On October 20, 2016, Jackson State University celebrated 139 years of providing people with an education. The university held a convocation early Thursday morning, and many students, faculty, and staff were in attendance. The Sonic Boom of the South and and chorale of singers provide guests with entertainment. The keynote speaker for this event was Cynthia Butler-McIntyre who is a graduate of Dillard University and a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated. Mrs. McIntyre spoke very well but a few things she said stuck with me. She talked about how many commercials have everyday animals and objects that are now speaking. The keynote speaker was trying to say that we need to step our game up in society because everyday things are now
The session that I attended was Dolores Huerta speech, which was very interesting. Dolores Huerta was born on April 10, 1930, she is a labor leader and civil rights activist who, along with Cesar Chavez, co-founded the national Farmworkers association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW). Huerta has received numerous awards for her community service and advocacy for workers, immigrants, and women’s rights. She is truly a leader, working tirelessly to help the poor and women and children. She talks about war, genocide, Mass incarceration, and poverty. During her participation in non-violent protest she was arrested 22 times trying to make changes in society. Her main question was what can we do as people to solve things in the
Her transition into her conclusion was not obvious, and it did not reiterate any of the main ideas from the body. Her closing sentence “We should be getting adults to start thinking more like children”, is an ironic and powerful statement. It would have closed the speech very well, if she had slowed down when she was speaking it. It sounded like she was going to tell us more, because of the way she said the last sentence. Because of this, there was a slight awkward pause between her ending and the audiences clapping. Despite the weird ending, I could tell the audience really enjoyed her speech. It was memorable because of the way she delivered her information, her use of visual aids, and it’s relativity to the audience. I feel the primary message was not only to inform about how children think, but also to encourage adults to be more open minded, imaginative, and creative. In other words, be more like a
Michelle Obama is giving a speech at Bowie State University. The location and reason of the speech is part of the “Reach Higher” initiative to encourage education beyond high school. Michelle Obama begins the speech by thanking the University the Opportunity to be there and the staff. This includes Freeman Hrabowski, a professor who won the Presidential Medal of Excellence. Next, Mrs. Obama thanks the class of 2013 at Bowie State and give them recognition for being the few who have been able to continue the education while also maintaining the personal life and matters. After she gives recognition the class, she then begins to mention historical context including the first African Baptist Church and how it helped begin offering many African
During the entire speech, her pathos was very dominant to the argument. She starts out her speech with an anecdote, so she can establish a personal emotional connection with her audience. In her second paragraph she uses the sentence, “... decades before valet parking, fondue lunches, and gear
Attending a Midwestern University Commencement ceremony provides both a sense of history and accomplishment, beginning with bagpipers leading the procession of graduates; continuing with the traditional music, speeches and conferral of degrees; and concluding with the faculty lining the auditorium lobby and applauding the
Cornel West spoke at Texas A&M University-Commerce as a guest speaker on September 28th in order to discuss why race matters in 2016. He talked about different subjects including race in politics, social justice, social economics, police accountability, and prominent social justice warriors. Filling the shoes of Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. West kindly educated the students and faculty by discussing the current racial justice movement, what the movement stands for, and what they intend to do. The insight that Dr. West offered helped me better understand the difficulties of racial tension, and what we can do to stop both racial and social injustice. What I found particularly interesting about his speech was the way that he captivated the audience.
A convocation is a special gathering of a group of individuals formally assembled for a special purpose. North Carolina A&T’s Fall Convocation was an assembling for academic and athletic recognition that brought great encouragement. The great speaker gave vital information regarding tactics to push toward success for students and teachers. Dr. Anthony Graham’s great motto, “Keep your hand in the plow, hold on,” is very impactful and has great meaning, encouraging you to reach your set goals.
The first thing to notice about the Talk to Chuck advertisement was the medium ¡V animation. The ads were not exactly cartoons ¡V they were shot on film and then coloured over using the Rotoscopy technology from MIT Media Labs veteran Bob Sabiston (the same technology was used in the movie ¡§Waking Life¡¨). The animated ads succeeded in focusing people¡¦s attention to the conversations. Somehow the removal of the real-world details present in the live actor¡¦s face and retention of the actual background set, forced consumers move past what they were seeing and shifted their attention to the dialogue. The characters discussed about commissions, trades and plans for the future.
He also did this because He wanted to impress the audience so that they could remember what he was his topic show the importance of the first impression to a people. The last two “Blah, Blah” was mean “ thank you”, He meant this by gave people a bow after he said “Blah, blah” to finish his talk. He also used our daily life example to connect with the audience. He showed to audience the redesign of the Diet Coke can by Turner Duckworth, and compared with the Charlie Brown’s face he had given before. He said that the Diet Coke gave the credit of show just enough information. However, he explain the “Unuseful Clarity: was the post ads that Coca-Cola has bought in the subway. “You moved to New York With the clothes on your back, the cash in your pocket,and your eyes on the prize. You’re on
Looking back, I regard attending WBU one of my best lifetime decisions. Before I discuss my experiences at WBU, it would be prudent to first give a brief background of myself. To begin with, I have had the opportunity of serving my country in the military and in a way; this has largely shaped my personality and my outlook of life. In that regard, I have come to appreciate the value of life more than ever before. Further, the time I have served in the military has taught me that success is possible in any facet of life with the right attitude, determination and personal sacrifice.
The messages presented by Greg Bell and Ricardo Semler were very unique and enjoyable. Both speakers did a fantastic job utilizing real world applications to build a stronger connection with their audience as well as their viewers. As Bell mentioned, each of us are miracles and to recognize this is extremely valuable both in the workplace and for our daily lives. As a reminder that we are each miracles Bell states we shall, “follow our hearts, clear our minds, and take care of our bodies.” We are the builders of our foundations. Every move we make and every step we take are the building blocks to making our hopes and dreams come true. It is important that we never lose sight of our hopes and dreams, and that we are patient, persistent,
It was intriguing of how Marjalissa used personal details in her speech and her husband, his service dog, and his disability, of which required his service dog. I also enjoyed the introduction, which was attention grabbing on a news story, where a service dog was no longer able to serve, due to the emotionally disturbing experience from being attacked from the other dog who was a fake service dog and not properly trained or certified. It is upsetting how many think it is alright to bring a fake service dog into public, where it potentially hurt others and their service
It contained a good message and you could tell that she truly had a conviction to get this message out there. When she spoke, you could tell she was speaking from the heart because she was stumbling on her words in places and her voice would crack when she really got into it. Being a Christian the message that all change comes from love really resonated with me. After all Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love. It is through love that we find empathy with our fellow man and without it we could not be a society and would never accomplish anything. Ultimately it is the duty of everyone to stand up for what they feel is right just as abolitionist John G. Fee did when wrote Cassius Clay and asked, “what is the duties of American citizens in their respective spheres in life” this being a question that by its very nature assumes the responsibility of all in working towards the moral good. Overall I think this was a good presentation. Her clear commitment to the message made it a very affective speech. She did however have some bad things to say about certain political figures. These comments could cause someone who agrees with those she spoke badly of, to decide to tune her out and not even consider her argument. But like I said before, to me this was the best convocation all
They often tell me they are deeply moved by my keynote address, at a number of levels. I strive to inspire the young and remind those
President Reveley, Chancellor O'Connor, board, faculty staff, distinguished guests, family and friends, and most importantly, Class of 2008.