed into the ocean.
Is anybody aware that on a daily basis you could be consuming the 5 million tonnes of plastic that enters the sea annually? That is why today I will be informing you on the dangers and risks of animal and human lives due to ocean pollution. Clearly, I am against the actions of these careless people. The trash and plastic that is thrown onto the streets everyday ends up blowing into the water and polluting our world’s beautiful oceans.
This article, “Oceans of Pollution” is written by Dahr Jamail. He presents this article with many details to support his argument. Two main topics with support are used, which is how plastic is causing a great pollution affecting the fertility rates of the fish because fish can ingest tiny sizes of plastic therefore harming the creatures. As well, another topic in this article is the dead zone affecting the ocean, caused by natural environment, climate changing the temperature and human factors. This article mainly presents this article to the government to suggest for change and to humans, many who are biologists, who care about this huge problem. With the intensity of the ocean’s pollution, the article uses three rhetorical topics, pathos,
The article describe the ocean pollution through two phenomenon-- amount of plastics occur in the oceans and doubling increased “dead zones”. In term of plastic garbage, Dahr primarily states that human behavior caused “unknown ecological and evolutionary consequences” more and more small size of plastic occurred in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, tonnes of garbage float in the ocean and to the beaches. Increase in pollution impacts on ocean’s ecological
Ocean pollution is caused by many things,plastic,humans, and oil spills, we are trying to stop this. So many people just put the plastic in the ocean and people are trying to stop them. Two billion people within 30 miles of the coast create 100m of coastal plastic waste. We can help by reducing plastic in waste stream, and try to stop pollution. Another way we can help is by recycling (Doc.1). We cause pollution to by dumping trash and garbage onto beaches. We have to help protect oceans by monitoring the water to see if people can go swimming (Doc.2). The oceans have to stay healthy because they are a habitat to animals (OI). Another reason we have to keep oceans healthy because they are a big food source for us (OI). In
As instructed in class, this proposal is written in response to the proposal requests for environmental innovations in CCDP2100. Team OPC is seeking approval from you, Dr. Marlene Lundy, to continue working on our innovation that would tackle the pollution crisis in the ocean. In the following sections of the memo, background information to the problem, technical aspects of the innovation, and the proposed timeline of the project will be discussed.
Ocean dumping and trash pollution are huge environmental health problem in the United States and around the world. Not only does the water pollution affect water we use, but endangers and kills animals and plants that use the ocean as their home or as a source of food to survive. If trash, such as plastic, makes their way into the main sewage system, they also can make their way to the ocean when water treatment system facilities are overflowed with rain water. In addition, some boater’s will dump their trash directly into the sea, which at one point was the main cause of plastic being in the ocean.
Marine pollution is the represented as the contamination of sea environment through various activities either taking place on earth or within the sea. Most of the contamination is caused through human intervention of sea environment. The water on land in thrown in sea taking a number of contaminated materials with itcaucuses the marine pollution.On the otherhand the litter thrown in sea is also one of the major causes of earth pollution sent into seas. The marine environment is also contaminated through oil spills and petroleum related causes of marine pollution adversely affect the marine environment (O'Hara,
Squeak! Whoosh! This is the sound of a dolphin, or in fact any animal dying of pollution. Pollution is when any harmful substance or source reach the water, and pollute it. This can effect in dangerously harming, and killing sea life. According to Passage #2, it states that, “Each day thousands of tons of trash and waste are dumped into the oceans of the world.” Every day, more and more waste is being poured into our oceans, and it is doing nothing but harm. Ocean pollution is having a negative effect on sea life because of ocean dumping/littering, oil spills, and noise pollution.
The oceans face many types of pollution every day, every second. The ocean is our greatest ecosystem and out most valuable resource. A common misconception is that the rainforests are the lungs of the planet however, the majority of our oxygen is made via the algae in the sea. The oceans feeds, hydrates, and provides us with oxygen; ironically enough, despite its monetary value to mankind, it is what is treated the worst. For ages we have been dumping our trash, chemicals, and waste into the oceans with no fear or regret, almost an “out of sight- out of mind” mentality. People once and still assume that the oceans are so vast that all of the pollution is diluted and would be dispersed through out, going unnoticed. However, dilution is a myth and an idea that renders ocean dumping to be less impactful. Even so much of the man made pollution is becoming even more concentrated and have entered our natural food chain. However vast the waters of the ocean are, they are not meant to house all of these external factors. There are many alternatives to marine pollution including recycling, finding alternative trash dump sites, cutting down on harmful chemicals for agriculture, and most importantly having the ability to recognize when a problem is developing and counter act, immediately.
