The song Dimensions and Verticals is written by the indie rock group Say Hi To Your Mom. The lyrics are quite beautiful and genius. The song is about how people change to fit in. the narrator compares the author to a legal pad and pen or pencil. The verse “Would you draw me with your pencils and your pens, make me much prettier than I really am?” The narrator is asking if the author accepts her for who she is. The narrator wants to know why they have to change. Why would they waste their time trying to be something or someone they are not. The narrator also asks if their friends are good enough. She believes people judge her based on her friends. The line, “And could you draw us with some picture perfect friends if I chipped in for the ink?”
The song, “All Star” by Smash mouth is about how it’s ok to be different because no one can succeed by being normal and average. This theme is represented many times throughout the song with metaphors and some imagery with a little personification. These examples express this theme by saying funny and childish sayings to explain a more powerful meaning. The theme “being different is ok” is shown throughout the song by using literary devices.
these poems follow each other in society that exists even today. As a society, we select who we look up to and who we view as everything. It is from these celebrities that society learns what is beautiful and girls like in Barbie Doll don’t fit in. Everyone saw a fat nose on thick legs, In the end, neither of these characters win. They both have their own pressures, brought on by the society they live in. These problems still pervade in our society today. These two poems show that across the board, anyone can feel pressured into committing suicide. It doesn’t matter of the age, gender, or how much money we have everyone can be screwed up. This often is the pressures and expectations of society to be perfect like in Barbie Doll, or the man who everyone wants to be. The American dream is to be rich and famous, to have everyone want to be you. The nightmare of the situation is that you still won’t be happy once you reach this goal. In the same way trying to change something about yourself like the way you look it will lead you to never be happy as you are. There will always be something to change. These poems express that the higher you are placed on a scale
Once I was able to associate these words to emotions and issues present in everyday life, the poem started to make me feel sad. I began thinking about all of the emotions and feelings that everyone hides as they go about life. For example, how the waitress I see once a week may have an eating disorder, or how the singer I look up to just lost her son, or the businessman who got laid off today. Everyone has their own personal battle that they carry everywhere, at any given moment. This explains why the setting is so plain, since the internal struggles people face affect them even at a bus stop. While each person waits, the waitress may be thinking about how much skinnier the person next to her is. The singer could be remembering when she held her baby. And the business man could be planning how to break the news to his wife. No matter how small, everyone experiences a type of trauma or bad experience, and this poem seemed to show what happens when these emotions become bottled up. No one can help each other because they are so stuck within their own issues. The difficulty helping others reminded me of the idea of having to take care of yourself before being able to take care of others.
A song that that has a lot of meaning and expresses my thoughts is “Headphones” by Britt Nicole. My interpretation of the song is you may struggle with fitting in but God made you the way you are supposed to be, so do not let what others say get to you. The beginning of the song is about a girl struggling to fit in. Her parents are telling her she is great, but the kids at school are telling her that she is weird. Because of this the girl wishes she could die. As the song goes Britt Nicole gives advice to those who are struggling with self-confidence. She says to put on headphones and listen to encouraging music. This song means a lot to me. As a teenager I have worried about what other people think of me. When I listen to this song
This song implies that individual’s are violating the norms and values of society. They start the song with a verse that expresses
This genre I chose was a song written by my friend Diego Lemos or his stage name as Tri-Limb who is a rapper and myself which is some normal dude who plays the guitar. I chose to write a short little song because we’re both musicians and writing is one of the things that we enjoy to do on our free time. First line, lyric was basically saying that it can be a really bad addiction died to the nicotine inside the tobacco and smoking it doesn’t make you cool. Second line means that smoking can make you less or even worse appealing to other people, because smoking can give you wrinkles, bad breathe, and your teeth can change colors and that don’t sound like someone you would want to go on a date with. Third line says you’re committing suicide,
“There are a number of different lyrics used in songs that have been derived from poetry” (Kumar). Poetry is an older form of art and song lyrics have evolved from the art. However, it is a great debacle over which one can be considered the higher art form. The underlying question is if song lyrics have evolved past poetry, or has poetry remained artistic and intellectual. Despite bearing some superficial similarities, the differences between “To a Daughter Leaving Home” and “Never Grow Up” in imagery, message, and point of view are prevalent causing poetry to be considered a higher form of art.
