
Dilemman Model Of HRM

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Michigan Model According to this model, HRM practices are interrelated and directed towards organizational performance. It also identifies the existence of a human resource cycle with inherent HRM practices carried out in all organizations. Unlike the Harvard Model, the Michigan Model lends more weight to control than influence in managing human resources. Put another way, it does not consider the distinct nature of human resources as compared to the other organizational resources. One of the first explicit statements of the HRM concept was made by Devanna et al., (1984). The Michigan model: focuses on hard HRM. It holds that people should be managed like any other resources According to this model, selection, appraisal, development and rewards were …show more content…

This is supported by Williams (2004) that eight out of ten high commitment practices examined such as training, team working, reduced status, communication and involving employees in decision making had significant effects on worker attitudes based on the logic of normative theories of HRM. According to Chandler and McEvoy (2000) , one of the lingering questions in HRM research is whether or not there is a single set of policies or practices that represents a ‘universally superior approach’ to managing people . Theories on best practices or high commitment theories suggest that universally, certain HRM practices, either separately or in combination are associated with improved organizational performance. Researchers have also found that those well-paid, well-motivated workers, working in an atmosphere of mutuality and trust, generate higher productivity gains and lower unit costs (Boxall, 1996; Lowe and Oliver, 1991; Pfeffer,

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