How to Take the Headache Out of Finding Your Mr Right
By Moyra Matson | Submitted On September 09, 2014
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Expert Author Moyra Matson
Most of us are familiar with the saying "you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your handsome prince". As lame as it may sound, unless you are incredibly lucky, it's absolutely right.
For myself, never has a truer word been said, as having been single on and off for many years
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You need to be precise about what you want but not in an uncompromising way. Some things on your tick sheet are going be deal breakers whereas other things you may be able to be more flexible about. For example, I don't smoke and my deal breaker was always a smoker. It was an absolute non negotiable for me and to back down on that issue would have been disastrous for me. I simply can't live with a smoker so there would have been no point pretending or hoping I could. Do you see where I am going with this?
Some issues can be taken a little more lightly. You may really like to play a particular sport and hope to find a partner that does the same. Whilst it sounds really ideal to be doing something you both love it can sometimes cause unnecessary competition within a relationship. It's also healthy to have some separate interests in a relationship too. You don't want to be joined a the hip 24/7. Outside interests help keep a relationship alive.
Having a plan in your mind about the person you want to be involved with (and sticking to the plan) will automatically up your chances of success in the dating game and in finding your Mr Right. Remember, a goal without a plan is just a dream. Formulate your plan and turn your dream into your
(Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a wife finds a good thing.”) but also make yourself available and get out the house. Lose that look of “I am taken.”
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Back in your parent’s day, dating was a lot simpler. You simply met the guy/girl through a prearranged situation by your family, and “boom” happily ever after. In the 21st century where people are more conscious of self and more in tune with their personal desires, dating is not so easy. Luckily, there is the advanced study of social psychology to help you meet the person of your dreams. In this how -to guide you will take a journey through social psychological concepts, to show you how to have successful dates and form good relationships.
At some point in our lives where we are searching for that special someone. The methods of going about dating have changed quite dramatically over the years. Going out has grown from traditional dating, to internet 'dating', to group dating.
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Could we somehow come up with a formula? A magic formula to ensure successful dating experiences? What are the dating rules? Because there are rules. Both men and women have certain expectancies of how dating should go. And let’s not even get into the actual meaning of “dating”. But for the sake of this article let’s use Merriam Webster’s definition of dating as “the series of social engagements shared by a couple looking to get married.”
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Finding ‘the one’ can be quite a journey. And most advice available tends to be superficial that mostly focuses on seduction and other frivolous theories. Mindful dating helps you refocus and reconnect. Here are a few steps on how to achieve that:
If you follow these guidelines, you are sure to find true love after the first date. This advice has worked for many girls, and they always share it with their closest friends. You will be seeing this advice all over the place because it is the easiest and most successful way to win a guy over. The writer of this advice, who has recently been revealed under the name of Mal Mal, has become a practical therapist to other college girls looking for love. Despite her own words turning against her, she still chooses to share her advice. If she can help other girls in college find love, she
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We live in a generation where losing your phone is worse than losing your virginity.
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Laura Mesi is an Italian fitness instructor who went viral because she got fed up of waiting for Mr. Right, so she simply decided to marry herself. It is surprisingly not just a phrase though, because she literally did. Including all the wedding preparations such as wearing a wedding gown and having a wedding cake.