Let’s make a wall, so immigrants will not be able to come in. This is a pledge of a presidential candidate Donald Trump. Although there are many reasons for Trump to argue that America needs a wall, one of the reasons is that the population of illegal immigrants is rapidly increasing recently and also increase the population of gangs. The author of ‘Vertical Expansion’ uses the counter argument with logical connections and evidence as real problems that most people and even the country currently struggle with and creates friendliness in the text to prove his argument and persuade the audience.
This artist ,Kevin Abstract, uses the “Miserable America” song as a way to show the world his sexuallity while explaining the hardships he’s gone through as a gay man of color. Abstract talks about everything from his mother and bestfriend being homophobic to his boyfriends parents not accepting him due to his skin color. Abstract uses “Miserable America” to show the world many things most people don’t realize or even consider is an actual issue some people experience in their lives. This artist persuades his listener with the use of rhetoric such as euphemism.
The song I will be analyzing is “Mind of Logic” written and performed by Logic. He wrote this song to try to get people to look at life through his prospective. There are many different themes in his songs but the best theme for this song is logic promoting that he is half black and half white. Being the middle ground of race allows him to seek a world in which everybody sees eye to eye, in this song he said “Why does everybody feel the need to judge one another when we are all the same.” The meaning of that part of the song is why do people get judged by the way they look or the way they act when we should all be supporting each other because we are all human.
So why would the band choose to illustrate such a serious stage of personal development with the nursery rhyme-like style of the song's chorus? Before we get to that, the song's emotional and psychological message must first be examined.
For this assignment, I chose the song “Praying” by Kesha. This song is advocating for Kesha’s freedom and any other individual seeking freedom from who or what is controlling them. Kesha’s music producer allegedly controlled every aspect of the young musician’s life. She claims she was sexually assaulted and that she had not been able to release any music since 2014. A demanding legal contracting bonded the two individuals together. Kesha took a stand and pursed legal actions in hopes of releasing her from the contract. In March of 2017, Kesha was set free, her music producer’s position of CEO was terminated and not renewed. Kesha’s lyrics show grace, throughout the song there is not a single lyric wishing anything bad upon her producer. Instead, Kesha states “I hope you’re somewhere praying, praying. I hope your soul is changing, changing. I hope you find your peace.”, to address that she hope he becomes a better person and finds his own peace. Kesha also addresses her personal growth during such a difficult time throughout the song in the following lyrics, “Oh, but after everything you’ve done I can thank you for how strong I have become. ‘Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell. I had to learn how to fight for myself”. In those lyrics, Kesha is telling her fans that this experience did not define her and that there is always hope, no matter how bad the situation is.
These sample verses from each artist allows the listeners to understand that before the hard work garnered fame, there was an enormous amount of growing pains.
The lyrics of a song often have no substance and a clear example would be any Britney Spears song. The lyrics of “All Falls Down” are very deep. They talk about the ideal situation in life; We should go to school, get a good job and make money to buy what we want. The lyrics then ask, what if this doesn’t happen? This is prevalent in the first verse. “She has no idea what she doing in college. That major that she majoring, it don’t make no money.” The song questions these everyday values because we focus so much on these things, we don’t realize there are more important things in life such as life itself. Even Kanye admits that he spent money at Jacob’s Jewellery store before he thought about a house. “I went to Jacob with
Understood, please don’t disturb Don’t forget, they forgive This is all too good Don’t accept, just reflect Let it all fall down The world in black in white Imagining the colors The photo’s that we keep Vinyls on repeat