
Dillion Rostie

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be friends with a disabled person? Make that a loud, sensitive, malodorous, but confident person who talks nonstop. My friend, Dillion Rostie, was the bravest and the most homoerotic guy that I ever met. If he wasn't only 4 feet tall with a curved spine that made him waddle side to side, you would have never even guessed he had anything wrong with him. Well, that's because there was nothing wrong with him. He was the reason that 4rd grade was one of my best years. Dillion mostly lived in a wheelchair, he had corkscrew, dirty blond hair, sea blue eyes and the craziest, most malevolent smile i've ever seen, he was always smiling. We were table partners and after school playmates and we made sure that …show more content…

His mom told me “you are the best friend Dillion always wanted, thank you for giving him a chance”. At that time it didn't really mean that much to me, but now however, it breaks my heart. I realize now that I was Dillon's only ‘real’ friend. Everyone else made fun of him because of the poopy diaper smell he gave off, and his extraordinarily loud personality, but that's what made him so unique. I remember one distinct field trip in the 4th grade, we were off to downtown Denver for a scavenger hunt. We were each assigned a piece of paper with objects we had to find around town. Also, we were of course assigned to a teacher and at least one parent. I was in a group with Dillion, his mom, my teacher and some other girl. I was always the one who got to push Dillion around in his wheelchair and I loved it. We would always go really fast and i'd pick up my feet and stand on this little metal part of his wheelchair as we were going down the paths. It was towards the end of the day when we were wrapping up our field trip, when we saw a guy running. But was weird was, he was running, like really running over to a guy sitting down with his back against the big

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