
Different Views Of Foster Care

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There are few things in this world that are pristine and new, clean-slated and fresh. A newborn child is just one of these things; unaware of feelings, human interactions, the joys or fears of life, and the world as a whole. However, what contact this child has with the world will shape and develop the mind, personality, emotions, and stability of the sense of self from the very beginning. It is because of these interactions that people are able to develop a healthy persona and it can determine how they intergrade with the world around them and all of whom they come across. Unfortunately not all children are lucky enough to be born into a healthy environment that will nurture the child to its full potential. Some children have bad …show more content…

Though that was not until 1954, and before then, the first foster programs in the country worked more as a trading market for children who were taken from their families (McDonald, Allen, Westerfelt, & Piliavin, 1996). But with today’s laws and regulations set into place, it has become a much more trustworthy program to help children in need of protection, a home, a safe haven. The system is not as simple as a child is immediately taken from its family and placed into a new home or living environment. It is a lot more complicated and there are also many steps to the foster care system on the goals for placement of children. The best option is to hopefully keep the child with their families for as long as possible if the child is receiving adequate care, however, that is not always possible. The Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Amendments of 1980 helped modify the existing programs in place prior to the 1980s with certain goals that system should try strive for: first being to keep the child in his/her home unless the circumstances made this impossible; second was trying to reunite the child with his/her biological families as soon as possible; third was adoption of the child to limit the amount of time the child was placed in temporary care; fourth was guardianship; and then if all else failed, long-term foster care (McDonald, Allen, Westerfelt, & Piliavin, 1996).
Despite the unpleasant past of the

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