Interesting choices. I think you can make several strong contrast points. I think you might run into trouble making several strong comparison points. If you can come up with about 4 really strong comparison points, I think you can pull off a good paper. The reasons I am concerned because some of the first things you think of comparing don't line up. They were not used for the same purpose. We don't really know how or who would have seen the Dionysiac Mystery Frieze. Our best guess is only those who were members of the cult. The first mention of the Garden of Earthly Delights is in a palace, but we don't know if it was original used or made for a religious context. One is the story of an individual going through initiation, and the other does
The compare and contrast essay is about the book Johnny Tremain, and the Disney movie Johnny Tremain. The movie and book are similar in some ways, but they are different in other ways, too. Three examples that I will be writing about are: Rab- in the book and in the movie, Johnny in the book and in the movie too, and people in the movie, one similarity with characters. So, this is the compare and contrast essay of the book Johnny Tremain and the Disney movie.
I’m going to be comparing and contrasting “ The Monsters” and “ Andy Griffith Show.” Then I will tell about which I thought was the best and made more sence. For example I thought “ Andy Griffith Show” made more sence to me than “ The Monsters.” Another example could be “ The Monsters” takes place in on a street and “ Andy Griffith Show” takes place in a town. Now I’m going to explain more ways to compare and contrast them.
You have some good points and ideas. The post really wants you to explore similarities in the artworks. Where the artwork is today does not really tell us anything about the values and beliefs of those cultures. Also, you were to compare 2 different cultures. In one of you posts, you compare Egypt to Egypt. In future posts, I will be looking for you all to answer the questions more directly. It is also better to compare known facts instead of possibilities. So comparing the possibility that the seated scribe was a royal is not a good comparison point because there is little to no evidence to make the
Compare and contrast essays are explained in Ch. 16. Please describe and provide examples of two situations where a compare and contrast essay would be appropriate.
This sculpture was given the title, “Dionysus,” and is dated at 50 – 150 A.D. During that period, the Roman Empire went through a civil war, multiple rebellions, a couple disastrous fires, the building of the Colosseum, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the peak of Roman military expansion and thirteen different Emperors. One of which started the Flavian Dynasty, which would bring stability to the empire that was crumbling because of financial strife. With all of these events happening, good and bad, it seems difficult to pin point the inspiration or message behind this sculpture. But if you break that period of time down into parts, it may be easier to get a feel for what the artist was feeling so strongly about, whether it was inspired by
Topic: How religious and natural symbolism ties into the unravelling of characters in the novel.
There are many similarities and many differences when it comes to the two articles that were given to the class. The titles of these articles are, In an Ancient Mexican Tomb, High Society and Aztec Sacrifice. The similarities between the two consist of, informing the audience, the good details, the audience, and the topic of ancient people and their culture. The differences between the two are, the tone of voice, the audience, and the structure of both of these articles. Between High Society and Aztec Sacrifice, there are many similarities and many differences that expand the mindset of the reader.
The Apollonian and the Dionysian is a philosophical concept based on different mythologies, many Philosophers and figures have invoked this dichotomy in critical and creative works. Both are one of the important themes within Nietzsche’s first major work, The Birth of Tragedy and they are terms used to designate the two central principles in Greek culture.
The chosen art piece, from Roman origin, is titled “Dionysus” and portrayed Dionysus, the god of wine, with his follower Pan. This artwork is a great example of Greek art’s influence in Roman artwork. The main elements of Greek’s naturalistic art, specifically of High Classical period, are rendered beautifully in this piece combined with distinctive elements from verism, unique to Roman art. So, the idealism of Greek art and the individualism of Roman art come together to create an art piece that is divine, mythical, and yet very human and therefore, relatable.
In the three stories, The Landlady, Monkey's paw, and Flowers for Algernon. These three stories all are written by different people and all include suspense. Suspense is a tool used in writing and helps keep the readers on their toes and into the book. The Landlady was written by Roald Dahl, Monkey's Paw was written by W. W. Jacobs, and flowers for Algernon was written by Daniel Keyes.
Compare and Contrast Activity I chose to compare and contrast the two stories The Little Hen and The Elves and the Shoe maker. Reading The Little Red Hen makes me really feel like I was her and how I would feel. Listening to The Elves and the Shoe Maker makes me visuals what going on in the story. The Little Red Hen did everything herself and had no help because the dog, cat, and mouse were as lazy as a sloth.
The guards’ ropes fell apart, their latches opened, and they realized that they could not imprison Dionysus and his followers. Dionysus was taken to Pentheus, and tried to explain his worship. Pentheus only listened to his own anger, and insulted Dionysus. “Dionysus gave up and left Pentheus to his doom. Pentheus pursued Dionysus followers up into the hills where they had gone after walking away from his prison. Many of the local women including Pentheus’ mother and sister had joined them there. Then Dionysus appeared to his followers in his most
The first thing I noticed were the way the relations between the couples began in the stories. Pyramus and Thisbe grew up together and were in love since they were children. Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight. After the moment they have spotted each other, they fell head over heels in love with one another. When does that ever happen? I believe this is when Shakespeare was trying to show that there was going to be consequences for being so naïve. Shakespeare probably felt young love, especially at first sight, was foolish. Romeo and Juliet shows the consequences of young love and moving too fast. That is how I read it.
Thesis Statement: The characters and events of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe have symbolic similarities to events described in the Bible.
In the last 50 years, Antarctica has rose 3˚ (Cool Antarctica, N.D). This may not seem like a very big increase. However both Antarctica and Greenland have very sensitive environments and increases like that can lead to species being endangered or even extinct. In Fact the International Union for Conservation of Nature claims that 11 of the 17 known penguin species are at risk of extinction. Adelie penguins are at the most risk. This is because of breeding struggles.