Although the ocean covers approximately two thirds of the Earth’s surface, it is surprisingly susceptible to human influences. The effects of rubbish dumping have tainted our oceans and they have taken their toll on the vast marine environments and the populations in which they contain. Rubbish dumping involves depositing all the waste materials from factories and industries, tankers and ships and sewerage waste materials into the oceans and seas. In the report “Causes and Effects of Ocean Dumping”, the author Sharda states that “The wastes that are dumped into the oceans tend to have toxic substances which soak in all the oceanic oxygen. This
North America is not the only area that is affected by pollution. The greenhouse effect, pollution-related health issues, and several forms of pollution exist globally and harm nations worldwide. For example, ocean pollution impacts any region that has a coast. Every square mile of Earth 's oceans has been affected by human pollution, and roughly 40% of marine ecosystems, such as lagoons and coral reefs, have been damaged from human pollution. This type of ocean pollution can include over-fishing, poaching, and greenhouse gases.4 Informing the general population about the harmfulness and spread of ocean pollution is a vital step in the process of ending it.
The Ocean is full of beautiful and amazing sea life. Unfortunately, humans are polluting the water, which is negatively affecting the Ocean's inhabitants. One major problem facing sea mammals, such as whales and dolphins, is entanglement. Fishing nets, packing strips, and plastic bags are just some of the sources that trap and entangle them, which can cause them to drown. A report done by World Wildlife Fund-U.S. estimates that fishing nets kill around 1,000 marine mammals each day (Owen 2005). Our plastic trash often ends up on beaches and in the ocean, and marine life can mistake it for food. Ingesting plastic frequently kills them. Seagulls, sea lions, and dolphins are some of the most common victims of plastic ingestion. Another pollution
Animals can become snagged on the plastic or mistake it for food, slowly killing them over a long period of time. Another cause of marine pollution is that Industrial and agricultural waste are another most common form of wastes that are directly discharged into the oceans, resulting in ocean pollution. The dumping of toxic liquids in the ocean directly affects the marine life as they are considered hazardous and secondly, they raise the temperature of the ocean, known as thermal pollution, as the temperature of these liquids is quite high. Animals and plants that cannot survive at higher temperatures eventually will die. Another problem of marine pollution is land ran off. This occurs when water from rain or flooding flows over the land and into the ocean.
As the world develops and the human population grows there is more pollution being dumped into the oceans, causing major problems to marine life and ecosystems. Major causes of marine pollution involve non-point pollutants, marine garbage, toxic ocean pollutants and sewage disposal in oceans. From heavy metal poisoning including lead and mercury killing predators such as sharks and whales, to waste getting trapped in the digestive tracts of marine animals, this essay focuses on how human interference causes horrifying problems to the marine life, but also how to fix it. It will also explore the normal activities of people including farming and how this can cause an imbalance in an ecosystem. Everyday activities can cause massive nutrient
The ocean covers seventy percent of the planet. It helps to produce more than half of the planet’s oxygen in the atmosphere by using plankton and algal plankton, which are found under the sea. Plankton and algae plankton provides nutrients for all marine species. The ocean also helps to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. There are around four million people depend on fish as their primary source of food. But since the past decades, the ocean has been in danger due to marine pollution. In other words, the Danger has happened because we are adding toxic and harmful chemicals into the ocean, rivers, and lake, which accumulates and spreads out in the water current. A scientist has found that eighty percent of marine pollution comes from land-based activities. Many questions have arisen due to marine pollution. The first one is why is micro beads pollution harmful to the environment? The text will discuss the cause and consequences of micro beads. The second question is how is marine pollution harming the marine wildlife? The text will discuss the cause of marine pollution to the marine wildlife and the consequences of marine pollution to the marine wildlife. Finally. The third questions are why is marine pollution harmful to our climate? The paper will discuss the consequences of marine pollution to the climate change and the prevention of marine pollution.