
Digital Tools Controversy

Decent Essays

This controversy will have significant impact on students and teacher stakeholder in school. People are arguing about whether digital tools are effective in students’ writing. Some people argue digital tools have an impact on their writing and other people argue digital tools have no impact on students’ writing. There are some positive and negative impacts using digital tools. Digital tools help students fix their mistakes before students put their paper up online. Digital tools are tools that help improve people’s writing such as Google Docs which students can get feedback from teacher: “Teachers and other students can provide feedback on a document: You simply highlight a word or sentence and insert a comment ” (Sweeney sec.7). Google docs …show more content…

Her purpose is to argues that digital tools are wonderful tools help students to improve their writing also digital tools can help the teachers teach students the English language effectively. She claims, “Increasingly, part of that experience is learning to use technology as a fountain for the writing process”(Haas, sec.2). In another words, she explains that learn how to use technology to help students’ writing process. She is experienced with technology since all her writing classes are performed digitally and experiment with digital literacy. She teaches a class which students bring their technology such as a laptop inside class and use their computer to put their homework online so students can provide feedback to improve their writing. She explains her four top reasons why digital tools help improve writing and how they are effective in writing: “Her top four reasons are digital tools help interact with students, English as a second language, student interact with materials, and digital tools help teachers to be more effective with teaching”(Haas sec.5-8) She explains her reasons for going digital tools is a good idea. She explains that digital tools are effective for the student to get feedback from the teacher: “Going digital allows greater opportunity for students to collaborate, and for instructors to provide feedback in an …show more content…

Anya Kamenetz’s purpose is to support both digital tools and handwriting have positive and negative effects. Kamenetz explains both digital tools and handwriting are effective, “Writing for the page will continue to have its place, but writing for the web will be students’ first language and it’s up to teachers to help them learn how to do it well” (sec.6). She explains both digital tools and handwriting are important for students. Her point is that people still use handwriting to write a diary, on calendar and notes. “Students put their paper online make them work harder to fix their mistakes before put up online” (Kamenetz). Digital tools can make students work harder and motivate them about writing: “First, the good. Writing on the web is public or potentially public. This in itself seems to encourage students to work harder and be more excited about their written work” (Kamenetz sec.2). Digital tools help the student to work harder because student’s paper will be put online; it will cause the student not to make mistakes, and be more careful about writing a paper. Her tone is informative and advising students, which is more effective by not using digital tools or use digital tools to help to write. “The survey also highlighted some common concerns about digital tools’ effects on written

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